Monday, November 19, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Here in this part of Illinois, the hunting and gathering of junk has become extremely difficult, due to garage sale season being over and done with, and the thrift stores severely lacking in vintage stuff. Thank goodness the flea market runs 'til the end of November! That's where I found that old copy of The Secret Garden and the sweet watering can.
The other side of the can is just as cute, and it still has it's original price tag of $1.79. When I saw that sticker, I had one of those moments where I wished that I could go back in time to when these little cans were brand new, and fill a shopping cart with them!
This gorgeous bowl also came from the flea. I paid more for it than I normally would for something like this, but I've never seen one quite like it before and thought I'd better grab it.
The sticker inside is pretty funny: Sorcery In Ceramics!
This next find is rather silly. I walked past that skate case up there three times before I finally realized that I must really want it, and asked the seller how much it was. I'm just crazy about that skating couple on the front! There's a pair of vintage Roller Derby skates inside, and although I know that ice skaters would make much more sense for Christmas decorations, I really love them up there, and I guess that's all that matters!
My last finds were discovered on my porch! These are my winnings from Denise's giveaway at Old Fashioned Days. If you've never visited Denise's blog, you really should, because it's loaded with vintage goodness! Thank you so much for my Fire King cup and saucer, the Occupied Japan poochie, and the sweet little hankie, Denise. I love them all!~~~~~So, did you find any goodies last week?


  1. I've thought of that too-- going back in time to buy... If we (or our mothers) only knew! You did well for this time of year!

  2. I live near where that piece of pottery was made. My husband works in that town. It is different. I have never heard of that company but there are alot of pottery places around there. Probably because it is a big clay area.

  3. I love that little watering can and am so determinted to find my own. The only two that I have ever seen have been in antique malls and were super expensive. Love your little Christmas display. I would have bought the roller skating box too:-)


  4. I totally understand wanting to fill up a shopping cart with those cute watering cans. Your skate case looks right at home on top of your green hutch. A darling vignette.

  5. Carol, I would have gotten the skate case too. It looks great on your green hitch. Love the Secret Garden book. We had the worst garage sales around here this fall, but I hit a few estate sales last weekend that were pretty good. Hopefully it will pick up again soon. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. You found some great things. What a great book.
    Congrats on your winnings. I will check out her blog.

    I missed the flea market this month and am having strong urges to get the an antique mall. Hehe

  7. Carol the skate case looks great on top of your cabinet! I have not thrifted much lately but did find a few things last week that I will share soon. I LOVE that pink planter! Gorgeous!
    hugs, Linda

  8. Lovely finds!! Ah, rollerskating brings back memories, doesn't it? I was never very good at it, but hanging-out at the rink was very popular when I was growing-up!!

  9. You found some wonderful things, I bet if you are anything like me your house is getting overloaded, I am working on getting things sold! Hugs, Diane

  10. I like those shaters, too! I've only been on skates once and it wasn't pretty! Just picture a giaffe on skates. :)

    So glad you found that watering can and the secret garden! I love to read the Secret Garden in the spring.

    I posted about my week's finds, too.

  11. Roller derby...yeah. The magnet you have for tin is as strong as mine but yours goes off far more often...smiles..Renee

  12. Hi, wonderful goodies there, sweet little watering can and book, always fun to see what you find......Blessings Francine.

  13. what great finds!!!! I would have taken the skaters too.

  14. Such fabulous finds! Love the watering can and your Christmas decorations!! xo Heather

  15. I have been hunting vintage Christmas and I'm afraid the thrift stores will recognize me very soon and send me to treatment!

  16. Great finds!!Love the watering can and I would have bought the skate case too!!! Happy Thanksgiving!


  17. I love the print on that watering can! And the "scorcery in ceramics" label was worth whatever you paid for it alone, what a hoot, plus it's gorgeous. Good finds!

  18. Someday I want to wake up and find a Jadite cup and saucer on my front porch. You're a lucky gal.

  19. Oh my gosh your Christmas curtains turned out so cute! I love how you call your finds Junk. I would love to find your junk!
    Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Day! Elizabeth

  20. I see you are still at it with your great finds! You should come to Florida, the best yard sale season is just getting started here! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

  21. Hi Carol,

    My mom had a ceramic studio and I have seen man Shawnee pieces. They are very cool, very retro indeed. Love it. I would have found it hard to pass up but I would never have passed up the skating case. Lucky girl!!! Cute!

    If I had the room I'd have a watering can, beach pail, beach shovel porch...I love them too!

    All cozy in my house. Rearranged the laundry room (baby dolls/vintage childrens dresses and clothespin, laundry goodies) then rearranged the whole living room and made it crowded and cozy...just like I like it for Christmas...then moved on to the downstairs bathroom...of course, woodlawn gnomes...the old ones!

    Life is good. Did you get my letter and the Sear's article? Hope so!

  22. Of course you HAD to have the red skate box!!! It's sweet!
    There was a garage sale last week, but not in my neighborhood! Estate sales are good!

  23. You're very welcome Carol! I'm glad to see you are enjoying your giveaway winnings! :)

  24. Such great finds, as usual, but....Sorcery in Ceramics! I LOVE it! I would have purchased that just to have the sticker! :) --Fran

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