Friday, June 1, 2012

A Project Finally Finished IN THE GARDEN

C'mon, let's see what's blooming in the gardens this week! And see a project that I started last summer, and finally finished.

I almost missed seeing this Clematis blooming on the windmill.

I wish I could show the top of the windmill, but then the neighbor's ugly deck would also be in the shot!
The Coreopsis seems to be bursting open all at once.
The Lysimachia Punctata, or Yellow Loosestrife, is blooming too, starting from the bottom and working it's way up.
This Hydrangea is just starting to turn pink.
The pansies in the windowbox by the back door are still going strong. I find that if I keep chopping these back, they will bloom for me all Summer long and into Fall
I totally ignore this Creeping Sedum, which sits in that red-rimmed enamel bowl outside year-round, and it does just fine. Those tiny yellow flowers look like little stars! 
Ok, let's talk about that project I never finished last year. I found several pieces of vinyl lattice at a garage sale last summer, all for $3.
And my friend had a ton of these 2x2s just sitting in her garage. Which was perfect, because then I could make.......
THIS SCREEN! This is where we sit when we have a fire in the firepit. Those chairs are vintage, and let me tell you, they weren't meant for a butt and hips from 2012! I'm guessing people were alot skinnier back then, because sometimes I feel like when I stand up, the chair will be stuck on my hips! Anyway, the purpose of that screen is to hide the mess that's behind it. I suppose you want to see what's behind it. Ok.......
It's my gardening shame. Tons of plants that still need replanting, lots of empty pots just waiting for me to buy some flowers for them, and bags of mulch that need to be spread.
And a ton of rocks from a kindly neighbor, that need to be placed in the rock garden and in the Secret Garden. Yes, it's a mess back there, but now I can't see it. But my neighbor with the ugly deck can! Honestly, they're lovely neighbors, and I hope to get that all straightened up very soon!
It's been drizzling here all day, and we needed it badly. For a while there, it looked like I was going to have to bust out my special rain dance! Go ahead and laugh, but it has worked in the past! So what's blooming in your garden


  1. ooooo such a pretty spot. Love your vintage furniture!

    Jocelyn @

  2. What a pretty design for something to hide behind. I need several of those! :D Your flowers are lovely. Isn't it wonderful to enjoy the outdoors and have a pleasant place to sit? I loved your comment about the narrow chairs. Yes, I have several projects too!

  3. Love the screen. sorry the cute funiture doesn't "fit" :>)

  4. I love that screen - perfect!! Thanks for sharing your garden pics!! Love gardens! And yes, garden work is never done - so not really a "mess" just projects waiting to be done!!

    I'm posting a few garden pics again on 365 day blog - just can't get over how beautiful my flowers are this year!


  5. The screen was such a good idea! I want one! :)

  6. Beautiful...I have already had to pull a few things that the rain didn't bless. Your eye sores have become beautiful....say what do you do with a neighbor that continues to add more and more saints to her garden statuary? I guess it could be worse.

  7. Your screen is just charming. It's perfect with your sweet furniture. Your flowers sure are pretty too. It's a drizzly cold day in my area. My daughter has been on an outdoor field trip all day. Yuck.

  8. I love how your garden is looking and that screen is super cute. I can't wait to get home and play in mine...but then it will be soooo hot! Sigh, can't win sometimes. Hugs, Linda

  9. Your flowers are looking very pretty. Love the screen you made and the vintage (butt hugging) furniture. Looks like a delightful spot to sit and relax.

  10. Carol, that is a great idea!! I love it!!

  11. BTW, it is so chilly out right now. It is 59 and cloudy with rain off and on.

  12. you made me giggle about the 2012 hips! No kidding, some of my metal chairs are that way too, but they look so pretty. Things are looking pretty up north.
    Have a great weekend.

  13. Love your screen, and your vintage metal set!! I only wish I had a beautiful garden. The only thing I have growing pretty is my lavender!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  14. Thanks for the name...Creeping Sedum. I was given some and didn't know the name. It grows like CRAZY! Nice jobon the "hider/divider".

  15. You make me laugh!!! The narrow chairs!! Love the garden!!


  16. Hi again, Carol!

    Many thanks for stopping by.

    Such a lovely post – as always!

    Have a lovely weekend too!

    PS Often visit but don't always have time to leave a comment! Sigh :-(

  17. Hi Carol!
    Oh, what a joy it is visiting your blog and seeing what you've been up to! Your garden is going to be such a great place to hang out all summer long.
    I am such a lover of all things red, white and blue...patriotic, americana, folkartsy...and, your posts are always rich with my favorite things!
    I just finished my RED, RED, RED sewing room blog post and at midnight it will be visible. I hope you are able to pop in.
    I hope you have a great week!
    Red, white and blue blessings,
    Carolynn xo

  18. Carol, that screen is brilliant. I love the fact that you found the trellis at a garage sale and turned them into something cool. Your flowers are amazing. I'm still chugging along here, trying to start a tiny garden. I can only hope that it will look half as good as your someday!

  19. Beautiful garden, love your screen!

  20. Hi Carol! Love the flowers, and the lattice project! It looks so nice in that setting. Doesn't it stink to not have a place for the garden "junk"? I'm glad you have a beautiful solution now!

    I absolutely adore your bicycle wreath - what a fabulous idea!

  21. Oh how lovely! And what a delightful screen. And may I say, while your "behind the screen projects" aren't done, they don't look awful at all! Just look like a fun "work in process" :) Have a blessed and beautiful week.

  22. Carol, I love looking at all your beautiful flower and garden pics, although I have to admit I am missing your Weekend Finds posts. I am addicted to those posts! Oh, and the 2012 hips comment...hilarious!

  23. Your garden is coming along nicely. We have a few roses and with the showers we've had everything is lush and green here in Florida! Enjoy your week!

  24. What a clever girl! I need to find some of the $3 lattice too. Must hide my plant corner of shame too.


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