Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Weekend Finds-Spring Fever!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! It feels good to have some things to share, because it's been slow going since garage sale and flea market season ended.

It must be all of the seed catalogs that's giving me a case of Spring Fever! Because I was drawn to all things floral and Spring-y colored.

Did I need an old rotary phone, in a nice sunshiney yellow color? Why yes, yes I did! It was only 50 cents, and as soon as I find my phone adapter, I'll let you know if it works.

It's always a good day when I find some Pyrex, but when it's got flowers or veggies on it, I have an extra bounce in my step as I almost skip to the register!

I'm crazy about the design on this fabric. I've made dining room curtains, bathroom curtains, and couch pillows with this design, but all with the cream colored background. When I saw the same design, but in this beautiful blue background, at 50% off per yard, I knew that I have to remake the couch pillows. And possibly everything else that I've made with the cream background. Oh, and it also comes in a yellow background......

And this tiny cup and saucer covered in violets came home too. I am not a cup and saucer type of girl, but as I said earlier, I was feverish and in need of some Spring-like decor. It's all just in time for the Blizzard Watch that we're under. They're not even saying how much snow we could get, and that makes me nervous. It says "Heavy Snow" for Tuesday night. Hey East Coasters, help me out. What does Heavy Snow mean?????


  1. Great finds, lovin' the Pyrex! Heavy snow means "eat your Wheaties":@) Be careful with the snow!

  2. Love your "spring fever" finds!! The florals make me think of what is only a couple of months away (hopefully). Be careful with all the snow forecasted...we are in the same boat here in Missouri!!

  3. Hi Carol,

    How are you? I'm Debbie from NJ. I sent you the peppermint tin a while back. Love your finds, and the fabric is beautiful! We have had so much snow it is getting ridiculous. There is no where to put it anymore. We have a storm every week! We had a major one last Wed, and tonight (Monday) we are expecting another round, and then sleet/rain mixed with that for Wed. Last week dumped about 19"
    It is coming across the midwest I believe right over you. You could end up with a significant amount, maybe 6" or so?. Stay warm and safe.


  4. I had a pretty good weekend, too! And, I can totally related to the Spring fever! I bought herbs and planted them in my terrarium! And, I plan to start some other seeds in the basement under the grow light!Love the phone!

  5. GREAT finds!! May you have a year long treasure hunt in 2011!!

  6. Blizzard watch? That sounds a little ominous...glad you were able to get out and make some scores! Those rotary phones are so hot right now - lucky you.

  7. So sorry about more snow! Grab that spring time mug and get something warm into it! Love your cute floral's!

  8. Enough SNOW for us! I want spring!
    Love the fabric and yellow phone! I bet it wil work. The violet C&S is cute.
    Happy sewing.

  9. Great Finds, Carol!
    Did I say something to cause that Spring Fever? LOL! After 73 on Saturday, we are now 27. 37 is to be our high today. It bites! We have snow coming to South Central Kansas, too. But we need the moisture, I guess. I dread the below zero lows we are to get. I can do without those.

    Carol, I love those old rotary phones. They are so comfortable to hold and easy to cradle on the shoulder. Great find for 50 cents. I bought an old black wall phone and shelled out 20.00 for it.


  10. Great deal on the yellow phone, Carol! We have sun in the forecast. I'm still in shock! :)

  11. Well let me tell you about heavy snow from an east coast gal, heavy snow usually starts at 10 inches. The snow we are expecting for Wed isn't being measured in inches but feet. That would be heavy snow. Is it Spring yet?

  12. Wonderful finds!!! I love them all but that rotary phone is awesomeness!!! My mom used an avocado green one in the kitchen for years!! :)

  13. What fabulous finds! I can totally see why you purchased every single thing. Love 'em.

  14. I'm always amazed at the similar taste you and I have..I loved that flowered tray you also had by the yellow phone. I'm SO going to look for a phone once yard sale starts back up...pyrex..oh my...I have all the new stuff from Walmart, but I LOVE my vintage Pyrex that I have gotten from yard saling...Yepper...we are waiting for our 15 to 40 cm of snow to start oh my!! It's the talk of the

  15. I miss garage sales and sunshine! I've been able to go to quite a few estate sales this winter, but it's not the same as the yard sales... love those pyrex dishes!

  16. I like the heart made of buttons. Once I decorated my doctor's sweat shirt with buttons and bows. It was very nice.

  17. Nice Blog! Well most of your content and image is original and informative. /many thanks for sharing this, cheers.

    Phones for Sale


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