Thursday, January 1, 2015


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Oh sorry, did I say that too loud? Are you still recovering from last night's revelry? If so, I'll continue this post in a very soothing, quiet tone! Here's to a new year, filled with lots of vintage junk!
Today seemed like the perfect day to stay inside (it's COLD outside) and take pics of the vintage presents I found under the Christmas tree. Finally FINALLY, Santa brought me a red radio! It's just about the only color missing from the vintage radio collection. It's darker red than it looks, but after about twenty shots, I realized it was more important that I get a shot that didn't have the radio looking like it was sliding off the shelf. Do you spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to get the perfect shot too?
Mama and baby parakeet. More birdies for the vintage birdcage collection!
Two new additions to the vintage watering can collection. I still haven't found the perfect spot for them because....
The official gathering spot is severely overcrowded, and issues need to be dealt with in order for everyone to congregate up there on the green cabinet!
Once January rolls around, I'm itching to plant something. So later on today I'll plant up this amaryllis bulb that was also under the tree.
Get over to your nearest Dollar Tree right now! These "succulents" look just like the real thing, and go for at least 4x the dollar you'll shell out for these.
You can put them anywhere. Perhaps to keep some Magpie Ethel birdies company.
And you don't have to worry about that "but will they get enough sun?" silliness that you have to deal with when you bring home real plants. I love Dollar Tree!~~~~~~~~~~~See you next week with a fresh episode of MY WEEKEND FINDS! 


  1. I must leave a note on this one. Yesterday i went
    to my favorite thrift store and found what I thought
    was a tramp art, Eastlake or something hat rack.
    Very primitive and charming. I was thinking about
    it in the middle of the night and realized I had
    bought a gun rack. I don't own a gun! I only paid
    $4 for it so even if I cut it and make something
    else out of it I think it is worth $4 and a laugh at
    myself! Love your brand of junking. Julia

  2. Lucky girl, I love the radio! Would great in my vintage kitchen at my Grandparents house where the cousins gather for morning coffee and listen to an old am radio station in town. Wonder how a vintage one would do?
    AND of course I LOVE the watering cans, again, Lucky Girl!
    Happy New Year and so glad to see you posting again.

  3. You got some wonderful vintage under your tree. Love that red radio and your birdies. Saw those succulents yesterday. They do look good with Laurie's party birds. Looking forward to your weekly posts again!

  4. Love the red radio! Those are my kind of houseplants! Happy New Year!


  5. Carol,
    Happy New Year my friend!!!!! Well, Santa was good to you! LOVE all of it, but I also lobe vintage birdcages and sweet....and that RED radio! SIGH.....

  6. Ha-ha! I could use a whole lot of those succulents. You would think plants would thrive here when there is sunshine most of the year but unfortunately, the owner tinted the windows and nothing thrives, just sort of survives. I'm thinking you need a shelf to the left of the cabinet for some of those watering cans. :) Happy 2015! Tammy

  7. Every Christmas I buy myself paper whites and amaryllis to tide me over until Spring! Happy to see you blogging again!!

  8. such fun gifts! Love the red radio! that would look so cute in my kitchen! And, great collection of watering cans. I just dont go thrifting in the right places! lol!
    Happy New Year!

  9. What great gifts! Santa knows what you really want! Happy New Year!Hugs, Maggie

  10. Looks like Santa knows just what you like. The red radio is great. I love all your collections.
    Thanks for stopping by. I think that Elf was really getting the real meaning of Christmas. A great idea of my daughter's.

  11. You were definitely on the nice list. That radio is divine. Looks like I'll be heading to dollar tree. Thanks for the heads up!!! Happy 2015!!

  12. You just reminded me that I found an awesome old pink bird cage at a garage sale over the Summer! Now to find the perfect bird to inhabit it....I think that Magpie Ethel's party birds will fit in perfect!

    Can't wait to see your weekend finds post. Have an awesome weekend!


  13. I love how your watering can collection looks on top of your green cupboard!
    Great stuff!
    Erica :)

  14. I love the watering can collection...something I DON'T collect if you can believe it!

  15. Hi, just surfing and found your Weekend Finds posts. My dh and I are very into
    auctions and estate sales. I love to collect "junk" too.
    New follower :)
    Joy @ Books and Life

  16. You're so lucky to have so many wonderful things. I love the radio. I couldn't leave without a comment. It's obvious that I'm late with it, but I'd like to see more things from you. Happy New Year!

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I love comments. Even if it's just to say Hi!