Tuesday, August 14, 2012

REDNESDAY--Too Tired To Junk?!?!

It's been an exhausting past few weeks. My Mom is finally home after a long stint in a nursing home, rehabbing from surgery, and my sister and I have taken turns spending the night with her. Unfortunately she has to take a water pill which wakes her up a couple of times during the night. We weren't sure how strong she was, so we'd get up too. 
At one point, I was TOO TIRED TO GO JUNKING. And, I DIDN'T MISS IT. Shocking, isn't it?! Rest assured that I'm over that temporary bit of insanity!
While I'm at my Mom's, I like to snoop around in her garage. That's where I found this awesome picnic jug.
I love that label! And I think the jug was meant to come live with all of my picnic tins!
I also found these chalkware rooster plaques, which I think I remember hanging in the kitchen when I was little, but I could just be making that up, due to my exhaustion.
And looky here, what's this??? Why, it's my very first hula hoop! I actually do remember this thing. And when I saw it hanging in the garage, all I could think was: I wonder if I can even get that thing past my shoulders? I think you know where this is heading.....
It did fit past my shoulders, and other much larger body parts as well! I didn't even try to twirl it though. While it probably would have been fun, it just didn't seem worth throwing my hip out for!
I did eventually go to some garage sales last Friday, and I found this vintage minnow bucket at one of them. While trying to negotiate a lower price, I finally had to ask the seller what was so darn  special about the bucket that he wouldn't lower his price. He said: It's a floating bucket, lady! I said: I don't care if it floats, I just think the fish on the front is cute. He said: Lady, gimme two bucks and get outa here!   I knew I could wear him down!
It's amazing what you can find when you clean out a cupboard in the kitchen! Forgot all about this little tin cup and shovel.
I finally got around to planting up this bucket on the front porch. Pay no attention to the varnish flaking off of that rooster cabinet. Just one more thing to add to the list of things that need to be done before the snow starts to fly! 
I popped some impatiens in my cherry bucket too!
Well last night was the first night that my Mom was able to get to the bathroom by herself! So you would think that I got a good night's sleep, wouldn't you? Instead I automatically woke up at 2:30AM. Ah well, that's ok. I'm getting the junking urge again, I'm looking forward to blogging again and catching up with everyone, and I'm linking up to REDNESDAY over at It's A Very Cherry World!  


  1. Carol, I have been concerned about you! Glad to see you post.
    That is too funny about the minno bucket!!
    I would be afraid to put that hula hoop around me. I would probably get it stuck!! hehe

    That jug really did need to go home with you!!

    I am glad your mom is getting her strength back!

  2. Your bait bucket is splendid. My husband just bought two of them to turn into lamps in his man cave. We paid a lot more than $2 dollars. Looks like your Mom's home is the perfect place to do a bit of treasure hunting. I hope her recovery continues to go well.

  3. Even on your off days you do well...I love it all. Two dollars for a bait bucket, well done. Enjoy your sleep tonight as it always takes more than one night to work out the kinks...we missed you..smiles..Renee

  4. LOL....Junking in your Mom's garage....how fun! And she still had your red hula hoop???? Unbelievable! I am glad to hear she is getting to the point where she can get up on her own, but now you have trained your brain to wake up! :)
    You have a lot of cute things Carol, lucky you! I went to my favorite scrap booking store today with my friend Meri, such a dangerous place it has become, they are now a fabric and quilting store too! I am just getting into making some things for Halloween and fall swaps....Oh and it was 111 degrees today! lol

  5. Re-finding lost toys in the garage is really BETTER than junking isn't it!?

  6. There's always more junk and it sounds like you've been doing a far more important job with your mom. Rest up and then go get your junk! :-)

  7. There you are! Sorry to hear about you mom and your exhausting last few weeks. Maybe taking up the hula hoop would give you an energy burst!

  8. Just look at that top quality "junque"! I love all the red pieces you have discovered. thanks for sharing them on Rednesday!
    Carolynn xo

  9. Glad to hear your mom is doing better! Love the roosters, they are so cute:@)

  10. Oh how could you have forgotten about that kitty cup?! Too cute! And yes, I think that jug was meant to go home with you- NOT just sit all lonely in the garage!

