Monday, April 30, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!


OK. The blog break is OVER! My Mom has been in the hospital the last two weeks, and I haven't felt like being on the computer. Or cleaning the house! Thankfully it looks like she will get out of the hospital on Tuesday and head to rehab to get stronger before she goes home. Hey, what the heck happened to Blogger while I was gone?! I hope I'm doing this right. Frankly, I'm afraid to click the Publish button!
Ok, so maybe I didn't feel like cleaning the house, but I did find time to go junking. I think it's important to do the things you enjoy while a loved one is sick. Keeps your mind off of things. I found this tray a couple weeks ago at an antique store.
Here it is hanging above the watering can collection, and it's my new favorite thing!
I found more vintage gardening tools and seed packets too.
And this tiny pottery bud vase.
I'm crazy for blue pottery these days, so when I unearthed this McCoy pot outside at an estate sale, I played it cool and asked how much for the filthy dirty flower pot. The guy was no dummy, flipped it over and saw that it was McCoy, but he still gave me a fair price. The bunny cake decorations were free and will be used for an Easter craft project I have in mind.
What's not to love about a red, white and blue vintage tablecloth? Ok, it has a couple of holes, but I don't mind.
I don't even mind the stains on this Florida tablecloth.
The scenes on this tablecloth are fun, like this gal golfing while her friend sits way too close. She's going to take a golf ball to the forehead for sure!
Surf's Up!
These Goldilocks s&p shakers came from a really great garage sale, where I found several things that I'll share on REDnesday. 
I found these vintage greeting cards at an antique store a few weeks ago. They were only 10 cents each, so I went a little nuts. I think I bought like 30 of them. And I won't ever do anything with them. I just like to look at them!
New cards just can't compare to these beauties.
So that's my finds for the past few weeks. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things now, and perhaps even clean my house. It's amazing how mentally exhausted you become when you're worrying about someone you love. My Mom may be 87 years old, but she's one tough old broad!


  1. Sorry to hear your mother has been sick. I understand how stressful that can be for everyone involved.

    Your "junk" finds are great! The greeting cards are lovely as are the tablecloths. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Good Morning Carol Sweetie...
    Oh how I wish I lived closer and could visit your thrift stores, estates sales and tag along to a few of these garage sales of yours. Your always find the BEST stuff.

    Love, love the tablecloths. Linens are a weakness of mine. That Florida tablecloth is the cutest darn thing, and yes I would say that gal is golfing a little close to her friend. As a Mom, we know these things. LOL...

    Love the cards, I am surprised that you stopped at 30, I might have bought more. They are so pretty. They just do not make cards like the used to.

    Love your tray as well. It looks beautiful in its new location.

    Thank you for sharing sweet friend. Have a glorious Monday. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. Hope your mother gets better soon.
    Yes, there are changes. I haven't figured them out yet. They seem to be stil changing.
    Great finds.

  4. Lovely finds! Hope your Mom makes a speedy recovery. Take care!

  5. Wonderful finds...I love your watering can collection. Have a blessed week. Praying your mother continues to heal and recover...blessings

  6. I'm sorry to read about your mother. Caring and worrying about a loved one is so stressful. I'm glad you were able to squeeze in some thrifting.

    Your treasures are perfect. Love the tray and your tablecloths are fantastic. Welcome back.

  7. I hope you Mom is better...and shopping can take your mind of the situation for the moment...
    Love your tray and pottery finds. Of course the cards are sweet and Thank You for sending me some for my birthday... :)
    Looks like you figured out the new was giving me issues and somehow I'm back on the old format until they "change" it on me again!
    May this week be peaceful for you.

  8. So glad to hear your Mom is doing better! It is hard when a family member is in the hospital. I am so glad you got out to do some junkin! Love that tray and the blue pottery! The tablecloths are so fun! Take care!

  9. I am glad your mom is doing better. I think sometimes it is just as hard on the family, and very tiring.
    Great you know I would of bought everything u did!! ha ha

    My neighbor brought over two McCoy vases for me yesterday! Her friend had gotten them free and did not want sweet neighbor knew I collect them...Free is great.

    I am headed to 1515 today with my wonderful gifts from u. Will post some pictures of them all in the kitchen.
    Have a good week!

