Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween II & Storage Wars

I thought I'd share a few more Halloween decorations, but really this post is more about thanking everyone who responded to my SOS about exceeding my photo quota. I have to tell you that when this happened I was scared. Scared BAD! I didn't know what the heck was going on, but after reading your comments, I went ahead and bought more storage. $2.49 a month doesn't seem like alot, but that's about $30 a year! Add that to the $25 I'm paying for a Pro Flickr account, and I ask you,  Where does the insanity end??? I haven't given up yet, and I'm still investigating ways to get around Picasa. When the pictures are coming from my desktop, why does Picasa need to even be involved? Ok, enough ranting, and THANK YOU to all that commented and e-mailed me. I really appreciate it!
I didn't decorate as much as usual, but I just had to make sure and put out these little figurines!
That record, Sounds To Make You Shiver, was a recent find, and according to some Flickr friends, I should listen to it and not just use it for decoration.
I think this is the last year that I will put any of my vintage blow molds outside. The sun really does a number on them, and they can be very expensive to replace!
I found these candoliers a couple of weeks ago, and knew I wanted to do something Halloweeny with one of them. Two of my crafty heroes, Laurie and Kim, made some amazing ones, and really inspired me.      

    Here's my version, all lit up. I forgot to take a daytime shot of it! I plan to do something Eastery with the other one, so I better put it with the Easter decorations right now, otherwise I'll never find it! Again, thanks for all of your help with the storage issue!   


  1. That little beauty queen is so cute!!

    I'd love to find some blowmolds like that - you're lucky to have them....

  2. I love your blow molds! I wish I could find one (or more) for cheap. I've been able to find several Christmas blow molds, but no Halloween. When I saw your candleliers and you mentioned doing something "halloweeny" with them, an explosion went off in my brain! I immediately had ideas bouncing around in my head! It makes my brain hurt when I start thinking about crafts and decorating. Lol.

  3. Carol when I go into new post it gives me the option to choose files (photos) from this blog, picassa web, phone, Webcam or URL. I am thinking if you already upload to FLICKR you can then just use the URL button to import those contacts into the blogpost. I know Elizabeth does something similar to that. It completely goes around the picassa money issue because you are not asking it to store your photos. Just a thought...keep working. Smiles...Renee

  4. I love the blow mold display! I just had to buy more storage too & it is really frustrating that I have to pay to get pictures off of MY computer! Oh well. Be sure to post if you can find a way around it.

    Thanks for sharing your Halloween goodies!


  5. Such very cute Halloween goodies.

    I agree with you, my photos are coming from my desktop too, so what the heck? Sigh, not happy either!

  6. I'm not sure about the Picasa thing either--I believe I pay for my extra storage through Google so Picasa is not involved at all. Maybe Blogger has changed things since then? Weird.

    LOVE the little Miss Halloween girl!

  7. Such cute Halloween decorations! Have a great weekend and I hope you find a way to resolve your photo storage dilemma.

    Susan and Bentley

  8. I keep my blowmolds inside. Too hard to hunt them down and replace if something was to happen. I take all my Santa ones inside each night during Christmas for that reason. Looking mighty spooky...

  9. Hi Carol,

    Unfortunately Picassa is the default image control for Blogger and Blogspot, so there's no way to get around that except to choose where your images come from. Even with that choice, Picassa still controls it, that's the price of a free blog (except for the storage fees). You can use Renee's option, but personally I'd rather pay the small fee so I don't have to do all the searching and copying. So there's really nothing free in this world, except free will.

    All your decorations look amazing. Sandy (of 521 Lakestreet) just got back from visiting family in Wisconsin and she brought me my very first blow mold pumpkin, it's so cute.

    Have a great day,

  10. It looks like you are having a great time decorating for Halloween.
    I am glad you got more storage.


  11. I gave up my flickr account because paying for both was ridiculous.

    last year google charged me $5 for the whole YEAR, this year I too am stuck with the $2.50/month crap. sigh.

  12. Hi all the vintage Halloween goodies....wonderful.....Blessings Francine.

  13. Love all of your great Halloween items! I think you have a good idea to keep the blow molds indoors, yours are in great shape-enjoy:@)

  14. Feeling like I should stop passing up those blow molds ... I never felt like they went with what I had, so I usually pass them by. Did not realize what pent-up demand there was out there. I'm going to go now and kick myself some more.

  15. Wonderful cottage and halloween pics. Thanks for sharing

  16. Carol, you've made so many changes 'round here that I didn't know where I was until I saw your picture of your cute little Sears house in the sidebar!

  17. Love your little figurines and the blow molds. The decor looks great!
    Happy Halloween!

  18. Great vintage Halloween decorations. How do you find so many different blow molds?

  19. Fabulous decorations! You know me, I can't get enough blowmolds and I love your decorated candles. They turned out amazing! Halloween hugs!

  20. Hi Carol,
    Your Halloween blow molds are so FUN! I didn't do much decorating for Halloween either! It's work! LOL
    I'll sure let you know when I have to "buy" my photo space...


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