Monday, July 8, 2013

Persistence Pays Off!---MY WEEKEND FINDS

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Every week at the flea market, IT would be there, and every week I would leave IT behind, yearning for IT to be mine.
But alas, it was way too expensive for this cheap girl! Perhaps I could find one cheaper on Ebay. Ah yes, but   the shipping would be a killer.
Last week, a glimmer of hope. Everything on the table was 50% off. Momentary excitement, but Rats! Still much more than I could justify paying. Then I remembered that this seller slashes his prices by 75% at the end of July. But would he do it TODAY?
YES! Yes he would! It's a garage/shed to go along with those tin dollhouses. Isn't it adorable? 
That hose is so neat and tidy, unlike mine, which is always sprawled out across the driveway, ready to trip someone.
GAH! Look at that sweet wheelbarrow and old timey mower!
I know it's supposed to be a garage, but it's most definitely cute enough to live in!
I can't wait to drag the ladder into the house so that I can put it up on the shelf next to my dollhouse! And I think it's official: I need some dollies to go along with the house and garage!
The watering can with the little girl and the butterfly is the newest addition to the collection.
You might have already seen the Tonka truck in my patriotic decorations, but it's a recent find, along with the  two vintage sand pails. The seller was actually using the fishy one as an ashtray, and I think he thought I was pretty silly to ask about it, but he gave it to me for free! Never EVER hurts to ask....
I found a clip-on bird for the cage in the bathroom. If I'm going to collect bird cages, there might as well be some birds in there, right?!
The little yellow bud vase on the right is a recent find.
A big bottlebrush wreath, a tiny elf and a fluffy deer.
And an old transistor radio. I guess the reason why I'm so drawn to transistors is that when I was younger, I would always have mine with me, and it was always tuned to WLS. Does anyone remember Larry Lujack? What a great disc jockey he was! And what a thrill to be able to pick up that station when we would be on vacation, 350 miles from Chicago and in the middle of the Northwoods of Wisconsin! As a teenager, it was definitely a Godsend!~~~~~~~~~So, what kind of junk did you find? 


  1. great finds! I love the garage

  2. OMG!!!!!! You do buy the neatest stuff, love the sweet tin garage, I want one and all your little watering cans, can`t find any here, when I do, crazy priced.... .....Thanks for sharing, Green With Envy, :) Francine.

  3. The garage has been sitting there waiting for you all this time & now it's where it belongs:-)

    Love the idea of the vintage seed packets in the pottery. I am going to have to find some of my own now. I love those watering cans so much but have yet to find one that I am willing to shell out the asking price for. They are just so dang expensive.

    Have a great week!


  4. I was enjoying looking at all your recent finds, but when You mentioned WLS and Larry Lujack, oh my! Hadn't thought of that in years! Remember animal stories? Haha, fun times. :)

  5. Carol, the garage is soooo cute!! That is so worth waiting on!!

  6. Great finds! Love the garage. Yes, I remember Uncle Lar, Bob Sirott (sp?) and John Records Landecker-- probably why I love music!

  7. I love your little garage! I'm still hoping for a house. :) when I get it, I'll put it up top on the shelf above my hutch!

    I was first person in my 6th grade class to have a transistor radio. All the boys would flock around me to see and hear it and I was over the moon with some attention at last!! :) I started buying 45's and albums when I was 9 years old. I was so into music. And now I'm not. Weird. ♥

  8. I am doing the happy dance for you and that adorable garage!!! I love your watering can collection so much! I would have bought the little yellow vase, I'm really getting into the 'mini' pottery lately. No junking here for awhile yet, but I'm missing the thrill of the hunt!


  9. There are no "flea markets" much less estate sales here in the summer time as AZ is much too hot for that. You are so blessed to be in an area where they still have them.


  10. SQUEAL! As a woman who has too many dollhouses to count, I'm totally loving your miniature garage. I have yet to find one reasonably priced. Yours is in great condition too. I'm still envious of your watering can collection too. Happy Monday!

  11. Oh my WLS! Yes I remember Larry Lujack! and do you remember on NY eve the bff and I spent the night together and always listened!
    And by the way I think that is my pink phone out of my bedroom! why oh why did my Mom upgrade phones after I left? I LOVE LOVE the shed/garage and you and I have the same doll house. Mine is in my Garden Cottage. Great finds and memories!!

  12. Oh Carol....wonderful finds! I would love to see inside your home, I bet every room is wonderful! :)

  13. Your persistence paid off..that garage is adorable!

  14. Oh stop! lol Could that garage be any cuter? I didn't know they made those!
    I love those huge bottle brush wreaths! I found several a few years ago, but sold them all after I decorated them up. I'm on the hunt for more!
    Great Finds as always.
    Erica :)

  15. Got a few finds myself this week-end. Your garage is the cutest! Love your bottlebrush wreath too, have my eye out for one of those. Your watering cans are amazing. You do have a great "eye"! :) Pam

  16. I haven't seen a garage either and that one is a real keeper! NICE!!!
    Looks like a great weekend of shopping for treasures!

  17. Sweet, sweet, sweet!!

    I always wanted a dollhouse, I think I would have settled for the garage! So cute!!

  18. Carol, the garage is ADORABLE! It was meant to be yours. Of course I love all your other treasures. I have fond memories of transistor radios, too!!

  19. The transistor brought back memories when I would listened quietly to music whilst studying, and hoping Mum would not notice it...Years later I found out she always spotted the red lit dial (on button)...Phew!
    Just enjoyed looking at all the goodies you have discovered and love the Sears Roebuck home!
    Happy Summer!

  20. That deer is great! & I've never seen anything like those metal doll houses.

  21. So sweet little house, I have one that's been sitting in storage I really should bring it home since everyone is gone now... humm just have to figure out where to put it ... my place is so full..

  22. Hello! I was just wondering if you could give any more information on The Secret Garden novel of yours. I've seen a picture of the cover online and would like to include a possible cover illustration artist or publication date, etc.


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