Friday, August 14, 2009

My Very First Award!!

I was so excited to receive my very first award in blogland the other day, from Nicole at The Armchair Housewife! I was so happy the first day I discovered her blog. Not only does she love all things vintage, but each and every post is so inspiring, and you won't find a nicer person! If you don't believe me, check out her blog yourself! Well, now I'm supposed to share five things that I am obsessed with right now, and that's why it's taken me so long to do this. I had a hard time picking just 5 things!
1. I am obsessed with ripping apart my back garden! I know that sounds crazy, but I'll explain, and it'll all make perfect sense! Almost two years ago, I went to my neighbor's door, to ask them to stop their dog from barking at 2AM, like it had for the previous three nights. I was yelled at and threatened, and I have been too scared and intimidated to go back there ever since, because I found out he is in a gang. So that's 2 years worth of weeds to contend with, but I am determined to take my garden back!

2. I am obssessed with Masterpiece Theatre on PBS! I am so excited that Sense & Sensibility is going to be on Sunday!

3. I am obsessed with magazines! I love all of the BH&G special publications, like Country Gardens, Flea Market Finds, 100 Makeover Ideas, etc. I mourn the loss of Home Companion and Country Home!

4. I am obsessed with reading other blogs! It seems I find a new one every day to fall in love with, because I like all styles of decorating, and I really like the ones written by women who find the humor in day-to-day living!

5. I am obsessed with reading at least 1 good book every week! But it's so hard in the summer! I am the type to slog through a boring book, because I hate to not finish one! I've recently read the lastest one by Maeve Binchy(my favorite), Firefly Lane, The Other Queen, The Constant Princess, any about Henry VIII.

Now comes the really hard part. I get to choose 5 blogs to pass this award to! Sooo many great ones, it's hard to choose. I'm listing the blogs that are making me happy right now. Here goes:

1. Tammy's Sweet Life- I love checking in with Tammy every morning, because she is the sweetest lady there is! She always leaves the nicest comments on my blog!

2. Shiny Red Houses-Sara is one of those funny women I was talking about, who can find the humor in any situation!

3. Susie's Country Cottage and Garden- Susie's blog satisfies my love for everything British! It's fun to watch her and her brother renovate their country cottage, and her gardens are GORGEOUS!

4. It's A Very Cherry World- This blog always puts a smile on my face! Sue loves cherries, the color red, and all things vintage!

5. Penniwig's- This gal has got a different graphic for you to use, every day, for FREE! That's right. FREE. And they're gorgeous. And she's hilarious!

Whew! That was hard! Thanks again, Nicole, and YOU'RE FABULOUS!


  1. Yes Nicole is just wonderful...It was such a blessing to find out that she also does not live that far from me..I'm praying one day we will be able to meet face to face and go to yard sales together....wellllllll..not really...Her and I have the exact same taste and I think this will cause a HUGE problem..LOL. So I will just invite her over for a visit instead...

    Your deserving of this award girl. Your BLOG IS GORGEOUS!! I still remember the first time I 'found' you..I was in heaven...

  2. Wow! Love all your info! Thanks for the heads up on PBS this week! YEAH! Sorry I'm a Jane Austin freak! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Hi Carol,
    Congrat's on your FIRST Award!!! I do enjoy visiting you and may not leave a comment each visit.
    I pass on the awards I receive to any and all feel free to accept them.
    Deb :)

  4. Congratulations dear Carol! Awards are always exciting, especially if someone says something so nice about you.

    I thank you so much for passing it to me. I've checked out the other blogs and they all look good and I'll be visiting them when life settles for me a bit.

    Hugs, Blessin's & L♥ve!!!

  5. Congrats on te award. Gang???? You have a neighbor in a gang???? WHAT??? I'm coming to help you pack now....just careful.

    I'm off to read the 5 blogs now....thanks for he share.



  7. Gosh, I wish I could go up there and run those bad people off from yr neighborhood. A pox upon them!

    What interesting and elegant obsessions, dearie!

    Thank'ee for the award! I am lucky enough to read several of the other blogs already, and now look forward to reading the ones new to me, too.

  8. Hi Carol
    Congratulations of your award! It is thoroughly deserved and I was surprised to see that it is only your first.
    What a lovely start to my day to see that I too have an award. Thank you so much Carol and for your lovely comment about my blog.
    I haven't even had my breakfast yet and here I am blogging so I suppose you could call that one of my obsessions!
    Susie X

  9. I'm glad the award blessed yo so much, Carol. You're a sweet-pea.

    I am glad that you are out there in your garden again and not fearaing your neighbors. It would be pretty self-destructive of them to harm their own neighbor in anyway, as it would be 100% incriminating. I am glad you won't let someone scare you away from your own yard anymore. Praying for safety fot you and trusting that the Lord will protect you.

    As for your obsessions... girl you know I love me some masterpiece theater!!! Did you see how I mentioned British Mystries on my post? Well how do you think I got hooked? Many of them played on Mystery! and Masterpiece theater on PBS over the years. Sadly (very sadly) I don't have access to the great PBS up here in Canada anymore. We have a similar channel, TVO, but we don't get it withour bunny ears.

    You have a blessed day, friend. You are fabulous!

  10. Lovely award for a lovely blog - and now I have several other blogs I will be reading regularly. Thanks for sharing - and congrats on the award - you are very deserving.

  11. I hate to tell you how many things we have in common (except the gang thing - but our neighbor's dog is kind of a pain sometimes). All of those blogs are new to me, but I'm looking forward to checking them out (since we do seem to like the same things, after all!)

  12. Congratulations Carol!!!

    You deserve it!

    I love many of the same things from your list! And, I am not surprised!

    love, kelee

  13. So sorry to hear about your nasty neighbour. People just make me crazy sometimes! We have some 'problem' neighbours who like to complain, but nothing on the scale of yours.

    I, too, am obsessed with magazines. I love reading them cover to cover, put them away, and then go back time and again to read them.

  14. Congrats on your award! You were so sweet to mention me- it made my whole day and if you've read my blog today you know that that's saying something!

    Can we get more details about this gang???



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