Sunday, June 19, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Well, after an extra-long blog break and a vacation, I think it's time to start blogging again! All of my finds this week are from Wisconsin, where we stayed at a little cottage on a lake. Love the old seed catalogs, which I really want to start collecting, and the decal on that watering can.

PINK. And lots of it! When we returned back home, I put the old electric can opener on the counter, and our 22 year old daughter had no clue what it was! Her generation will never know the fun they missed.......

When I'm out junking, I usually don't bring anything home unless it's at least 40 years old, but I couldn't resist this. Now to find the perfect bird to put inside!

Love these old plant stands. Even without plants on them, they're still pretty, and look cute on the porch.
Now I'd like to share a couple of my favorite shots from our vacation to the Northwoods of Wisconsin.

The view from the dock. Solberg Lake is beautiful, rain or shine.

Mr. Old Glory catches a big one.

Yours truly catching the biggest fish I've ever caught. Sorry, but I was "glistening" a little too much to be in this shot!

This deer just stood there and let us take tons of pictures of her.

Our favorite fishing hole. I'd love to tell you where it is, but then I'd have to kill you, and then who's gonna read my blog?!

I always have to take a fresh shot of my grandparents' barn every year. We could barely get the door open, but I was just able to fit my head in there to get a good whiff. I love the smell of that old barn!
It was a wonderful vacation, and I found alot more things, but they're red, so I'll save them for REDnesday. So, did you find anything this weekend?


  1. This post made me smile..."continuing quest for more junk"!
    So true! LOL
    Thanks for sharing pictures of your vacation-looks like a great time!

  2. Complimenti per le foto delle tue vacanze...meravigliose!! Baci,Anna.

  3. PINK - why are practical things not made in it anymore? Love the can opener story and that birdcage is just a hoot. The fishing pics made me wish I wasn't living landlocked - considering tying a string to a pole and throwing it out from our deck but don't suppose the cows that live behind us would play along.

  4. Love all that pink! Looks like you had a very relaxing vacation. Pretty photos!

  5. Hi, Carol! Welcome back! I love your new blog dress and the pink can opener is just too fun! I found some Pink melamine this weekend! ♥

  6. Tammy's Vintage FindsJune 20, 2011 at 9:09 AM

    Looks like you had a great time! I love vacations where nothing is planned, you just go with the flow and relax. I love the pink items! A few weeks ago I found a pink and gray crocheted doily. I'm going to sell it in my booth.

  7. Welcome back!! I am glad you had a nice time! Beautiful lake!
    Great finds! I adore the watering can!!!

  8. My eyes stopped working after I saw the green watering can. Because watering cans are about my favorite thing. And green is my favorite color. And - I'm not lying - that is my favorite decal. You aren't keeping it, are you? I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think it looks quite right with your other, um, vintage green stuff.

  9. The lake looks so relaxing and pretty. Love your finds...especially the watering can!

  10. Hi Carol,

    Looks like you had a great time. I had to laugh when you said your duaghter had no clue what the pink can opener was! That is one cool opener!! Nice pics! I love the smell of my grandparents barn too!


  11. I love your finds, it helps me control my addiction....just a little.

  12. Hi Carol,
    Nice photos from your vacation..the barn one is awesome!Any finds in there??!!
    Love your pink goodies! I'll post soon about my little finds from the weekend.

  13. That's absolutely gorgeous. My hobby is fishing, and that's the main reason why I searched for a cottage rental close to a river or lake. I found one similar to this one, close to a beautiful lake . The fact that you hardly open the door will get you funny memories after a while, because that's why people like us choose such places instead of hotel rooms.

  14. Wonderful finds! I want that pink vase! Have a wonderful day, Carol! Twyla

  15. What a great way to spend a vacation and junk hunt all the same time.


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