Friday, May 18, 2012


I've always dreamed of having The Secret Garden closed off with a picket fence, but I thought it would be too expensive.
So I put old metal headboards on either side of the arbor/trellis that Mr. Old Glory built for me. You can't even tell that they're there, because the Sweet Autumn Clematis has completely taken them over. It even attached itself to the tree and started climbing!
So I ripped the clematis off of the headboards, Mr. OG pulled them out of the garden, and this is what they look like, now destined for the curb. I bought picket fence panels at Menards (my favorite store) with a gift card Mr. Old Glory gave me for my birthday. Mr. OG set up horses in the garage for me to paint them on, and he even volunteered to park his car outside so I could paint. For a week! Isn't he terrific?
And then Mr. OG installed them for me, and now my gardening dream has come true! Doesn't it look SO much better? Most of those plants in front of the fence are summer bloomers, so it's going to look AWEsome real soon! I just love that you have to come on in to see what's back there. Psssst, it's a Secret Garden!
For Mother's Day, I received that gorgeous red Mandevilla vine. I had a pink one last year, and it grew to about 8' tall. This one is a giant variety. Should I be scared?
I also received a Fuchsia in a hanging basket. They always remind me of little dancing fairies when the buds are open!
The lilac color of  Dame's Rocket is looking quite pretty next to the red bike. I bought one plant several years ago at a garage sale, and I've kinda regretted it ever since. It's a biennial, and needs to reseed itself, and boy does it reseed itself!
So in order to not have a gazillion plants, I've learned to cut most of it and enjoy it in a vase.
Because of the amazing winter and spring we've had, the gardens are way ahead and I'm way behind. I've noticed some small trees that have planted themselves and need to be cut down, and there are a couple of patches of poison ivy that make me literally hyperventilate whenever I get anywhere near them. I almost weed-wacked a patch today, which would have been horrible if I'd actually wacked it. Makes me shiver just thinking about it! So be sure to come back next week to see what's blooming, and whether or not I'm still poison ivy-free!


  1. I LOVE your little pickets! ♥

  2. It looks wonderful. You are a garden genius. I would have never seen that in those. I can't wait to watch it bloom...smiles..Renee

  3. I love fushia! I got two baskets of them this week, they attract hummingbirds so keep your eyes peeled! I especially like the old bike and streamers on the handle grips! I have an old trike to sit out in the garden and I'd love to find streamers!


  4. Looks really great in the photos and I'm sure in person it's evern much better! Enjoy your secret garden!

  5. I cannot even express how much I love a bike in a flower cute! You have such fun taste! =D

  6. It's charming. I love secret gardens!

    Susan and Bentley

  7. Sooooo love your Secret Garden.....precious!!!!!

    Mr. T and I were just at Menard's last week looking at that same fencing for our garden.....they have the best prices!

    Oh, Poision Ivy...yikes!
    Just had Mr. T take care of some for me.....that stuff loves to get a hold of me and wrapped me with it's love! I feel itchy now, just thinking about!

    Have fun in your Secret Garden!

  8. Brilliant! Such a charming garden. My husband is always struggling to stay away from our dreaded poison ivy. Good luck!

  9. Your secret garden is lovely. It does look better. All of your plants are pretty. We are behind this year with blooming but the work in the garden never ends!

  10. Your garden is LOVELY!! I am busy trying to grow grass in three large spots in the front yard where we had to take trees down last Fall. I haven't done much weeding or planting. Love the new fencing!!

  11. Your garden looks beautiful! I love the headboard, would never part with it! We have a resident hummingbird called Rutherford, love watching him flit about. Thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

  12. Your garden lovely!! So happy you've stayed ahead of the poison ivy!!


  13. I love your white picket fence. It really does look like a hidden secret garden. Your flowers are spectacular. I can't wait to get to that point. Oh well, that's what happens when you move into a different house. Have a nice thrifting weekend!

  14. Oh that looks great!!! I really like the picket fence.
    I am so glad that you didn't wack the PI. Please be careful!!

  15. It looks so pretty and welcoming. Everything is early this year - kind of confusing!

  16. That is so cute with the picket fence! Love 'secret gardens' and the thought and care that goes into them. Your new plants are so pretty. I'm going to miss most of my gardening this year it looks like while I'm here in Texas. hugs, Linda

  17. Nothing better than pickets in the garden. My flowers are about to pop too - can't wait!

  18. Beautiful garden! Oh, the Mandevilla and Fuschia are especially gorgeous! Love your picket fence too, it really sets your garden off.

  19. Stay away from that poison ivy. Your secret garden is charming. I feel better just having stopped by to take a peek.

  20. You garden is beautiful!! I have always wanted a Secret Garden, too!! I love what you did!! So creative, and most lovely!! Happy gardening!! xo Heather

  21. SO excited for you! What a terrific idea and a great Husband :) Maggie

  22. Hello Carol! Oh goodness I LOVE the pickets much better...the old headboards served their purpose but this looks much nicer. More like a cottage secret garden now :) I love fuschia plants and yours is beautiful. Great post and I look forward to seeing more! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Maura :)

  23. The fences look great! I keep trying to get mr. let me put some infront of your chain link on both sides of our house..what a difference I think it would make.
    All my plants are ahead and u saw how much came back..I have dahlia's ready to bloom! Looking forward to seeing more of your secret garden.

    Glad u "save big money at Menard's"

  24. Carol, I've just passed on the Kreativ Blogger award to you. Come see my blog! Pam

  25. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! The old metal headboards idea is awesome, I didn't even think of that! My fiancee and I have been struggling to find something to put up for some squash we want to grow, but the headboards idea is fantastic, thanks for sharing!


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