Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Vintage Valentines

It occurred to me that since we're under a !!Blizzard Warning!!, I had better do this post now, just in case we have no internet later tonight. We're supposed to get about 20" of snow, along with high winds, possibly causing 5-10' drifts. I guess Spring has been pushed back a little bit! Here's part of my vintage valentine collection, and instead of blathering about each card, I'll let them speak for themselves!

If you would like to see more reds, please visit It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess.

I'm also linking to Mary's Vintage Valentine Party, at her blog Very Merry Vintage Style. If you've never visited Mary before, you really should, because she loves all things vintage, and she takes really great pictures of them too!


  1. Oh Carol, I am drooling over my desk. Your cards are gorgeous and you have made wonderful photos! Too bad such vintage cards cannot be found over here. Now I'm off to visit your links, thanks.

  2. Very cute and we have some of the same ones!
    I sure hope the storm doesn't get as bad as they are saying!
    Hope you have yourself ready just in case!

  3. Oh how adorable! And such sweet family memories you've blessed me with. I am sure I once received the second cute one with the purple bead heart around it. :) Have a lovely and not too blizzard-y Rednesday!

  4. we are in a blizzard warning too!

    good luck!@
    love your pretty valentines!

  5. All so sweet! Last night my phone and internet were both out, and it hadn't even started to get cold yet! Now, it's windy and frigid. Hope mine stays on.

  6. So very precious!! I love the one with the cottage in the background and the car with tulips.

  7. How cute. I am posting vintage Valentines every day till Valentine Day, Stop over and take a peek when you can. grace

  8. No words were needed for this great group of vintage valentines.

  9. Carol, your Valentines are amazing! I love them all. We are iced in here in Dallas. My son is in Chicago and I know they're expecting the worst. Good luck and stay warm and cozy.

  10. You find the cutest stuff!

    Oh the weather....Time to hunker down girlfriend - another winter blast! In the 12 years I've lived here I've never seen anything like it. We are between storms - one ended this afternoon and another is coming tonight. Puh-leez!

  11. Hi Carol

    Love those sweet cards. We're supposed to get about 3/4in of ice!

    Thanks so much for popping by The Old Parsonage!

    Stay warm and safe!

  12. How very cute Carol. Love your collection.


  13. Cute valentines! I have a few but mine are more 70's I think. They remind me of when my girls were babies! Good luck with the storm. It is really crazy out there.

  14. What a wonderful group of vintage valentines. You displayed them with such style!
    Hope you are warm and safe and have power! ~ Sarah

  15. So cute and love them all.. I really like the doily hearts ones best.
    Happy Rednesday..
    We are expecting a storm here in WNY. Stay warm.

  16. Sometime a picture is worth a thousand words, Carol. No "blathering" required ;-) Thanks so much for sharing with us on Rednesday. Stay warm!

  17. Such a cute collection! I love vintage valentines. Hope you're staying warm! We have an ice storm coming in- I can hear the sleet on the roof now! We lost power this morning and I'm hoping it stays on...

  18. sorry about all of that snow. love your vintage cards they are so cute. thanks rose

  19. The cards are adorable. Thanks for sharing!

    I hope you don't lose power with the storm. The snow has past through here earlier today. We are left with bitterly cold winds. I hope you stay warm.


  20. I love the valentines. I always get so excited when I find them at sales and such. We are expecting 20 plus inches as well. It should be fun. Thanks for turning me on to a new vintage blog. How fun.

  21. Hi,
    Love your button heart but I couldn't help but notice the Packers.

  22. Your vintage valentines are very cute and very red! I love how you display them too!

  23. Wow Carol, I love your vintage Valentines! Hope the storm wasn't too bad for you. I was iced in yesterday...went up to 40 overnight and melted the driveway..woohoo...but now it's way too windy and snow is starting. At least Punxsatawney Phil says Spring is around the corner!!!

  24. Hi Carol!

    Wonderful vintage Valentines! Wonderful blog too - TFS!

    XOXO Lola:)

  25. Aw, shucks! I so wanted to hear you blather instead! ;) Cute cards, Carol! ♥

  26. Hi Carol!
    You have some awesome cards! I really miss the fun cutout valentines. I was at the store last week looking for some valentines for the princess to have to give to her little friends and they are all just so blah. Not to mention, they re all just big cartoon ads. I think since she only needs about 7, it is time to introduce her to construction paper, paper doilies and glitter! LOL

  27. Those are great vintage collection of Valentines!

  28. I love your vintage valentines ! The way you have displayed them is very cool.I hope everything is alright today ,I have you & your family in my prayers.

  29. Oh, they're so darn cute! Oh, my, we are buried under ice. Hubby is trying to unfreeze the garage door right now. I sure hope he doesn't break it.

  30. I LOVE vintage and Victorian valentines!!! I ADORED grade schools exchange every year... I think that is why I'm so addicted to it... I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE your 7th Valentine. Those are My VERY FAVORITES, the ones with those little tissue 3D thingies on them! Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs to you,

  31. This is an incredible collection - Valentine's Day is much less of a big thing here in France, and certainly we don't find the vintage cards very often. Thanks so much for popping over to visit me, and for your kind words. Very best wishes for the forthcoming storm...

  32. What a wonderful group of vintage Valentines. I love them all...

  33. These are so pretty! My mother gets a new vintage card from my dad every year and I just love looking at them. So delicate and interesting! :D

  34. I love how you placed the buttons in a heart shape around the card, very cute idea! Also, the 3-D card is just adorable!!
    I hope your fairing well in the snow!
    The Tattered Tassel

  35. It's a wonderful collection. I love your header. It's really cute.

  36. What great valentines! We've been without power for two days-stay warm and safe!

  37. What great cards. I do have 3 that are from the 40's that were my mom's. I would love to find such cards today!!

  38. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for linking up your beautiful collection and for your sweet compliment on my blog! We have snow everywhere too. Actually had a snow day from work yesterday... woo hoo! Stay warm!

  39. Thank you for sharing such lovely vintage images ! And I love the way you took the time to stage them in different ways for photography. Fab!


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