  10. I am glad to hear your mom is doing better. And that you went junking to relieve some stress.
    Your finds are wonderful. Love the tablecloths, tray, cards.
    Everything speaks of flowers and spring and summer to me!

  11. Soak that Florida tablecloth in Oxyclean for six hours and it will be white as snow! That potion is magic for old stains. I made my own laundry detergent last week but haven't tried it on vintage stains yet; I'll let you know. I love it on regular laundry and it's FRUGAL! I have to save somewhere so I can keep filling the tank to go junkin!


  12. Hi Carol,
    Missed you. Sorry to hear about your Mom, hope her recovery goes well.
    I think junking is a much better way to go then cleaning, good choice.
    I have that blue McCoy planter and I posted a picture on my blog just so you can see it. I was so surprised to see yours.
    You did get a lot and I mean a lot of cute things.
    Nancy Jo

  13. I have that same blue McCoy planter! It's such a pretty one. Love the salt and pepper set! The vintage cards are great! Have a great week! Twyla

  14. Oh Carol....JACKPOT! Awesome finds, love the Red White and Blue tablecloth....holes and all...:)

  15. Those are great finds!!
    The one greeting card with the baby looks like a picture right out of my baby book.

    I hope that your mother continues to do better.

  16. Love all your junk Carol, especially the Goldilocks salt and pepper, and those 10 cent cards, wow! Hope your life gets less stressful, hugs, Marilyn.

  17. Great finds! That tray is so cute and looks great above the cabinet. I bought one last week in a similar shade of blue and it just makes me happy! The blue pottery and tablecloths are fabulous as well!

    Hope your dear mom is doing better!

  18. Great finds glad your mother is on the mend.

  19. So glad you were able to unwind after all the stress. Happy your mom will be home soon!! Love all your wonderful finds!!

  20. Oh My Goodness.....I think you found all the good watering cans! I adore these and I have already placed mine in their sunny summer positions. Love your finds and your playing cool...enjoy your week...smiles...Renee

  21. That Florida tablecloth is something special! Hope your mom is on the mend.

  22. I am so glad your mom is doing better. And you got some great finds! I love the tray, too!

  23. Glad your mom is doing better! That's some good news. Now for more good news? You're going to pack up all those finds and ship them to me in California, right? Right??????

    Oh well, can't blame a girl for trying - especially that strawberry one!

  24. Hi Carol, glad to hear that your mom will get out of the hospital. It's always such a worry. What great finds, as usual. Love, love the new tray. What wonderful colors. Vintage cards are definately the best. They just don't make them like they use to.

  25. I hope your Mom is doing better and is well on her way to being released and recovering.

    I agree with you, that tray is my favorite, also! And those greeting cards--I would not have been able to limit myself to 30! I don't do anything with the ones I collect, either, but I sure do enjoy adding to the collection--I love the old graphics!

    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day! Fran :)

  26. Sorry about your Mom being sick, but I'm glad she's getting better, Good for you-you gotta get out there and find some good junk to take your mind off things. I love the Goldilocks s$p and the Florida tablecloth is too cute. Hang in there, Carol!

  27. "Filthy dirty flower pot". :) Hee-hee, you crack me up!

    Love your red, white and blue table cloth!

    Come see my puppies that I posted today. Do you know them?

  28. Hello Carol1 lovely finds, I like everything! Hope your mother will recover soon1 have a wonderful week! besos. Lilián.-

  29. I cannot believe how much good stuff you find! Love the tray!

    I'm glad to hear that your mom is on the mend.

  30. I hope your mother feels better. That is so sad to see a loved one ill.

    That Florida table cloth is fabulous! You always find the best stuff. My all time faster is your Easter parade bunnies. I ADORE them.

  31. Love all of your vintage goodies!!
    I hope your mother will be feeling better soon and good luck to her in Rehab. I am a Rehab nurse...


  32. Hello sweet Carol! I am so happy to find your happy and beautiful blog too! I enjoy your flickr as well! I am so sorry to hear about your mom. I pray she will continue to do well and regain her strength. Your finds are gorgeous and I love the pretty tray and vignette you created! So beautiful and cheerful! Have a lovely day! Love, Paula xo

  33. What sweet treasures, Carol! Your blog is a real treat!
    Carolynn. xoxo


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