Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HELP!! I've Exceeded My Photo Upload Quota!!!

I know a few bloggers have experienced this, and I hope you can help me. I've been trying for a few days to do a post with pictures, but when I try to upload one, it says that I've exceeded my photo upload quota. I've deleted a bunch of pictures on Picasa, and I still can't upload. It seems my only option is to buy more storage space. Am I the only one that didn't know when I started blogging that this was going to be an issue, and that essentially I will have to pay to blog from now on? If anyone has run into this situation, can you please walk me through it? I'm going through blog withdrawal!!!


  1. Try uploading the photos to flickr and then importing them from there...I had to end up buying more picassa storage. Hope this helps

  2. I just bit the bullet and bought more space. It truly was a very small amount considering the number of years and posts I have done.

  3. Fabulous to know you've been that productive!!!!
    Go buy yourself some MORE SPACE...
    Your worth it!
    xo, Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. I've seen many bloggers post about this issue (hasn't hit me yet!) and it seems the only solution is to buy more space.

  5. Thank you everyone! I just went ahead and bought more storage!

  6. Oh no!! I didn't even know that could happen! Of course I have only been a blogger since March. I sure hope this works out for you ASAP cause I adore all of your posts! :)

  7. I had to go ahead and pay for "more", too. And I will have to do it again, I'm sure. It IS frustrating - but I guess I feel like:
    1) blogging is fun and
    2) I need and want to continue, and
    3) I can't do it without pictures, so,
    4) I have to just bite the bullet!

  8. Hmmmm....I didn't know this could be an issue. I don't use online photo storage though.

  9. Ran outta space years ago on Typepad, so I paid for the upgrade. I don't think there's an easy way around it. p.s. just saw you bought more space - smart move, I think!

  10. Hi, this happens to me all the time. Just move your photos to your desktop and upload them from there. E

  11. I see you bought more space. Seems to be the answer from what I read here and on other blogs where this has happened. Hugs, Linda

  12. I ended up buying more space, but might try what others have suggested!! xo Heather

  13. I hit the limit a few years ago and just pay for the upgrade. It's so cheap, maybe $10 per year? Totally worth it.

  14. I've been blogging since 2005 and haven't had this happen yet? Are you uploading from another source? I keep my photos on my desktop so hopefully I'm ok? And where do you buy more space from? Thanks!!!

  15. Hello Carol...new at blogging so now help....sorry...blogger is giving me grief at times to.... Good Luck...Blessings Francine.

  16. I had heard this could happen so I went ahead and purged a bunch of pics (and thus posts) off of picasa. I thought going through picasa was the only option but I see from the comments that's it's not.

  17. Yes, this happened to me earlier this year. After a moment of panic (and blaming it on my new camera--it was just a coincidence that my space filled up as I was trying to upload pics from a new camera for the first time!), I bought more space. It's only a few dollars a year and I think it's worth it. And your blog is definitely worth it! :) --Fran

  18. I haven't hit the limit yet either. I guess when it happens I'll have to buy more space. Kind of frustrating though!

  19. I upload all of my photos directly from my computer. I didn't even know this was a problem with Picassa. I have photos in Picassa but when I put one on my blog, I take it from my computer. I think I'll read the comments again! Hugs!

  20. Hello,
    I know this might be a weird request, but there is a picture of a Halloween Decoration you have that caught my eye. I is a black, honey-comb style owl. I believe the maker is amscan, a denmark co. I have some questions about it & I was wondering if you would be willing to email me. My email is kristine.cuilty@gmail.com. If you have the time I would really appreciate it.

  21. I agree with Elizabeth,
    I upload the photos to my desktop and take them from there, I have been blogging for three years and I use a lot of photos....no problem yet. Does Blogger put our photos in Picassa, do they own it?????

  22. Oh dear, what does it mean that I had to buy more storage space a couple of years ago? Seems like I just recently renewed it. Tried a few work arounds, but they were such a pain, it was easier to pay for the smallest amount of space on Picasa. Good luck!

  23. I see you bought more space. Seems to be the answer from what I read here and on other blogs where this has happened. Hugs, Linda


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