Tuesday, November 13, 2012

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas!~~REDNESDAY

I've been contemplating stitching up some kitchen curtains, using an old Christmas tablecloth, for years. But I've been too scared to bring a pair of scissors anywhere near a truly vintage tablecloth. If the usual big gravy stain was in the center of the cloth, I thought: Heck, I am not cutting this one, because I can just cover up that stain with some decorations! And speaking of those stains, can you imagine being a housewife back in the day, and watching your family spill the gravy all over your pretty tablecloth? The poor woman didn't have SHOUT Stain Remover or OXICLEAN back then, like we do!
So instead of using one of my pretty vintage tablecloths, I used this one, which I suspect is not very old, but at least I didn't cringe while I was hacking away at it! 
Here's how they turned out. Not bad!
But even better when there's a Santa swingin' between the panels, and there's a bunch of tiny Santa mugs sittin' on the sill!
The Santa cookie jar is usually way up on top of a cabinet, but this year he's on the counter, for easier cookie access.
A Santa tray tucked behind the glasses carrier. I'm doing a tiny bit of decorating each day, instead of waiting to do it all after Thanksgiving. I think this will tremendously relieve the anxiety that I feel when I'm trying to get the inside and outside decorated before Christmas. Plus, for some reason, I just can't wait to decorate!~~~~~~~~If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where our hostess Sue is celebrating her birthday today. Happy Birthday Sue!  


  1. Carol, I LOVE the curtains. They are great!!!
    I can't believe that Christmas is so close. Smart on getting a head start on the decorating!


  2. Great job on the curtains! They look so cute. I am taking your advice and decorating a little each day. That way I can actually enjoy it.


  3. The curtains are beautiful. I have the same problem with cutting things up. You can always throw the turkey on the yellow spot. I absolutely love the photo of the Santa cookie jar and the green radio!

  4. I was thinking of doing the same exact thing! I need new curtains badly and I think it would be great to use a vintage tablecloth!
    Yours look gorgeous! :)
    By the way, I mailed your package this afternoon. You should receive it Thursday!

  5. Hello, the Christmas curtains look so pretty, love it......yes, It's hard to cut up vintage tableclothes and things.....I agree, Also love the Santa cookie jar, my hand would be I there all the time I'm afraid, loves me some cookies.........Blessings Francine.

  6. Your curtains are too cute!! And I love the swinging Santa!!


  7. Hi Carol....I am in kitchen curtain heaven right now after seeing your post. You are so very gifted at adding the sweetest vintage touches to your cottagey home. I just love your window...I could stand and wash dishes for hours with that view. Your little swinging Santa is just the cutest.
    Thank you for your kind visit and thoughtful comment, my friend!
    Blessings and Happy Rednesday!
    Carolynn xoxo

  8. Yay! Brave you! They turned out great!

  9. Love that cookie jar - I've admired it from afar, on Pinterest!!!

  10. We'll get you some therapy if you start having guilt over cutting old tablecloths. I did learn that if someone spills gravy or anything greasy on a tablecloth the best thing to do is immediately put FLOUR on it to absorb the grease. Then there is Shout and Oxyclean for the remants.

  11. I absolutely LOVE your great new curtains! I think they're beautiful-enjoy:@)

  12. How absolutely adorabley, vintage Christmasey the curtains make your room look. Love them.

  13. The curtains are so cute! I love your
    Santa cookie jar and tray, too! am exited to start decocorating! I like the idea of doing some each day, but once I get started there is no stopping me! haha! Can't wait to see more of your Christmas decor!

  14. Get out..How sweet are those. love to see what you are cooking up. Smiles..Renee

  15. Love them!!!! What a great idea! They are so pretty in your kitchen!

  16. Your curtains are so beautiful!! I might have to give thsi a try!! ;) xo Heather

  17. Can you please be my neighbor and help me make awesome curtains?? Those turned out SO cute! I would love to find a cookie jar like that! You always have the best holiday decor!

  18. Carol, The curtains are beautiful! I admire anyone who can sew...I'm pathetic when it comes to sewing. Love your added Santas too. Hope I can get in the spirit to start decorating Thanksgiving week-end.

    Happy Rednesday!

  19. Oh how cute - and what a fun visit for Rednesday. An early Merry Christmas to you!

  20. The curtains are so cute!! Aren't you glad you finally did it? I don't know how you can decorate a little at a time...I just bring out all the boxes and go for it all at once.

  21. I love how your curtains turned out -- perfect!! I used to have the fear of cutting things up but unless they're in minty-perfect condition, I now happily chop away, knowing they'll be starting a new life, hopefully as something that will be used & enjoyed. :-)

  22. I am in love with those curtains. Is it possible to love curtains? All you Chrismas stuff is looking great!Did I say I love those curtains?

  23. Your curtains are so darling, Carol! They look so charming with your other things. I am besotted with your mint green radio.

    Happy Rednesday!

  24. Love them! Those curtains are just super sweet. Your Santa cookie jar with that green radio is just darling too. The girls are so anxious to start pulling out the Christmas decorations. I'm still recovering from our Halloween party decor. Bring on more red and green!

  25. Those curtains are as cute as can be. Love the green radio and your swinging Santa.

  26. Hey Carol! I love how these curtains turned out!! so cute! I think that is a good idea to decorate a little each day. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!


  27. The Society for the Preservation of Perfectly Good Vintage Christmas Items thanks you and compliments you on your lovely curtains!

  28. Hi Carol,
    the curtains turned out absolutely darling! Such vintage charm. I remember Santa cookie jar and he's just as jolly as ever. Love all of your fun touches. I am anxious to get decorating also.


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