Sunday, March 6, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

It's weekends like this past one that keep me going back to all of the thrift stores, rummage sales, and antique stores, especially after the long drought of this winter. This pair of MIJ (Made In Japan) s&p shakers were only $1 for the pair.

I picked up and put down this vintage vinyl case three times. It's so mod, isn't it?

It looked so Springy, that I finally decided to get it, along with all of the stuff inside too.

Lots of wacky tacky plastic flowers.

Look at the ears on this old Easter Bunny. They're just as long, if not longer, than his whole body!

I love the floral fabric that was used on the inside of his ears.

An old biscuit jar, missing it's lid and handle, is now a flowerpot to a plant struggling to stay alive.

I've always loved the covers of old Harlequin Romance books. If I was actually going to read these books, I would have a hard time deciding which to read first: The Monkey Puzzle, or Cobweb Morning!

A couple of old cake decorations, just waiting to do The Hand Jive on your cake. What in the world am I going to do with these?

And last is a big old bookcase from a church rummage sale, that was only $5. Still lots of room on there for more quilts and picnic baskets! I just wish I could decide whether to paint it or not. My first instinct was to paint it a creamy white, and put some old floral wallpaper on the back part. Now I'm not so sure....... So, did you find anything interesting this weekend?


  1. Love the yellow bunny! Perhaps because I have a pink one JUST like it and have had it for, what now, 40 years? I still love it. The ears still crack me up. Nice spring-themed bunch of finds.

  2. Oh yes, love the bunny ears and the S&P shakers!

    I always want to paint things white and add floral paper but I never do it! :)

  3. Wow, you did good! Love the cake decorations, and I remember them!

  4. The books are so awesome and I just love the little cake figures.

  5. I always love to check-in with you on Mondays and see your "haul" from the weekend. My favorite "find" of yours this time is definitely those charming books!!

  6. The dancing dudes are a hoot!
    Love the bunny too...and a bookcase for $5? I need to follow you around - I never find a deal that great.
    My 87 year old Mom reads those old Harlequins - she just loves them cause they weren't "trashy" like the newer ones. :)


  7. I'd start with "Monkey Puzzle" because it sounds so intriguing! :)


  8. Lots of fun finds. I love the S&P shakers! That is a great bookcase for $5...I would paint it I think, but thats just me. I didn't go out this weekend at all. It rained and I just stayed home!

  9. great finds! love those bunny ears and the S&P shakers are too cute!!

  10. You are so darn lucky! Now what are you going to do with all this cute stuff you have? Are you selling any of it or tucking it away in your mansion? Every time I see what you have found I want it. Are you parting with any of it?
    Doubtful I know but I thought I'd ask!

  11. Yay for you! The picking out my way have been slim really hit the jackpot! Those book covers are too funny - and some sound like they don't have a happy ending. :-)

  12. Those S&P shakers are adorable and a great deal! That Easter bunny is so cute, and we love the floral print inside the ears! That bookcase is very nice also! Great finds!

    Have a great week,
    Laura and Michele

  13. Lovin' your crazy cake toppers, too funny! I found one really cool footed bowl that matches a truffle bowl I found at a yard sale a couple years ago. So it was a good outing:@)

  14. Hi Carol!
    You got lots of fun things this weekend! I love the bookcase! And that was a great price too. Oh yes, I did some thrifting this weekend. One of our local 2nd hand stores had a 50% off everything sale Saturday. And I am proud to say, I only brought home about half as much as I donated! LOL

  15. Well you're making up for lost time! So many cool things! I think it was a good buy on the vinyl case - it's cute and it matches your blog!

  16. I LOVE those Hand Jivers!!!

    Have you decided to Paint or not to Paint? Your things would look great if it were painted. But I go back and forth on painting. Somethings are ok and others, no way. Is the finish in good condition?


  17. Your little bunny is so cute! You had a good weekend of Junking. I went to a couple of g sales and didn't find much...maybe next time.

  18. Love the little suitcase-and I love how you displayed it. It is addictive-I mean to hit the thrift shops and garage sales.I know cuz I'm addicted too!

  19. Hi Carol,
    Love the finds inside the "mod" green case! Who doesn't love bunnies!

  20. Some great finds! Ya never know what you can use stuff for. I recently bought a bunch of those 50s dancers when celebrating my Dad's 70th birthday. Ya just never know!!


  21. Miss Carol these are great. It is so nice to find a bunch of different things. I love that mod case. So worth it. Easter goddies too! Smiles...Renee

  22. I would paint that bookcase. Then again, I seem to be painting everything in sight lately.

  23. IL is starting church sales already? Lucky girl, you. I won't find any around here for at least another month.

    Great stuff. We could not thrift together. We think too much alike.

  24. Love the retro Harelquin books, I would love to read one for the hey of it. I will have to keep my eyes out for some.

  25. Love the retro Harelquin books, I would love to read one for the hey of it. I will have to keep my eyes out for some.


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