Thursday, May 7, 2015


She gave me my passion for gardening. She was with me when I bought my first antique, and she was junking right alongside me at my first flea market. She taught me how to sew and how to drive. She could make potato pancakes and dumplings like no one else. She was a quiet woman who could surprise you with her wit. I lost my Mom on February 12th, two days after her 90th birthday. My sister and I were at her side, each holding one of her hands, Thank You God. Rest in peace sweet Mama.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of MY WEEKEND FINDS, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~~Today I'm sharing some recent finds and some things that were found during my extended blog break.......
The red plaid KILTIE thermos jug is probably meant just for cold drinks, but I love it on the back porch in the "winter fun beverage center". Grab a sled or a pair of skates and when you're done, come back for a hot cocoa!
A pink rhinestone clock. I love finding these, and I display them amongst the lady head vase collection.
I found these watering cans back in the Fall.
This watering can is super duper chippy!
I've seen these houses on a couple of blogs but never in real life. I bought it at what I thought was an estate sale, but ended up being a divorce sale. Kinda sad, but I got real happy when the husband  said I could fill a bag for $2. Let me just say that when offered that option, I will pack 25 pounds of junk into a 10 pound bag! So I think this awesome addition to my patriotic decorations cost me about.........25 cents!!! It's very cute during the day........
And at night there's fireworks! LOVE the fiber optics and the tiny lights on the bunting and all along the house. I feel bad that the lady of the house let her soon-to-be ex practically give away her amazing holiday decorations, but she can rest assured that her little patriotic house will be well-loved, and that there will be a fireworks show every night at 8PM over the summer!~~~~ So, did YOU bring home any junk that you never thought you would find?

Thursday, January 1, 2015


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!  Oh sorry, did I say that too loud? Are you still recovering from last night's revelry? If so, I'll continue this post in a very soothing, quiet tone! Here's to a new year, filled with lots of vintage junk!
Today seemed like the perfect day to stay inside (it's COLD outside) and take pics of the vintage presents I found under the Christmas tree. Finally FINALLY, Santa brought me a red radio! It's just about the only color missing from the vintage radio collection. It's darker red than it looks, but after about twenty shots, I realized it was more important that I get a shot that didn't have the radio looking like it was sliding off the shelf. Do you spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to get the perfect shot too?
Mama and baby parakeet. More birdies for the vintage birdcage collection!
Two new additions to the vintage watering can collection. I still haven't found the perfect spot for them because....
The official gathering spot is severely overcrowded, and issues need to be dealt with in order for everyone to congregate up there on the green cabinet!
Once January rolls around, I'm itching to plant something. So later on today I'll plant up this amaryllis bulb that was also under the tree.
Get over to your nearest Dollar Tree right now! These "succulents" look just like the real thing, and go for at least 4x the dollar you'll shell out for these.
You can put them anywhere. Perhaps to keep some Magpie Ethel birdies company.
And you don't have to worry about that "but will they get enough sun?" silliness that you have to deal with when you bring home real plants. I love Dollar Tree!~~~~~~~~~~~See you next week with a fresh episode of MY WEEKEND FINDS!