Monday, August 27, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
My first find is that groovy watering can, straight out of the 70s! Mr. Old Glory and I were at the flea market when I spotted it, and he bought it for me for our anniversary! I know the traditional gift for 20 years of marriage is china, but 23 years is definitely little vintage watering cans!
I was at a garage sale when the first thing to catch my eye were two pieces of wood like this, sitting on a table. I was pretty sure I knew what it was. Something that I had been in search of for a couple of years.
And when I saw the price, and the seller said "It works", I couldn't believe my luck.
A vintage Starburst Wall Clock! Didn't we all grow up with one of these? I know I did, and I hated it at the time! Of course now I want that clock real bad, but my Mom threw it out ages ago. And that seller wasn't lying. It keeps perfect time. As soon as it stops raining and isn't so gloomy in the house, I'll share where I've hung it. 
In the category of More Junk I Found In My Mom's Garage, we have two vintage aqua-colored freezer baskets, from her old gargantuan freezer. 
After a thorough cleaning and a coat of varnish to seal them, the possibilities are endless for these baskets. 
I'm using one for linens.....
And the other for extra towels.
This hanging flower pot holder with the pink pottery came from an estate sale.
And last, for a bit of fun, I found that light-up moon for my owl. My garage saling buddy Nancy swears it's a banana, but it's most definitely a moon.
I hate to see summer end, but this makes me SO excited for Halloween! And I think the owl really likes his banana moon, don't you?! So, did you find any goodies last week?


  1. Ooh. I am in love with each and every one of these finds!! Sounds like an awesome anniversary present to me. One year for Valentine's Day my husband and I bought a transfer ware pitcher and wash basin. We couldn't really afford it so the only way to "justify" the expense was to give it to each other! Ten years later and we still love it. Enjoy your finds.

  2. There you are! Glad to see you've been out treasure hunting. I LOVE the clock, hated the one we had growing up too but of course I want one now. Great find and what a price! Love those old freezer baskets and all your other fun finds too :)

  3. Hello Carol, oh what great finds, love them all, but that little watering can is so sweet. Thats a really good idea about the freezer baskets, linens look good in them as do the towels.Also the owl and moon are very cute. Fun finds, Francine.

  4. What great finds! My sister still has our Grandmother's Sunburst clock hanging in the den in her basement! Yep, I think everyone had one of those back in the day!


  5. OMG~ You found the absolute BEST things! I can't think of a better aniversary gift! I love ALL those wall retro clocks. We found a starburst clock for $3 once, but it didn't work. What an amazing find! Linens in the sweet baskets, love it.

    Carol, Thanks for sharing and making my monday morning. :-)

  6. Those freezer baskets are completely fabulous!! I love them!!

  7. I was super excited to find an old children's watering can the other day until I saw the price tag. $45.00! This is definitely a slow building collection. I absolutely love the freezer basekts. I have two and I keep old cookbooks in one and tablecloths in another. They are very useful. Great finds!


  8. Yup! I remember those clocks!

    Love the baskets! ♥

  9. Wow, really great finds!! I love everything!

  10. Awesome finds!! I also remember the starburst clock we had as a kid, and a buttload of other stuff I argh about not having now. But that is most definitely a moon, I mean, why would you need a light up banana (unless you had a light up monkey)?

  11. Oh my I love that clock and $ got the best bargain ever!! Love the owl and moon so cute and yes that makes me start to feel ready for fall. I love giving fun gifts like vintage watering cans. It's important to have those things we love around us! xo Linda

  12. All your goodies are adorable. We never had one of those clocks, and I never have seen one (that I remember) either. Is your moon (banana) light one from IKEA? It looks just like one they sell. Have a great week!


  13. Those baskets could live at my house if they ever want to run away. And I, too, think it is a moon. You had a good weekend of finds!!

  14. I love the anniversary gift that strays from the traditional...

  15. My girls had a starburst clock a few years ago. I have no idea where it went to.

    The pail is cute. That was sweet of your DH.
    Happy Anniversary!!

  16. Such great finds!
    I especially love the moon and owl. I've got some Halloween blowmolds and never saw these before.
    Thanks for visiting my new art room. I'm looking forward to working in there, but right now, I'm just enjoying the empty space.

  17. You really do find the best things. I can't believe your luck. I'm absolutely in LOVE with your Halloween owl. Your moon light is perfect for him.

  18. Wonderful. Yes. my Momma had a star-burst clock too! It went to the Goodwill decades ago. Every time I see one of these clocks, it remind me of looking at the clock waiting for my Daddy to come home as a little girl. i would get so happy when he walked through the door!

  19. Love all your fabulous finds! Your owl & moon are really cool!

  20. I always love to see what deals you pick up! Half the fun is the search, junking is a great pastime! Thanks for sharing, Marilyn.

  21. There's no chance that's a banana. Why would anyone have a light-up banana? (Although logic doesn't necessarily apply with some collectibles, now that I think about it.) Anyway, your owl looks so cute with it that it must be a moon. End of story.

  22. The Owl is beyond CUTE!!!! Looks like a few nice finds!!! I love it when that happens!

  23. I love the freezer baskets. Those are so useful. The clock is amazing. I didn't have one when I was a kid, but sure would want one now! Cute watering can-Happy Anniversary!

  24. Now, that's one perfect Anniversary gift! I love it! My husband would totally understand the value of something vintage and collectable as being appropriate!
    What great finds...I'm sure your clock must have lived at The Brady Bunches house.
    Have a happy week and thank you for your sweet comments, Carol.
    Carolynn xo

  25. Love your sweet finds!! The tin watering can and aqua baskets are so pretty!! xo Heather

  26. The Holy Grail- a Starburst clock! Can't wait to see where it's hanging.


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