Sunday, April 1, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Before I share my finds, I want to share something scary that happened to me in blogland a couple days ago. I was commenting on blogs when all of sudden, when I would click Publish, Blogger wanted me to sign in, even though I was already signed in. When I clicked Sign In, it said my blog HAD BEEN REMOVED!!! And that there had been unusual activity on my blog. My blog was gone, nowhere to be seen. Oh, the horror! Nearly three years of work down the drain. When I would Google this problem, I couldn't even read the answers because Blogger wouldn't let me log in. After several minutes of this, I noticed where it said something like Having Trouble Logging In?. When I clicked that, Blogger wanted to text me a verification code. After a few minutes of being paranoid to do this, I finally did, and the code worked and my blog was back. YAY! So, if this ever happens to you, don't panic, and let them text you that code!
Now onto the finds! I went to what was probably the filthiest estate sale I've ever been to. And I forgot to bring everything in the house to clean, leaving it all in my shed on wheels (my van), so I had to hurry and take pictures before the sun set Sunday night. Adorable vintage chickie s&p set.
A vintage Halloween blow mold and huge honeycomb punkin.
A filthy dirty vintage Fisher Price turtle pull toy. Honestly, I don't know why I bought it, other than that it's so stinkin' cute. And I'm reliving my childhood. And it was 50 cents.
An old plant stand. I kinda regret buying this, because I'm pretty sure our cat Cupcake will be knocking it over on a daily basis, just for fun!
A cute little Christmas elf.
Some of you wondered what it was that I found at this sale, that I had been searching for these past 20 years. You were probably expecting something reeeally exciting, and will most likely be very disappointed.
It's only an old gym basket! I remember seeing them in Country Living magazine, and by golly, they convinced me that I needed one. I've never ever seen one anywhere, except in school of course, until now.
And now it holds some of my vintage gardening tools. You know how I always say that if I wait long enough, something I'm looking for will eventually come my way during my junking travels? Well, 20 years is waaaay too long of a wait!
So, did you bring home anything that you'd been waiting years to find?


  1. I would have been a little worried myself. We certainly don't want you going anywhere. That honeycomb pumpkin with the oh so sweet stem. And the gym baskets yes baskets so the smell wouldn't get worse, it would dry the clothes out! Look how backwards we went. I have one of those I keep my cook books in...smiles..Renee

  2. I went to an estate sale Sat. It was the last day and all was 75% off. I figured they would not have a thing, I was pretty much right. I did get two cookbooks.. I was looking through a box of vintage postcards for some from Colorado and the lady asked me if I collected Post cards. I told her not really...well she said I could have the whole box for $5.00. I figured I could sift through them at home for $5.00. Got home and discovered a vintage postcard from a place we used to always stop and eat at on our way to the mountains when the kids were small. It has long closed but was always one of our favorite places. It was one of those moments you just knew it was meant to be!! Have a great week

  3. A couple of other bloggers have recently mentioned the same thing about their blogs mysteriously missing. Scary!! I'm always smitten with anything Halloween and vintage toys. I'm glad you found some lovely treasures.

  4. Cool blow mold, and I love the locker basket. Love the plant stand too, but I would also have pet issues. My Jack Russell Terrorists would knock it over in one of their squirrel frenzys!

  5. Wow! I'm glad your blog is back! That sort of thing scares me to death thinking we may loose our blog. Love your sweet finds. I think the gym basket is great! Have a wonderful week, Carol! Twyla

  6. Eek! So glad your blog didn't just disappear forever. That's scary!

    LOVE that locker basket! I've never found one 'in the wild' either. There's a swimming pool in my mom's tiny hometown that has dozens of those baskets and I always wonder what happened to them because I wish they were MINE! LOL

  7. So glad you weren't gone forever! Oh My! That turtle just sent me spending back 40 years! My sister had that very turtle when she was little! I wanted it so bad but I was 5 years older and they said I was too old for one. :(



  8. I love those baskets!!! 20 years is a long time - but well worth it!! The turtle toy is cute!!! All sorts of things in cyber land!!! Glad all is well!!


  9. I am pretty sure I would poop in my pants if the blog ws gone. All those years of my kids. Oy.

    The turtle is awesome, we don't have him yet! Much to my delight sammi LOVES the vintage fisher price toys. (Unlike Jack, who never touched them).

  10. Carol, The same thing happened to me a while back. I think there is a way we are supposed to be able to "back up" our blog but i've only found how to back up our templates. Let me know if you find anything.

    Well, I would have bought that turtle and the gym basket! I use an old metal freezer basket for the guys' winter hats, gloves, etc. Sometimes there is a lot of etc. in it!

    Did you hear that our days on the farm are coming to an end? :(

  11. Cute finds. I like how you refer to your van as a shed on wheels. Funny!!

  12. OMIGOSH! I'd have panicked for sure!

    Love love LOVE your new-to-me blog, your photos are fabulous!

