Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rednesday: CALL ME!

It feels like forever since I've linked up to Rednesday! When you're done looking at my reds, be sure to visit It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this party each week.
I stopped at a garage sale last week that was listed as "A Collector's Garage Sale". Oooooo, sounds like it would be a good one, doesn't it?  It was a major disappointment! But I did come home with this red rotary phone.
So...... if you've got any junk that you want to get rid of, CALL ME!!!
I found this old milk box at a sale a few weeks ago, and I've been saving it just for REDnesday.
And inside I've got this big Capitol Dairy milk bottle.
At that same sale, I found these little flags.
And this book, which I really love. It will most definitely be part of my 4th of July decorations!
Dated 1921. It's an oldie but a goodie! Now, would you like to see more reds? Then head over to Sue's right now!


  1. Hi Carol! Love all your reds! What is it about old milk bottles that is so charming, I just love them. Perhaps it's because we had a milk man (and an egg man) when I was little.

    Happy Rednesday!

  2. Aren't you smart putting milk bottles in the old delivery box! I put whisk brooms and dried floral stuff in mine in the fall. In the summer it just sits there! I have to find a lift to use to sit my bottles on, I have a 1/2 gallon and a few pint size ones!


  3. I love that phone! Cool!!
    That is a great milk box. I have one on my porch from an old dairy in Wichita!! I sure wish the milkman would fill it with milk for me!!!

  4. Love the funky red phone, but the milk can and bottle are wonderful! Happy Rednesday! Pam

  5. You said call me to come get your junk right...I will be right there. That is a wonderful phone but I must say they wrote that book just for you....smiles...Renee

  6. That phone is just perfect for you! You call me and I'll call you.
    Fun finds!

  7. SCORE!! I would have totally bought the red phone.... So cool.... I love your blog, thanks for sharing.

  8. I've always wanted a red desk phone! Love the patriotic finds too!

  9. How I love the beginning of summer...I know it's not until mid-june, but with Memorial Day right around the corner...Ahh...It's almost here!
    I love your red, white and blue finds! what fun you are going to have decorating your home with them!
    Blessings and three cheers for the red, white and blue!

  10. Love your Red finds!! The phone is just the best...Oh and the book too!


  11. Carol, as usual, you scored big time! I hope that phone number is an 800 one - I'm too cheap to pay for a call, lol! Love the milk box! I had one at my "old" house and the milkman actually used it! Also lovin' your book - it's so YOU!

  12. That red phone is amazing! What a terrific find! Milk box, too! They used to be so reasonable around here. Now they are just outrageous, even in deplorable shape. I am really hoping for a Rednesday post today. Plus, I haven't shared my weekend finds yet, but I have finally felt the urge to work out in the yard and I have to work whiile the mood is right! Have a great one!

  13. I tried calling...but your number is busy! ha ha
    Love the book, it will be great for the 4th!

  14. A red rotary! Yay! Love the milk box, too. ♥

  15. I love that red phone! Boy, I tell you - those were the days. I can remember having a phone with the long cord so you could go into another room to try and have a private conversation away from your parents. Now kids don't have those cords or wires to hold them back from doing whatever, whenever. :/

    My post today has reds too though I didn't join the Rednesday party. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  16. Love that fun. 555-JUNK indeed! Thanks for the laugh. Enjoy.

  17. My kids had that Fisher Price Roly Apple - I kept lots but not that - I should have!!

  18. Wonderful red finds. That telephone brings back a lot of memories for me. I worked far the telephone company 40 years.

  19. Fabulous phone. Super milk box. You always have the best goodies on Rednesday.

  20. Cool reds!!! and I'm with all the commenters who love that phone. You could call it your HotLine.

    I don't have any reds to link today, but I did post my new repurposed chair planters.

    maybe I need to yard saling with you ... you find great stuff.

  21. Love that phone. Does it still work? Also am liking the patriotic book. That will look great in one of your displays. Cute stuff this week!

  22. I love the phone! We had a rotary wall phone the same color my whole childhood! Memories!!!

  23. I love the Milk Box, it's so awesome.

    Many of the dairies in my area closed down within the past two years, but even before that, they had started using the plastic crates and boxes in the store and in their trucks. I'd love to find a Milk box like one day!

  24. Carol, thanks for stopping by, and thank you for your sweet comment.. you sure have found a lot of wonderful Vintage Treasures and the big red apple I remember those, fisher price? Love the red phone I just might have to give you a call! Hugs, Diane

  25. Hi Carol! I'm so happy you stopped by today. I love your reds too, but I always love your finds. I would love to get you a few other BlogPals together here in Ohio and go to town..Antique town that is...we'd have a blast. That's one thing greater Cincinnati has is antique and thrift shops. The only thing is...we'd all hone in on the same things LOL. Ya know if you still have phone jacks in your walls...a rotary phone still works..especially when the electric goes out and a hand-held can't go thru and the cell is out of charge. We get that a lot around here with storms.

  26. Thanks for coming by my place! The zipper wasn't actually too hard to do. Just need to go slow. Better than going fast! :) Love that RED phone! Been so long since I have seen on of those.


  27. Those little flags have Old Glory written all over them. I think I have that book but it has a plain orange cover ... not nearly as good as yours.

  28. I am lovin' all your gorgeous reds!! Those milk bottles are so neat!! So happy to be your newest follower!! Oh,I love that kitty watering can on the side bar!! So sweet!! xo Heather


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