Tuesday, January 31, 2012

REDNESDAY-Valentine Reds

Don't you just love the graphics that Sue makes for her Rednesday party each week? That one above is one of my all-time favorites!
Well, after much procrastination, I finally decided that the safest place for my Valentine's Day collection is on top of the green cabinet. Surely Cupcake can't jump up there!

Our little valentine tree.
I bought these chenille girls a few years ago from Ebay, but I added their little heart wands.
Awwww, lookie who's sitting under the valentine tree! I just had to have this pair, because Mr. Old Glory is a musician and he plays guitar in his band.

Mr. & Mrs. Old Glory
Sittin' Under A Tree......

One of my favorite valentines from my collection. Sue, this one always makes me think of you!
I think this one is my absolute favorite. Maybe!
This is a cabinet in the kitchen. I would have loved to show more than just the cabinet, but there are groceries all over the kitchen table next to it. The sun came out, so I dropped what I was doing in order to get a decent shot. I've got my priorities straight! That doily decoration that our daughter made in grade school always gets hung on the glass, along with that heart that I made several years ago hanging from the handle, and a new addition is that polka dotty garland that Holly at Cutie Pie Cottage made. It's there ALL the time now!
If you would like to see more reds, please visit Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Sewing Machine Is Finally Fixed!!!

A long long time ago, my husband gifted me with a sewing machine. It was so long ago that I don't remember if it was for Christmas, my birthday or just because! And it feels like it's been broken forever. I was quite stunned at how expensive it is to repair a sewing machine. How expensive? Let's just say that I could have had the oil changed in both of our cars for the same price!
So I was finally able to make this valentine bunting.

You would probably think that sewing hearts is easy. Well, you would be very WRONG! In my excitement at having a working machine again, I accidentally sewed a couple of the hearts shut, so I couldn't turn them right sides out.
And they're like snowflakes......
No two are alike! But that's OK. It still turned out cute, and no one will know except for those of you that are reading this right now!
I even whipped up a little cupcake blankie for Cupcake!
I think she likes it. Nighty night, Cuppy!
Yes, I'm quite thrilled to have my sewing machine working again. Why, the possibilities are endless! Even though I made myself give up quilting because I was horrendous at it, I just might take it up again. Maybe it wasn't ME that was so bad at it, maybe it was THE MACHINE! More projects to come.......

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I found that piece of pottery on the right a week or two ago, but I can't remember where I got it! I used to be able to remember where I got every single thing! Some might say that it's a sign of getting old. I say, I've got way too much junk!
I've been trying to go antiquing once a week, and it's so nice when you see new things in the booths, like these Lefton S&P shakers. I only wish that they changed their merchandise at the same time that we bloggers start decorating for each holiday. There should not still be Christmas stuff on the shelves! Am I right?
After going to three antique malls in one day, these are the only valentine-y things I came home with. Love them, but where is all the valentine stuff???
I saw these bunnies while I was Christmas shopping, and it just didn't feel right to be buying something for myself at the time. What a relief to see that they were still there when I returned for them!
So what's the situation at your antique stores? Did you find anything exciting over the weekend?!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Time for REDnesday over at It's A Very Cherry World! AND, it's time to start decorating for Valentine's Day!

I finally finished the first of three Valentine buntings that I plan on making.
A close-up of the fabrics that I used. All handsewn, but the good news is that I'm going to set my sewing machine by the door, so that I'll remember to take it to Hancock Fabrics and get it fixed this Friday. YAY!
Christmas has mistletoe, and Valentine's Day has the kissing ball! I made this one several years ago, using a styrofoam ball, moss and silk roses. All "ingredients" found at the dollar store. SO easy!
I had a vintage Lefton girl just like this one on my Watch List on Ebay, and when it reached $16, I can't tell you how thrilled I was to spot this one at my favorite thrift store for 50 cents!
Let's head outside for just a second to check out the cherub blow mold hanging beside the back door.
And since it's still Winter, I've left out the sled and our daughter Liz's old skates and made it a little bit Valentine-y.

