Sunday, July 10, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Thanks to lots of Ebay Bucks, I was finally able to win one of these yellow picnic baskets, after many times coming up short in the bidding wars! One day I WILL own every type of picnic basket out there, oh yes I will!

An old Made In Japan bunny (with a jaunty top hat) pushing a cart full of wacky tacky plastic crocuses. Just perfect for Easter!

An old USA planter and a McCoy pot.

Do you ever find something you're looking for, really cheap, shortly after you've spent good money on one? I got the one on the right from Ebay a few weeks ago, and now I find the one on the left, with a slight sunburn, for 50 cents. 50 CENTS! After I just paid xx for it, plus xxx for shipping. Does this happen to you? All the time?

I also found this old Snoopy pull toy, which I remember having when I was little, and "need" now. At least I waited to find it, instead of getting one on Ebay, which can cost a small fortune.
Our daughter was with me when I found him at a garage sale. She said "What are you gonna do with that?" I CANNOT WAIT until she's hunting down every single Polly Pocket she ever played with when she was little. Buying back her childhood, one toy at a time. Then she'll understand!
So, did you find anything over the weekend that you remember from your childhood?


  1. Fun finds! I love your bunny planter! I'm looking for one, I want to put a bottle brush tree in the cart and decorate it for Easter, I think that will be cute:@)

  2. I am so glad you got that yellow picnic basket finally! I love the pottery finds and the pink planter is my fav! I am more into buying toys my kids had then my own! hugs, Linda

  3. Fun finds! I remember those doggy pull toys.

    Molten lava is exactly how I thought of the one photo! I have much more to share so stay tuned! :)

    Have a great day. Tammy

  4. I love that green McCoy pot!! I went vintage treasure hunting this weekend too. I'll be posting all week about the things I found.

  5. The picnic basket is a gem!! I love those old things, too. Haven't seen one just like that. I didn't go out this weekend as was working in the yard....making hay while the sun shines :>)

  6. YES! Three cheers for moms on their hunt for toys! Yes, our daughters are a story...I betcha by golly wow they are going buy up all their old toys.
    Polly Pockets, old Candyland games and Barbies! I have a son already looking for his old Ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters!

    I love your good finds so what else bloggers understand you!

  7. I totally love your polly pocket comment. I laughed out loud in the office when reading it. Emma has said the exact same thing when we've been thrifting together. Your picnic basket is just delightful.

  8. You did well.....always room for ONE more treasure!

  9. I used to have that dog also. I've been wanting to find one..haven't been able to do my weekly yard sale hunts for some time now..SIGH..oh how wonderful those days I'm busy spending my money at Walmart now..I'm hoping to get in a few more yard sales this season. What's so amazing is, I have people going to yard sales and getting me items..for I love it!

  10. Too funny - but dead on! People do look to buy back their childhood.

    I don't know if you remember these or not but I would loooooove to find a Liddle Kiddle. Do you remember them? Miniature dolls that were in perfume bottles or in locket type rings. I would love to find some.

  11. I am so glad that you got your tin picnic basket!!! Yes, I have had that happen to me before. I finally give up on finding something and pay more than I wanted, only to find it cheaper. Burns my biscuits!!
    I didn't get to go looking for anything this weekend. Home repair is still in progress!

  12. Love the picnic basket. And the vintage planters and I do remember the snoopy toy!!

  13. Oh, I'm always buying things that I remember from my childhood! I had a clever mother though who kept a lot of my childhood toys so I still have them. I have done the same with my children's favourite toys - they may not want them now but in 10+ years they probably will be pleased that I kept them!


  14. Hello Carol the picnick basket queen! Do you know that I don't think I've ever seen one??? Maybe I just don't look for them?

    I'm going to the thrift store today and hope to find something fun. I'm supposed to be going to find clothes for my incredible growing boy but well, you know how that goes!

    Yes, it should be interesting to see what our kids collect or if they will. For some odd reason- some don't!

    Well, you saw my Pink mela something dishes. :) I don't remember ANY Pink from my childhood. My mom was all about blue and green and our mela dishes were in those colors so I'm inserting the pink here and there from all the places it was missing in my girl hood! I do have a pic of me wearing a pink dress when I was little but I have no memory of it. I cherish that photo!

    I scored a white popcorn chenille spread over the week end at a garage sale! i love it and will post about it soon. my husband is thrilled with it too and says his grandma had one just like it! I think I could have a whole house full of vintage chenille and still want more!

    Well, I certainly am chatty this morning, ain't I? :)

  15. As always - you have found some FANTABULOUS treasures. You know I'm lovin' the picnic basket!

  16. Love the picnic basket. And the vintage planters and I do remember the snoopy toy!! Hugs, Debbie


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