Friday, July 12, 2013


Let's see what's blooming at the cottage this week!~~~~I decided at the start of this growing season that I wouldn't do a garden post every week, because if you follow my blog, you've seen it all last year! So instead I'll just share new junk I might find and a periodic update on what's blooming! 
I've had this rusty......milk carrier?... for quite awhile. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it, but it was going to take some time.
So I started collecting vintage blue Ball canning jars. I'm sure I could have made this all come together faster, but it was a case of forgetting that I was supposed to be looking for blue Ball jars!
Finally, enough jars to fill the carrier! And here's what's blooming this week:
Ladybells. Don't you just love that name?! They're pretty, but they're also the bane of my existence. They spread eeeeeverywhere!
Gooseneck Loosestrife. Go ahead and say that fast three times, I dare you!
Monarda. Or Bee Balm. Whatever you call it, it looks like fireworks to me!
Every time I make a bouquet from the garden, I always include hosta leaves. 
This little collection of flowers couldn't be left out in the sun, so it's now sitting by the back door. A little cottage-y welcome!
I found this birdfeeder at a garage sale weeks ago. I was just going to paint it and place it somewhere in the garden. 
But then I found this while on vacation. It's been called everything from a lifeguard chair to a lighthouse since we brought it home!
But when I put the two things together, and plunked it in the garden in the middle of all of the daisies, it became a trellis for my cottage garden!
I weaved the pink rosebush onto it, and although it's pretty much done blooming, it's going to look amazing next year! I've always wanted something like this for the garden, and actually contemplated making one myself. This was much easier! I'm bananas about it!~~~~~~~~~~So, have you found any interesting junk for your garden?!? 


  1. Morning, oh I love the rusty milk carrier, sweet with the jars in it, great idea......Your flowers are beautiful...great find in the birdfeeder, looks fantastic on the stand there......Happy Weekend, Francine.

  2. I have never thought of putting a hosta leaf in a bouquet - great idea!!

  3. Your trellis is cool.
    I adore your chicken!

  4. The trellis you created is so cute!!! I love to find unique items and turn them into something useful. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Another post I need to share with my husband. We have big plans to do more work around the yard this weekend. I love what you did with your bird feeder/trellis. It looks perfect in your yard. Love your blue jar bouquet. Completely smitten.

  6. What a glorious garden you have. I love the Shasta daisy along the fence. I would love for you to share at the hop. And what a great collection of the blue jars. I have a few and love them for country bouquets.

  7. I love your repurposed bird feeder!

  8. I haven't visited in quite awhile, boy, have I been missing out:)
    Come visit and get in on my
    Amazon Gift Card Give-A-Way.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  9. I love how the blue jars look with just a 'what's blooming' arrangement in them! Simply perfect! The birdfeeder on the trellis is so cute and oh when the rose blooms next out! Nothing new for my garden this year as it's being moved to a new spot. Next year I hope things looks much better.


  10. Carol, your flowers are so pretty. I need some that will self seed like crazy as my yard is too big!! I love how you put together the tower with the birdhouse and the roses. Stunning!

  11. You have a mix of pretty and unique flowers there!

    I just got a bunch of blue jars, too! I keep changing my mind what to do with them. ♥

  12. Very inspiring photos for my garden :)

  13. So pretty and sweet!! Those blue jars are always my favorite! Have a lovely weekend! xo Heather

  14. I do like that lighthouse/lifeguard chair/fire tower/ birdhouse holder ... whatever it is, it looks great!

  15. Oh Carol, your garden is so pretty! I love the milk carrier, and the flowers look so pretty in there! Love those ladybells! You can send me some of those seeds! I have never heard of them before. Trying to stay cool in this awful heat wave we are having in NJ. Hope you ar cool!



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