Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Finds & A Little Makeover

If you would like to see other bloggers' treasures too, please visit Southern Hospitality. Ok, so here's more stuff that I bought that I don't need! I apologize for so many pictures, but to me it looks better to see each thing separately, instead of all in a jumble. Most of this came from an estate sale. I felt so bad for the elderly gentleman whose sale it was. He seemed to be running the sale by himself, and he looked very overwhelmed. It was rather depressing. I don't like going to this kind of sale, because usually someone has passed away, and all of their little treasures are there for the world to see, and it's like they just disappeared. Ok, enough of that! I got the pink pottery dish and blue tin, in the picture above, for 25 cents each. I've been wanting one of those tins for a long time.

Lots of pretty perfume bottles. I love that Paris Special one. My daughter grabbed that one as soon as I took the picture!

Another vintage mirror to add to the collection. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to take a picture of a mirror? You've got to pay attention to the view that's reflected in there!

Another floral tin, 25 cents.

I love this wax paper/paper towel/aluminum foil dispenser. I HAVE to find room for this somewhere in the kitchen! The match holder is a cutie too.

I already have a set of S&P shakers with red caps, but they are RED, so I have to have them!

A little grease can. I don't think I'll actually use it though. I usually put my grease in an old jar, and then throw it away. Can you imagine cleaning this thing out when it's full? Yuck!

A little doggy planter, and two tiny planters marked JAPAN.

A white stool just like one I remember my parents having. It's rather modern, but I think it works with the cottage decor.

Two old bowls. The red one is Pyrex. I'm trying to get the whole set, one bowl at a time. Have you seen how much a set goes for at antique stores? $40-$50!!

And finally, this little vintage metal table. It was all rusty, but.......

I painted it Moss Green, and now it holds our TV trays! I hope you found some treasures this weekend too!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tutti Frutti

If it wasn't for blogging, nothing would get dusted! You know what I'm talking about. You can't take a picture of anything without dusting it first! Anyway, I collect chalkware fruit. And that has snowballed into lots of other fruit in the kitchen. Also, I am participating in Vintage Thingies Thursdays at ColoradoLady's, so check out other bloggers' vintage thingies!

Little red Ebay clock. I had to get up at 6AM to win that!

Strawberry valances...

I would've loved to show you the whole window, but that would've led to washing that window, which would've meant crawling into the kitchen sink to reach the window. There are some things that I won't do to get a picture, and that is one of them!

A breadbox with fruit decals.

I am "lucky" enough to have a small washer and dryer in the kitchen. I have hidden the ugly laundry detergent with that little fruity valance. I have also snuck some real fruit into the shot!
The top of the fridge. Way too much stuff, but then I love way too much stuff! So now you have seen the cleanest parts of the kitchen. I think Mr. Old Glory wishes I would take pictures of the house every day, that way it would get clean!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day & Thrifty Finds

I want to join in! I didn't think anyone would be doing this today, and in fact I forgot 'til this morning. I only went to one garage sale, and this cart is all I got. I love it, and of course I had to run out and get some flowers! It was $3. If you would like to see other bloggers' finds, please visit Southern Hospitality
Just puttering around a bit in the garden. Can't wait to watch these flowers fill out over the summer. This old bike isn't rideable anymore, from the flat tire to that seat...ouch! The basket on the bike is mine from when I was little. Do you remember those pinwheels from your childhood? It seems I got a new one every summer, because I loved last year's one to death! I hope you have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend, and please remember our soldiers.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Metal Picnic Basket Collection

These metal picnic baskets have become my latest obsession. I mean collection. But I won't be using them for a picnic. These are strictly for show. And storage. Because we live in an old house with no closets!

My current favorite is the one on the bottom with the cat playing a fiddle! Love that old sewing basket too. I've got a pink one coming in the mail any day now, that I won on Ebay!
The green one was my first basket. I got that cement poodle from an antique store.
This one is for holding old magazines.
This was my helper today. Mimi Lucy. We love to dress her up. She loves it too. When our daughter was little, she would push Mimi around in a stroller for hours.
Mimi wanted you to see her daisy collar. She loves it. Can you tell? She will hypnotize you with her bi-colored eyes.....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Finds

As always, every Monday you can check out other bloggers' thrifty finds at Southern Hospitality This weekend was our citywide garage sale. I must have gone to 30 sales, and this is what I got. Not alot, but I guess it's a good thing I didn't find something at every sale, right? I got some pottery. That big vase is Abingdon Pottery, which I had never heard of, so I had to Google it. They ceased production in 1950, so it is at least 59 years old. The other vase is a McCoy, and the bootie and bird are marked USA. I always wanted one of these "Mother" pictures, below. Even though it has a little water damage, I love it. The vase I couldn't pass up at 50 cents.