    Stop by and see what I found at our local flea and estate sales this weekend. I love me some good junkin'!

    Have a lovely week, now I'm off to get caught up on your prior posts.

  13. LOVE the vintage turtle toy and the halloween items, very cute!

    And the blogger thing? Well it happened to me a couple of weeks ago too! I almost had a heart attack when my blog was just GONE... I too went through the verification/text and it came back but it took about a half hour or so... a half hour where I was thinking it was gone. Fortunately I had read about this happening to someone else very recently and had just backed up my blog... Now I'll be sure to do that on a regular basis so I won't loose more than a post or two!

    Happy you were "found" :)


  14. Well that was a bit freaky I bet! Glad everything worked out and your Vintage finds are just darling! Hugs, Diane

  15. Oh, to think we could have lost you! Those locker baskets can be hard to find (at least cheap) - glad you got one!

  16. I have to say the same thing happened me to a few days ago i had to let them ring me the code stupid thing. Great finds, dee x

  17. someone else in blogland mentioned an issue with their blog, so you were not alone, but glad it reappeared. (has it really been three years?) Glad you finally found your gym basket. I hit a sale a few years ago with a stack of wire baskets (not gym, but super close). They were a dime. At first I only grabbed a couple and then I came to my senses and grabbed the whole stack. Still use them to this day.

  18. Carol,
    Wow I was scared with you there for a minute about your blog, I'm ok now.
    Put a brick in the bottom of the plant holder and kitty can't tip it over, unless of course it super kitty.
    Yes everyone should have a gym basket.
    Love the little salt and pepper set. I seem to like yellow lately, never used to. Whats up with that?
    Nancy Jo

  19. Wow, how on earth that must have scared you! I would have been panicking, too. And I have only been blogging for 5 months! I just adore your blog! It is like a wonderland of really neat and sweet finds! I wish I found those chicks, they are just way sweet! What a fun find. I am a little particular to chickens, he he! The rest of your finds are really great as well! Have an awesome week!

  20. I am so glad you got your blog back.
    That s/p shaker set is so cute.

    The basket is a great idea! I see them from time to time. I wish I knew you wanted one. Yes, 20 years is way too long to be looking!! I am glad you found one!!

    have a great week

  21. I used a basket like that at a public swimming pool. I would put my "stuff" in the basket, and then they would give me a huge safety pin with the number that was on the basket. Pinned it on my swimming suit, and I was ready to go swimming. The basket was then kept behind the desk.


  22. Everytime I hear of a blog disappearing like that it scares me! Glad to know that you got it all back. Love you finds as always. That pull toy is so cute! Now I love that basket, it has character! I didn't do any junkin this weekend. See you Thursday! Hugs,Linda

  23. Oh, Carol, how scary is that? I couldn't even imagine. thanks for the heads up, if something like that should happen. Yikes! You found some cool stuff. My daughter had one of those turtles. I wonder how many are sitting in a landfil someplace. lol


  24. Ugh..blogger...between your issue and my photo issue..REALLY!!!
    I know your birthday is coming and I hope it's WONDERFUL!!!
    Love the gym basket and the litte chicks are so sweet.

  25. First of all, I would have hit the panic button had I thought my blog had vanished. Thank you for the heads-up.

    I rarely see estate sales advertised around where I live--am itching to go to one. Anyway, love all of your purchases, including the sweet, little turtle. The gym basket is my favorite though. Good for you!

  26. On wow , that was scary !
    Love all your finds!That gym basket does look very useful !I will be back Thursday.

  27. I would have freaked out about the blog too. Lucky you got everything back. I love the little turtle, and for 50 cents-how can you go wrong. Also love the little chicks. You always find the best stuff!

  28. That would certainly be a scary thing to happen. With Blogger Upgrading, I wonder if that has something to do with it. I went to Red Gate Farm and asked how to back up my blog, but I have not heard back from her. Do you know how??

    Jocelyn @

  29. So beautiful! I just came across your blog, love it! you def have a new follower!

  30. Hello stranger! Glad to see you found so many treasures at the estate sale, along with your holy grail. I will admit, I have a couple I bought at an auction a few years back. I missed out on one, how I wish I had that one now. You know that rule of odds in decorating. Sooooo glad you were able to get your blog back. I wonder what happened?

    Have a great Easter!

  31. Hi Carol, so glad you found yourself. lol! I had that happen a long time ago. Panic does set it a bit doesn't it. Marsha from A Tattered Chick just had that happen a day or so ago. You should visit her. As usual girl, you are the finder fool. Oh, I mean this in a nice way. You always find great treasures. Love the gym basket. I love any type of metal container. Mr. turtle is pretty cute. Some little one must've loved him to death.

  32. What a nightmare. So happy you got it resolved. Thanks for sharing too. Might help to save a few people from major heartattacks.



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