Friday, June 22, 2012

Planting Like Crazy IN THE GARDEN

Let's take a peek at what's blooming in the gardens this week!
First of all, the 3 week long blog break is OVER! You know how it is when you go on vacation. You need a week to prepare and a week to play catch-up afterwards. We went to the Northwoods of Wisconsin, and I promise not to bore you with a bunch of vacation pictures, but I just had to share this fabulous sunset. And Mr. Old Glory sitting in the boat, enjoying it!
I always knew that when I had a garden of my own, it would include a Jackmanii Clematis. I've always loved my Mom's, and finally last year I planted one.
I was so excited to see that I hadn't missed it bloom while on vacation!
It's finally time to get the Dirty Dishes Fountain up and running again.
I think I need some new old dishes in that fountain, instead of the same ones I put in there every year. I love to hear the water softly tinkling away when I'm working in the garden!
Normally I plant up my own baskets, but Menards had some really pretty ones, 2/$7.00, so I thought: Why Not?! I love hanging my baskets from out of the ordinary things, like this old scale. 
And this old pulley.
I found this pretty handpainted bucket at a garage sale a few weeks ago, and I've planted some pink impatiens in there.
The white lilies are in full bloom.
Along with the Gooseneck Loosestrife. Try saying that real fast five times! I have a love/hate relationship with this stuff. On the one hand it's gorgeous, and on the other hand, it's invasive and I always have to rip out a clump or two in the Fall.
I haven't had a Hibiscus in a few years, so I'm having a hard time remembering if they all have two different colored flowers on one plant. Anyone know? I've been really lucky and have run into a few great plant sales, so I've got 5 flats to get planted.
I could really use a helper like this cute little guy!


  1. Your gardens did very well while you were away. We're heading away to the shores of Lake MI for a week on the beach. Can't wait. Welcome home!

  2. No idea on the hibiscus but your gardens and garden displays are looking great! I can't believe how cheap hanging baskets are in your neck of the woods - I was excited that the ones at my greenhouse were going on sale for $15 this weekend.

  3. Carol, Glad you had a nice break and trip. Your garden is looking good. I love the dirty dishes fountain. Too cute! Happy that you're home safe and sound!

  4. Glad you had a wonderful vacation! I just got home and need to get some plants for my deck garden! I feel so behind after spending 6 weeks away from home! Love the clematis! This might be the year I spring for one! hugs, Linda

  5. Well my dear I am quite jealous. Our garden is not near as prolific. We are in a bit of a drought and suffering from garden hose drag. Thank you for the gorgeous peeks into your garden and sun on the Lake...we missed you...smiles...Renee

  6. Glad you are back and had a great vacation. I've been missing you Weekend Finds posts!


  7. Love your fountain and the hangers for your plants. I have a love of clematis. We have one evergreen and three others (including Jakmanii). I hope to plant more.
    Your garden is an inspiration.

  8. The garden is looking great!! You've been working hard!!
    I am glad you enjoyed your vacation. How big of a fish did you catch?

  9. I've never seen a hibiscus with 2 different flowers...and I've had a ton of them.

    Great score on the hanging baskets! 2/$7 is crazy cheap.

  10. Welcome back! You have so many great pics here of your flowers. I especially like that Clematis and it's dark purple color.

    Also, I hadn't seen a dirty dishes fountain before...clever & fabulous!

  11. Your garden is lovely. Sounds like you found a wonderful spot to vacation.

  12. What a beautiful garden, and I adore your vintage dish fountain! Too sweet! Welcome home, and it looks like you had a beautiful vacation! xo Heather

  13. Vacation! Lucky you!
    Your flowers are doing well. Guess tomorrow we'll be doing yard work...not my favorite thing to do!! At least it looks nice when it's done.
    Deb :)

  14. Lovely, lovely lovely!! Thanks for sharing!!


  15. Glad you are back! I always love looking at your garden and goodies!

  16. Hi, just found your wonderful blog and am so glad I did! What great finds you have! I love the vintage pillowcases!


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