This little cash register I got at a sale run by former antique store owners. Everything they were selling was SO cheap. This was $1.00. I am selling it on Ebay. There is a link on my sidebar, if you're interested.
I like this plant holder. It's very cottagey looking. It was $1
I thought this was a picnic basket, but it's a grill! The owner wanted $5 for it. I said no, that I thought it was a picnic basket. He said "Take it for $2.00". So as you can see, he MADE me buy it! I hope you found some treasures this weekend too!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too Many Glasses, Always Room For More!

I can never pass up a pretty, vintage glass! I have way too many, and most are in cupboards, but I can pull them out any time I want. These in the carrier are all mismatched, but still cute!

Lily of the valley glasses...

So pretty! I wish I had a pair, but these are mismatched too...

I think these rooster juice glasses started it all. I would have my orange juice in one of these at my grandparents' house. I made the cake plate because I couldn't find one I liked. I just silicone glued a plate to a big candle holder.
Swanky swigs. Oh my gosh! I love these!

I sure hope I find some more glasses at the garage sales this weekend!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Weekend Finds

There were only a couple garage sales this weekend. I got this beautiful tablecloth for 25 cents! The McCoy planter I got from Ebay for Mr. Old Glory to give me for Mother's Day. I think I'll do better on Friday, because our town is having a citywide garage sale. There are 150 homes signed up so far! If you would like to see other bloggers' finds, go to Southern Hospitality

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I love this picture of my Mom. I need to ask her today where this was taken, and how old she was. She is 84 years old this year, and I really shouldn't let another day go by without learning everything there is to know about her. Because she's not just Mom, or Grandma. She's a woman with alot of stories to tell. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Time To Decorate Outside!

I'm pretty sure that the risk of snow is over. I think. So it's time to decorate outside! I've got quite a collection of watering cans. These are just a few. I thought they looked rather plain, sitting on this bench, so I painted them! Oh, and by the way, Mr. Old Glory made that bench for me. He's made me alot of things, which I'll show you some other time. The birdhouse is from Hobby Lobby. Well, that's all the "fluffing" I had time for today, between weeding and planting. I hope you had some time today to decorate outside too!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend Finds

I did pretty good at the garage sales this weekend. It seems that since I've made a conscious effort to start collecting pottery, I'm finding some every week. That makes me happy! I think this beauty is my favorite. 10" of sheer beauteousness. YES, that IS a word, when collecting pottery! It was $1.00. I love this USA pottery planter. I've been wanting one like this for a while. 50cents!

A pretty little barkcloth pillow. 50cents.

A pink quilt for our daughter's bed. She takes hers to college with her, so I wanted something on the bed while she was away. She'll either love it or hate it. The gravy boat I am going to drill a hole in the bottom, so that I can plant a little flower in it, and set it on the porch. The pattern is "Avon Cottage", made in Staffordshire England. Do you think it's sacrilegious to drill a hole in it? I do, but I'm doing it anyway!

A honeycomb turkey, plastic roses!, aluminum glasses which I will sell on Ebay, a cute little clock because I am a sucker for cute little clocks, and two vintage blingy bow pins, 50cents for the pair.

And this I found at Menards. Have you seen the short infomercials for these, where they're $14.95 for 3 huge, bulbous ones? Well I didn't want a bulbous one, I wanted a nice, low profile one, so I thought this was a great deal at $1.99 for a 5 1/2" one. They also had the bigger ones. I can't remember the price, but they were WAY cheaper then getting them from those infomercials. I'm always happy when Walgreens gets all the "As Seen On TV" stuff in, so I don't have to pay shipping. Because, by golly, I've just GOT to have me a ShamWoW, and PediPaws, and let's not forget the HairDini! Have a great weekend, everyone! Also, if you would like to see other bloggers' great garage sale finds, please stop by Rhoda's wonderful blog Southern Hospitality