Thursday, April 12, 2012

In The Garden, On The Porch And A Winner

Things are beginning to slow down a bit in the gardens, and we've even had frost warnings, but everything seems to be doing just fine!
I love the foliage of this variety of Heuchera, or what is commonly known as Coral Bells. When the flowers arrive, they're very insignificant, but the foliage looks gorgeous all Summer and through Fall. Definitely want to buy more of this!
I'm pretty happy about the tulips that I planted around the red bike last Fall, and will probably add more this Fall.
I'm so shocked and disappointed to see that the Lily of the Valley that I thought I had gotten rid of has come back with a vengeance and is growing willy nilly amongst everything in this garden.
Euphorbia. Stunning when it's in bloom, but definitely very boring when it's not.
I don't know why, but I could not get a good shot of the Virginia Bluebells. That's a shame, because they were gorgeous and this shot doesn't begin to do them justice.
I love violets, but hate how they spread, so I'm trying to contain them in pots this year. I'll let you know how that goes, and how far they spit their seeds!
The rhododendrons only have a few blooms on them this year, as usual. I don't think they get enough sun where I have them.
Azalea buds, ready to POP! Ok, now let's head over to the back porch for a minute.
I buy these lights, which are meant to go in a little girl's bedroom, whenever I see them.
I've got the butterflies sitting on the arm of the bench......
And the pink flower hangs on the wall outside the back door.
They provide a nice little glow at night!
And the pink flower looks groovy!
My giveaway is officially CLOSED, and the Random Number Generator picked #65, which is Ann @ A Sentimental Life. Thank you to everyone that entered, and congrats to Ann!


  1. Well you just tell those poor little unwanted Lily Of The Valleys to come see me! I love them!

    The only thing I can look forward to about leaving the farm is possibly having my own place again where I can garden more whole heartedly.

    I don't ever see those "little girl" lights anywhere but you better know I'd buy them if I did!
    Congrats to lucky Ann on her win!

  2. Your blossoms are very lovely. I always enjoy seeing what your special bike is up to.

    Happy Friday!

  3. So nice to take a tour of your blossoms! I've always loved those little girl lights but I never could come up with a use for them.....why didn't I think of outdoor lighting? Thank you for the inspiration! :)

  4. I had to laugh because I've been trying to get Lilly of the Valley to grow for years, but the climate here just isn't cooperating. And I dug up wild violets from a friend's yard years ago and although they've spread a little I only get a few flowers each year. We need to trade places.

  5. Congrats to Ann!!! What a lovely garden! Thanks for sharing!!


  6. Congrats to Ann!!!

    I have never seen those lights. How cute!
    The garden is looking good and I am glad that the frost didn't nipped them.

  7. Congrat's to the winner! Nice gifts that you are sending her.
    I have wild violets and they are all over the yard and front flower garden...
    Raining today and hoping the lilacs will be blooming soon.
    Happy Weekend.

  8. your gardens look wonderful.
    congrats to the winner.

  9. Boy, things are really popping there! There's only one thing to do about lilies of the valley and that's embrace them, because you will never be rid of them.

  10. Funny how those perennials have a mind of their own! My lily of the valley and mint could take over the whole side of the house and I'd be happy, but noooo... They're headed for the center of the yard! Happy Weekend:@)

  11. I tried lily of the valley from bulbs once and failed mean I was supposed act like I didn't want it? Congratulations to the winner...It is a lovely lot. Love the new look on the blog. Smiles...Renee

  12. Wow - things are mixed up all over. Rhodies blooming already? Not here. Azaleas have bloomed in some sunnier spots here though. Messed up for sure!

  13. Your bike is too cool. has a basket like my "miss buzz" does.
    Again, I am SO EXCITED that I won! Really needed a pick me up! thanks my friend!

  14. congrats to Ann! Our plants are barely thinking about blooming. I love seeing yours!!

  15. Hi lovely lady.
    This is my first time on your sweet Blog. I will take all your unwanted lilys.
    I m your newest follower on your Blog now. I hope you come over and follow my Tablescapes also.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend with your family.
    XXOO Diane
    come see me if you can.

  16. Love your flowers, especially the Virginia Bluebells. I can't seem to grow them in my yard :(

  17. Carol, your garden has such pretty flowers. We're just planting flowers in the new house for the first time.
    I didn't know you were such a gardner.

  18. Hi Carol, love all your bloomin beauties! I bought a couple of unusual Coral Bells last Fall and did not get them in. Coming back in the pots. I best get them planted. Lily of the Valley is so hard to get rid of. It has runners that run, run, run. I did bring a start up from my other home and planted it in a place that I don't mind if it fills in. Love that dainty little bloom. Something to do with childhood memories of my mom having them. Looking forward to more garden pics. Things are just starting to come out around here. Anxious to pop a few pics.

  19. Oh, your garden is so beautiful! Love the red bike! Congrats to the winner!

  20. I like that that you say {as|like} my friend thanks

  21. Hi Carol,
    Having a drawing over on my site if you want to enter, tell all your friends too.
    No I'm not giving away my picnic tin. HA.
    Nancy Jo

  22. How the heck did I miss your giveaway? I know - I've been in the yard all month! Only reason I'm on the computer today is cuz it's raining!

    Pretty Heuchera - do you know what that one's called? I have three different ones - two no-names and one caramel. I agree about the LOV's, I have a love/hate relationship with them, too! Just this morning I decided that this is the year to try digging most of them out.

  23. Hi Carol,
    Oh, I love visiting your blog! I have such a penchant for things red, white and blue! I love the delightful details you share..each one original and so creative!
    Your RED bicycle with the tulips tiptoeing around it is so charming!
    Please do have a wonderful week, my friend!
    Carolynn..."Chenille Cottage" (my new blog

  24. Oh carol, all your flowers look so pretty! we are finally starting to get some sunny days here so, I hope to see more blooms soon.

  25. flowers can really brighten our day, those are indeed lovely. thanks for the visit and sorry for the late reply. i'm also inviting you to join our green monday meme at

    thanks much.

  26. Congrats to your winner and enjoy your evening! Hugs!

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