    Here's to a speddy recovery for your mom! ♥

  11. Hi Carol! Score on the minnow bucket! My brother has been looking for one for awhile now and they run about $12.00 here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. I've been missing your posts, but understand the reason. I hope your Mom is on the road to a quick recovery.

    Have a good week!


  12. Carol good to see you back! I've been a little mia myself...family stuff. I love all your finds and the minnow bucket story is priceless! Glad you Mom is doing better! Big hugs, Linda

  13. tired of junking????Your title scared me. Glad you snapped out of that quick enough! I am happy your Mom is stable! Have a great day! Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  14. Good job working that guy down on the minnow bucket. I love how you asked him what was so special about it. I will have to remember that line! My favorite thing you found was the picnic jug. I am just starting to collect those and actually blogged about a few days ago. Have a great day!


  15. Bless you for taking such good care of your Mom. I am glad she is home and doing better.
    Love you fish bucket. Yes, surprising what u can find when u clean out a cabinet!

  16. So glad your mom is better!! I have gotten so tired I didn't feel like junking, too. It will pass. Your picnic jug is wonderful. I love that your mom has kept your hula hoop all these years! Fun Rednesday and the bucket story is great!!

  17. Bless your moms heart as she heals. I love all of your Redness! Dont often find unique pieces like this here. Have a great day and get some good rest.

  18. Caro, You are too funny! I had a hula hoop too. It would proably get "stuck". You did some great picking in your Mom's garage. Love the jug, love it all! Hope your Mom is dong better.

    Happy Rednesday!

  19. Excuse my typos. :-( On drugs for a bad tooth.

  20. Ooh! I'll have to try junking at the relatives! Although I've been cleaning out some of my stuff lately - it's hard to admit that you have too much junk! In fact, one of the items I had taken to the thrift store came back home with Mister! So I had to return it! (Men!)

  21. Hi Carol, glad your Mom`s home and doing better, been there done that, but anything for Mom. Love your vintage goodies, glad you wore the guy down on the minnow bucket, very cute. Mine has holes around the bottom so I put a candle in it and it shines through the holes, kinda cute at night. Take care,Blessings Francine.

  22. You did not need to go shopping. Lots of great goodies right under your nose.

  23. I'm glad you're back! And I'm sure you'll be back in junking form in no time. They say it's like riding a bicycle - you never forget.

  24. Cute post. You made me laugh several times.

  25. Well, that is a very special $2 fish bucket!!! And it looks really nice with flowers in it. My favorite thing in the whole post is that sweet little kitten cup... Sooo cute. Glad that your Mom is doing better. She is very lucky to have two caring daughters!

  26. It's good to see you back. I'm glad that your Mom is doing better. So much fun seeing the happy treasures that you find. Loved that minnow bucket and your long lost hula hoop.

  27. Hi Carol,
    It's so hard when family members aren't doing well...glad your Mom is getting better!
    "junking" will lift your spirits! Cool finds in the garage! Darling kitty cup! Take care!

  28. I'm sorry to hear about your mom Carol, and hope shes on the mend. No fun waking up all night. That will tend to throw off your junking ability. It seems like it didn't affect you too bad though. Great things-I love the little bucket and shovel and the hula hoop. I remember mine-wonder if I could still do that. Get some sleep girlfriend!

  29. Hi Carol, so glad your mom is doing better and that you are able to start getting back in the swing of junkin' and blogging, not to mention sleeping again! You've been missed! You have some great finds here. I think my favorite is that picnic jug you found in your mom's garage. I think it's so fun that your mom still had your hula hoop! I don't even have my kid's old hula hoops never mind mine! Hope mom is all better soon :)

  30. Glad that your Mom is home and getting along fairly well!!

    Lovely reds!!


  31. Amazing, fun finds you found at your moms. I'm glad to hear she is home and recovering :-)

  32. Too tired to go junking??? Well we just can't have that!
    I hope your mom is feeling better and that you are back into the groove of things. You sure found some great treasures at the house!
    The red kitten cup is so cute!
    Erica :)

  33. http://itsjustmommer.blogspot.com/2012/08/happy-happy-joy-joy.html

    I love looking at your vintage finds, please stop by my blog and see some of my treasures.

  34. This post so reminds me of going through my mother's home and finding treasures. Your mother has a very sweet and caring daughter! Elizabeth



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