Monday, September 23, 2013


Well Hello There! Where have you all been??? Oh that's right, it's ME that pulled the vanishing act! It's been kinda busy around here, and obviously I'm not the type who can enjoy summer and blog at the same time! But I just had to pop in and wish everyone Happy Fall, and share what I've been up to these last several weeks.
1. JUNKING-No matter how busy life gets, I always try to make time to go junking. The garage sales have been awful, but I seem to always find a treasure at the flea market. That's where I found this picnic tin. It fits in perfectly with the Fall decorations!
2. SEWING-New curtains were long overdue in the living room. I didn't know exactly what kind I wanted, but I did know that they would have green in them, and I also knew that I would be making them. I love using sheets to make curtains, because how else can you get so much yardage for so little? As soon as I saw these sheets at Walmart, I knew we had a winner! 
I like how they turned out. And I love the price. Two windows, four panels, all for under $8.00. You can't beat that! And if you're curious, the tinfoil in the flower pot is to keep the kitty from digging in there. Oh, and I didn't dust at all before I took this shot. Not apologizing, just stating a fact, so don't enlarge this or you  might sneeze just from looking at it! 
3. GARDENING-I started this project, and I'm still not done with it. I've since dug up all of those plants, laid down the weedblock fabric, and am slowing replanting. I have a crazy feeling that this project is going to carry over into next year.......
4. WE HAD A GARAGE SALE-This is what happens when you buy everything that you like, but it won't fit into your teeny tiny house! If it's sitting in the attic or in cupboards, I'm not enjoying it and I need to get rid of it. The worst part about having a garage sale? I can't go garage saling!  
After the sale was over, I only kept a few things, like this tray. I figured, why not decorate my porch the way that I decorate the inside of the house? 
So now I use trays on the porch too!
Nobody bought this poor little picnic tin at my sale. OK, OK, I actually pulled it from the sale before it ever got started! It's received a makeover, and I'll share it when it's completed!
5. CUTTING OUT OWLS-I hate it when I've got an idea in my head, and I can't find it in any stores. So I had to make it!
We've got tons of wood in the garage, so my only cost were those big buttons and an aching back from lots of time using the scroll saw and jigsaw. 
I like it!
6. CURB SHOPPING-This umbrella is in great condition, and the colors are so perfect for Fall. Thank You Mrs. C for throwing away this gorgeous umbrella. I've been admiring it from afar, or rather, right across the street! ~~~~~~~~~I'm hoping to get back to blogging on a regular basis, and trust me, once we have our first frost, alot more of my time will be freed up. Gardening is my passion, but this has been one long dry summer. It will be a relief to pack the hose away! Looking forward to catching up with everyone and seeing what you've all been up to!    


  1. Great job on the owls, Carol! so cute!

    Oh I wish you would have sent me those ribbon tins for my birthday! Darn! ;)

  2. You have been a busy bee! Wish I could have come to your sale! Love the trays on the porch!

  3. I have been decorating myself out of my house too! So my back patio has become an extension to the inside. I love the tray idea. I have stacks of those laying around just waiting for a way to display them.

    Glad you are back :-)


  4. I wondered what happened to you!! Your projects turned-out so nicely!! Take care!

  5. Good to see you blog, Carol!
    The owls are adorable.
    I knew I would of found great goodies at your garage sale. Just look at those goodies!
    That is a cute idea for curtains. (I see no dust).
    Happy Fall!!

  6. Forgot to mention making curtains out of sheets is very thrifty-- I've done that too. Cloth shower curtains work great also.

  7. Adorable owls! What a great idea. Everything looks so wonderful...I bet you get a smile every time you go outside, I know I would. Oh, and great job on the curtains. Sheets and tablecloths are the only way to cheap! Well, I do have burlap curtains...those are cheep, too!

  8. So good to have you back. I always enjoy your treasures mixed with your sense of humor. Your tray idea is fabulous and that owl wall hanging is wonderful.

    PS. My blogging pictures blown up would probably be full of lots of glitter, dust, and cat hair.

  9. Hi Carol! It's good to hear from you and see what you've been up to! I missed you! Have a great week! Twyla

  10. So happy you are back! I just love when you post :)
    I love your owl idea. I am owl obsessed and I think I actually saw owl cut outs in my craft store that I can paint and copy your great craft! I should have plenty of wood here though--I am married to a carpenter! Your finds are always so amazing. Love where you place everything! Love ya!

  11. HELLO Friend!
    Nice to see this post! I was missing you!
    I had a garage sale a couple weeks ago and then I made a couple trips to the thrift store! Of course, I haven't stopped buying!
    Darling owls on the branch!! Nice umbrella for your patio!

  12. Your new curtains are lovely, and I love your back patio. It looks like a perfect place to sit an enjoy a glass on apple cider and a piece of pie. Oh, Autumn always make me hungry for all the good foods associated with the season.
    Have a glorious week.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  13. You have been so busy!! I love the new curtains and the great owl plaque! Love that you are back blogging!!

  14. Oh how I would of loved to been at your garage sale. I am not blogging as much gets in the way!

  15. You certainly HAVE been busy! It must be so tough to have a garage sale and decide what to part with...we had one earlier this summer and think we did pretty well deciding what to part with because we have not looked back with any regret! Monica loves those picnic tins too, by the way. She has great difficulty resisting them! (Rob)

  16. Hi Carol! Welcome back to BLoglandia! I've been gone too, but for totally different reason..anyhoo.....WOW you are a very busy Lady. Love the post. Glad to see a a fellow blogger wgo has come to the Outside. LOL I asm a firm believer that an empty wall is a blank canvas waiting for a 3D collage
    Great look. Rednesday is noe over here at my Blog
    stop by and enter my giveaway

  17. OH I love the picnic basket! My mom had the recipe box to match and I have it...then I found the spice rack to that I know the picnic basket exists I will be looking for it!

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