Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Really? I haven't posted since JULY??? Well, I hope to rectify that with this post! I've been keeping a list of all of my junky finds, so a fresh MY WEEKEND FINDS is just around the corner. I had a great summer and fall, getting a ton of work done in the gardens, and in fact with this mild winter we're having, I'm still able to go out there and whack away at the English ivy I'm trying to get rid of. And it only took me a week to get that shot of Cupcake Sprinkles dressed as Mrs. Claws Claus. Sadly, I could not get her to wear the wire-rimmed glasses that would have looked so perfect and completed the transformation. Oh well, there's always another holiday to dress her up for, and frankly, until I get some grandbabies, I'm dressing up the cat!
So from our house to yours, I wish each and everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a junk-filled  NEW YEAR!!!


  1. Welcome back! Merry Christmas!

  2. Good to see a post from you. Merry Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas from The Checkered Apple!

  4. I have missed you! Thanks for checking in here and for stopping by my blog!

    Merry Christmas, Carol!


  5. Wishing you a Merry and blessed Christmas! xo Heather

  6. Long time no 'see'! Kitty does not look thrilled! Hope all is well with you and a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your family.

  7. Missed you! Wishing you a very merry Christmas! Welcome back by the way!!

  8. I just came home from Christmas Eve at my sister-in-law's house and decided to read some posts before I went to sleep (waiting for my daughter to fall asleep so Santa can come!) and surprise! There you are! A Christmas gift to me seeing your post. Miss you so much! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  9. I love the Santa Claws. Merry Christmas. :)

  10. Can't wait to see what you've been up to on the junkin' front!

    Merry Christmas!


  11. Not quite sure how you got that cat dressed, but I hope the bleeding stops soon. Merry Christmas!

  12. So glad to see you post!! Love Santa Claws. My cat would never stand for being dressed up. Hope your holidays are full of fun.

  13. love youre santa claws!
    Happy New Year!

  14. ha-ha! You gave me a good laugh! Kitty sure looks cute but not sure about her happy factor. Ha! Best wishes for the new year, Tammy

  15. Hello! So happy to see you are back! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Can't wait to see more of your vintage finds!

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