And here's the start of another project. I sure hope it turns out the way I'm envisioning it. Wish me luck!
If you would like to see more reds, hop over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts REDnesday every week!

Friday, January 13, 2012


Once Christmas is over and but a distant memory, I find myself yearning for Spring and my gardens!And it doesn't help when these start arriving in the mail! Unfortunately here in Illinois, there won't be any flowers to look at outside until April.
So instead, I surround myself with flowers inside the house. I try to have some fresh flowers in that vase at all times. Do you have an Aldi store near you? Their bouquets are only $3.99! You've probably noticed by now that I didn't iron that beautiful vintage tablecloth before I put it on the table.
Why bother, when I know that a certain kitty will be all over it! I've tried to keep Cupcake off the table, but......she's a cat and cats do whatever they please, don't they?

The floral curtains and rugs and pillows are all back out, after a short winter's nap.
I made the pillow in the middle this week, with scraps from those other two pillows that I made a while back. That couch is old. My Mom remembers it from when she was little, and she's going to be 87 next month! It's extremely uncomfortable, but I'll never part with it!

Well I thought I had made a cute little pillow.......
but it's really a big, soft CAT TOY. Check out that action shot!
OK, so it's positively Spring-y inside the house......
but it's definitely Winter outside! We finally got some long overdue snow, and Smokey the Bear thinks we're in store for many more weeks of Winter.
Mr. Squirrel agrees!

So while it's Winter in the gardens, I'll just sit back and enjoy my little Spring-y house, and wait for Mother Nature to catch up!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

MY WEEKEND FINDS-Fire King And Jadeite, Oh My!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
When I stop in at our local Goodwill, I always try to have very low expectations. That way, on the rare occasion that I actually do find something good, I am pleasantly surprised!
Case in point: The other day I stopped in, and it was as if a beam of light was emanating from these Fire King mugs. I could have spotted them a mile away!
I also found TWO of these old mug holders.
I ask you: Who doesn't need extra cupboard space?!
I couldn't resist these little bowls, which are just perfect for a little fruity snack. I remember my Mom had coffee cups with those same pink flowers on them, but she assures me that those cups are long gone. Darn!
I now have two of these jadeite reamers, and I'm that much closer to having an actual collection. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Not really though, because you know that if you touch your daughter's lemons that she bought with her very own money, there will be trouble....
And last, these four Fire King plates, all taped together with a $2.99 price tag on them. Don't they know that I would have paid much more for them?!
Oh Fire King, I've been so misguided and sold many pieces of you, but you always come back and give me another chance. Fire King, this time you're for keeps!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

REDNESDAY--A Silly Impulse Purchase!

Happy New Year to you, and I hope 2012 is filled with lots of great RED goodies! Thanks to Sue at It's A Very Cherry World for creating and hosting this great party!
About two weeks before Christmas, I found myself in an antique store, shopping for gifts, when something red caught my eye! I was pretty sure I knew what was inside the box, and although I certainly didn't need one, I opened it up anyway, to take a look.
It was an old record player! I don't know about you, but when I was little, I loved listening to records, and when I got a bit older, I spent ALL of my allowance on 45s. The O'Jays, Three Dog Night, The Spinners. David Cassidy......swooon!
But these red 78s are what I remember from when I was little, so now a collection has been born. All because of an impulse buy! Have you ever surprised yourself by buying something totally unexpected?
I stopped at Hancock Fabrics last night and picked up some material for a Valentine bunting. My sewing machine has gone kablooey again, so this bunting will be sewn by hand, using needles from these vintage packs.
And last is a beautiful crocheted scarf, modeled by our daughter Liz, that I was lucky to win from Twyla at Two Crazy Crafters. If you've never visited her before, Twyla crochets really gorgeous afghans too!
If you'd like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World!