Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: A Couple Projects and Destruction On The Porch!

I finally got my teacup birdfeeder chandelier hanging up, and I know, I've broken a big blogging rule: take before pictures! What should have been a very simple project was a royal pain. First, I had it hanging in the kitchen while I worked on it. I had it hanging from a cabinet knob, and the wire that was holding it wasn't secure enough (whose fault was that?) and it came crashing down. I had to glue one of the cups back together, as it was in alot of pieces. Also we were all bumping our heads on it! Everyone is glad it's out of the kitchen!
This is the before shot of a plantstand that I built. Again, I should have shown the before shot of the box, because I DID build that! It isn't a windowbox already made. I'm sorry, I'm just so proud of myself, because I think they were the straightest lines I have ever cut, or probably ever will, and the sides all fit together perfectly. That doesn't happen too often for me!

This is what it looked like for a few years, until I decided to decorate in a much more cottage look. Notice the picket fence flag I made. I forgot to show that a few days ago. Anyway, as I said, I like this look....

but I LOVE this look better! I just need someone to teach me how to age and distress it. When I try, I just make things look dirty!

This is a wicker chair that I found on the curb last fall, and I knew what I wanted to do with it right away this summer. I hope you are able to see the crystal beads coming out of the watering can. It's supposed to look like water is pouring out!

These are just some cheap letters from Michaels. I wanted to make something to hang on my mirror, something very simple, no frills.

Couldn't be simpler, and the letters are light enough so that I don't have to worry about them busting the apothecary jars below.

Now for the bad and ugly. My husband came home from work, and the second he walked in the door, he said "What happened?". This is what happened. The squirrels had ripped apart all the cute pillows and the cushion I had made for the bench on the back porch. They looked like this before, and I was so proud of them! I had sewn them all by hand because my sewing machine is broke. A few minutes later my husband caught one chewing on the flannel-backed tablecloth on the patio table! What is going on with these squirrels! I've never had this happen before. We think that maybe they are getting ready to have babies, and are shoring up their nests. Very disappointed, but so glad I didn't put that old red, white and blue quilt on the porch swing, like I wanted to!

A few minutes later, my friend Nancy brought over these beautiful flowers, so that made me feel alot better! Nancy is a floral designer, and these flowers were just going to be thrown out, because they're past their prime and couldn't be sold. I love when that happens!

Well, today is a big yardwork day. It's Mr. Old Glory's day off, so of course I put the poor man to work! He will be mulching for me, and cutting our lawn and my mother's. He has to do the heavy stuff around here, because I've got a bum hip. I'm so lucky to be married to him, and next month it will be 20 years! Geez! Where did the time go? Well, I'm off to play in the dirt. Hope you get to too!


  1. Aren't you just so creative! All your projects look great! I clicked on the watering can pic to make it big, and can clearly see the beads, what a neat idea!

    What destructive squirrels! Glad you didn't put that quilt out!

  2. Yup! Your squirrels are building new nests! We apparently offered our favorite old brown blanket to the squirrel who found it in our garage last winter. He made it through the below zero weather so I was happy even though my husband thought it was a bit much. Hm...Oh well, your pillows are certainly loved!

  3. LOVE the birdfeeder/chandelier. so creative! Your porch is sooooo cute. Sorry about the munchy squirrels eating your pillows. That stinks.

  4. The teacup chandelier is sweet! I tried to make a staggered grouping of teacup feeders, on copper piping, this spring. A nasty squirrel jumped in the cup & knocked it to the ground...it broke. Bad, bad squirrel!

    Your "nesting" squirrels scare me! Yikes, I had no idea that they'd do something like that. I'm hiding my porch pillows.

  5. Very cute post! Sorry about the squirrels though. Hope you can fix it! Your porch is lovely!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  6. Your teacup birdfeeder chandilier is just fabulous! I have one blue cup and sucer that I've set aside to make into a birdfeeder, but your chandilier design is wonderful.

  7. That bird feeder chandelier is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Sorry about the destructive squirrels!


  8. sorry to hear of your pillows fate...they were so cute on the porch! Those critters can be a real pain...fortunately I have a big orange & white tom cat whose favorite past time is chasing squirrels up into our big southern magnolia tree! They don't hang around much any more. *elaine*

  9. Carol, I love your idea of using the clear beads to simulate sprinkling water! Simply ingenious.....
    hugs, Sue

  10. I love your tea cup chandelier bird feeder! That is a fantastic idea.

  11. Love the cup & saucer bird feeder what a super idea.
    Squirrels can be very destructive, in CO. they have chewed up around the posts supporting the deck, DH hates them & has an ongoing war with them!

  12. I must have the chandelier - wonder if you can wire it for lights by drilling through the cup and the saucer - my son is good at stuff like that - when he comes out in September from WV I am going to have all the pieces ready - I need that!!!!


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