Friday, August 31, 2012


Let's take a peek at what's blooming in the gardens this week!
You've heard the saying that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But did you know that sometimes it's also a bit sunnier too?!
When I planted this red mandevilla vine, I forgot that I had planted blue morning glories in the pot last summer.
They look lovely together, don't they?
I think that if I drop a few white morning glory seeds in there next year, it will be sheer red, white and blue perfection!
Obedient Plant, being very disobedient, and spreading profusely.
I love how they start blooming at the bottom and work their way up.
I added the birdhouse on the left and the butterfly house on the right to the 7 foot tall house in the middle, tucked into the back corner of The Secret Garden.
That craziness happening behind them is a Sweet Autumn Clematis, ready to burst with tiny white flowers. My plan is to have lots of Foxgloves growing around these houses by next year. So many places have their plants drastically reduced right now, so it won't cost me a fortune to really cottage-ify it up back there!
I love gardening so much! It's not just about the plant life, but the other life forms that I come across while I'm puttering around out there. Like this bug, sitting on the Autumn Joy Sedum. I think it's just a fly, but you can't deny it's beautiful metallic green color. 
This Praying Mantis posed for quite a while before he grew tired of me and crawled away. Isn't he cute?!
I read that there are larger varieties that will eat rodents and snakes, but I'm hoping this guy will be having a mosquito buffet! Speaking of snakes, there's one that likes to sun itself by the potting shed door. Unfortunately he's been too fast for me to catch. I'd really love to get a photo of him!
And when it's too dark and too scary (racoons, porcupines, bats, etc.) to garden, I love to read Better Homes and Gardens COUNTRY GARDENS magazine. I've saved every single issue I've read since discovering this magazine several years ago. It never fails to inspire me, and as any gardener knows, our gardens are never done, and we are always learning something new


  1. Your garden is looking lovely.
    The mandevilla and morning glory are a beautiful combination and look so patriotic. Love it!
    I have kept a few issues of the magazine and enjoy looking through them for gardening inspiration.

  2. Your gardens are just gorgeous. Your praying mantis is quite handsome too. Josie would be so impressed with him. Love the birdhouses and butterfly house. I think we need a few more in our shade garden. My husband has big plans to be outside this weekend getting our beds in order again. Have a great weekend.

  3. We have the same praying mantis. He is so beautiful. For two nights we have found him around the house. YOur garden is absolutely stunning. I would love to show you a plethora of pictures of my flourishing garden but I am doing my best just to keep it alive. Thank you for sharing your beautiy...smiles...Renee

  4. Everything is lovely except the praying mantis. They really creep me out and I am glad we don't see them around here. I subscribe to Country Gardens and keep them, too. Love to sit and read them...

  5. Your garden is gorgeous. Love the red and white together and you MUST add white for next year! Hugs, Linda

  6. Carol, your garden is so pretty. I love the red and blue pot=it would be perfect to add white next summer. Nice photos of those little critters. Have a wonderful and gardeny Labor Day weekend!

  7. Love the black eyed Susans peeking through the fence! Happy Labor Day Weekend:@)

  8. Your garden is looking so nice. Things here are pretty well burned up. Maybe next year will be better!

    I love that magazine, too. It is the only one I still pick up. I haven't seen the lastest one. I will have to get looking.

    Enjoy the rain that should be coming your way.

  9. Hello, loved taking a walk through your garden, so so pretty. Love the Morning Glories, and all the others flowers that are blooming. I also buy the same Country gardening mags and read them over and over, great magazine. Blessings Francine.

  10. Such a pretty flower garden! Your red and blue morning glories look so nice together. It was so hot here this year that my blue morning glory only managed to have 2 flowers but the vine is pretty. I like finding praying mantis in my garden. They are kinda cute in a weird way. The black eyed Susan's peeking through the fence and your birdhouses all looked so summery and pretty.

  11. Oops! I just realized that the red flowers were mandevilla's and not morning glories--still really pretty together!

  12. What a beautiful the mandevilla/morning glory combo!

  13. Those tall birdhouses will best accentuate wooden shedswooden sheds for sure.


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