Tuesday, February 26, 2013

REDNESDAY~Lost And Found

I can't wait to see what's going on over at Sue's for REDnesday! When you're done looking at my reds, please head over there to see even more reds!
So yesterday I shared the big mess that's in my Vintage Tablecloth Cabinet.
This is all that I was looking for. Just my St. Patrick's Day tablecloth. But it ended up being like one of those crazy videos where 50 people climb out of a tiny VW Bug. Every time I tried to pull a tablecloth out, a zillion more fell out!
So I ended up taking everything out, and I discovered some things that I had forgotten about or that hadn't seen the light of day in ages. Like this handquilted, hand embroidered and cross stitched baby quilt.
If I had the room, this thing, with it's sweet little barn, would be hanging on a wall.
I believe this pattern is some variation on the pinwheel. All of the pinwheels are pastels, except for two red ones. Kinda strange, if you ask me, but since I can't make a decent quilt myself, I should just shut up.....
Another baby quilt, made with what might be some feedsack fabric, but I'm just not sure. Yesterday I was all set to bag these quilts up and donate them. I couldn't see them and enjoy them, so why keep them? Then I happened to read Leslie's post about all of the quilts she has rescued, and has them displayed throughout her house. Now I'm determined to find a spot where I can see them every day!~~~~~~~~~~~~So you've seen my messy tablecloth cabinet. And I bet you're thinking it's just chock full of tablecloths and quilts behind that other door too..... 
Well, you're wrong. It's full of junk! Lots of stuff that I put in there and forgot that I did it! I'm hoping to whittle it all down to just two boxes. That way there's room for more tablecloths. HAH! 
I finally found this sweet little Strawberry Days set that Elizabeth at Creative Breathing made. Can't tell you how happy I was to find them again!
Also found my Liddle Kiddle Locket. Is it cool that I have a toy from my childhood, or is it Proof That I Started Hoarding At A Very Young Age?!~~~~~~~Remember, if you'd like to see more reds, head over to Sue's!

Monday, February 25, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I love it when I find something that I didn't even know existed. Did you know that there are vintage birthday tablecloths? I didn't!!! Aren't the colors fantastic?
Just in case you forget the words......
And the best part is that on the back, it's a Christmas tablecloth! Saves me some room in the Vintage Tablecloth Cabinet, which we'll visit in a minute, and again for REDnesday.
I have a few of these deer, and am happy to add another one to the herd. But it's that kitchen towel that's got me giddy!
A pink watering can that I can't wait to plant some purple pansies in.
I think it was the Green Bay Packer colors that drew my eye to this watering can!
A pair of drinking glasses with pretty petunias on them.
OK, here we go. I was looking for a particular tablecloth the other day in The Vintage Tablecloth Cabinet, which resulted in me taking everything out, because who could find anything in that mess?!?!
Which led me to "finding" this quilt, which I don't think I've ever shared. Love the Spring-y purple gingham border!
And I'm kinda intrigued by that strange umbrella square.....
Oops, found another quilt I forgot I had. I like pink and green together. Again, very Spring-y.
As a child, I wasn't too crazy about these dishes. Maybe it was the color. I mean c'mon, if those stars had been pink or aqua, it would have been a whole different story
Fast Forward many, many years, and like alot of stuff that I grew up with,  I can now appreciate the atomic mid century beauty of them. My Mom has a set big enough to feed an army, so she let me have a few. I've got my fingers crossed that I can somehow squeeze them into The Vintage Kitchenware Cabinet. Don't even get me started on that.......  

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


It's the REDnesday before Valentine's Day, so c'mon, let's look at some decorations at Old Glory Cottage!
The front porch. It was an extremely windy day, so the flag is wrapped tightly around the pole, and I had to take the red birdcage off of it's stand because it was whacking against the house. I wish I could get a decent shot of the house all lit up at night, because it's pretty darn cute. And once again, I can't wait to prune the heck out of those bushes this Spring!
A close-up. I painted the sign several years ago, and planted lots of hearts in that windowbox!
The back porch.
I really must thank the person that I bought these cherubs from, at a garage sale. I can't even imagine how long it must have taken them to cut these out of wood. All I had to do was paint them!
My old childhood sled.
An old red watering can, hanging on the lamppost. Sure wish I would have moved the Junkmobile before I took this shot!  
Vintage valentine cards.
"Mr. & Mrs. Old Glory, sitting under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
More vintage cards. That one on the top left is my current favorite. I just love decorating for the holidays, don't you?!? On Friday, I'll be busting out a bit o' the green for St. Patrick's Day. But that's not what you want to hear about on REDnesday, so you should probably go check out It's A Very Cherry World right now!!!   

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentine's Day Decorations~~REDNESDAY!

Sue is hosting her REDnesday party over at It's A Very Cherry World! If you love the color red, you've just gotta pop over there and check out everyone's reds! Today I'm sharing a few Valentine's Day decorations, along with a couple of patriotic goodies......my favorite!
Cupcake wouldn't let me decorate her, but she compromised by getting in the decorations! That's a windowbox on the back porch that she's planted herself in.
Lots of vintage valentine stuff!
I finally got up the nerve to make a wreath out of the Dollar Tree ornaments that I snatched up after Christmas two years ago. Even the ribbon for the bow came from  Dollar Tree!
I've been looking for one of these frames for a few years, and was thrilled to find one recently, because I wanted to make........
This tray! I used some of my favorite vintage valentine cards and pink glittery scrapbook paper from Hobby Lobby. I cannot wait until it's warm enough to paint outside. I had to spraypaint this thing in the bathroom, in a big cardboard box, with the exhaust fan going for hours to get the stinky smell out. I'm ready for Spring!
Our wonderful and thoughtful hostess Sue sent me this Old Glory pillow a bit ago, and I think it's the thing that woke me up out of my BLAH state of being, and got me wanting to start blogging again after my long break.
She also made me this patriotic valentine. Does she know me or what?!
And as I'm learning from all of you great crafters, you've gotta make the back just as pretty as the front! Thank you so much for thinking of me, Sue!~~~~~~~~~~~~And so, if you would like to see more reds, now would be a good time to head over to It's A Very Cherry World!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm so glad to be back from my unintentionally long blog break! Last year was rather exhausting, dealing with all of my Mom's health issues, and then she had more surgery a few days after Christmas, and I guess it all caught up with me and I've been feeling rather BLAH. But while taking photos for this post, I've gotten that old excitement for blogging back again!
First I just had to share these glittery owls that I found at Dollar Tree. Aren't they cute? Until I find a better spot for them, they're hanging out up there on the fireplace. 
Try as I might, I just could not get a good shot of this aqua Miramar planter that hangs in the bedroom window unless the curtains were closed!
I'm trying for a red, pink and aqua kitchen, so I grabbed that chopper when I saw it.....somewhere. I used to be able to remember where I got everything, but I guess not being able to remember anymore is a sign that I have way too much junk!
A huge pixie to add to the collection. She's got some extremely pointy ears, doesn't she?!
The globe bank on the left is a new addition to the collection.
A super heavy metal patriotic eagle thingy! I also found something that I'd been looking for, for a few years now. I'll save that for REDnesday! ~~~~~~~ During my blog break, I didn't even feel the urge to go junking......that's how BLAH I felt! But the urge is back with a vengeance, and I even discovered a new thrift store, where I found the pixie, globe and eagle. See, I can remember where I found some of my junk! And I can't wait to catch up with everyone, and see what kind of junk you've found too!