Monday, April 30, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!


OK. The blog break is OVER! My Mom has been in the hospital the last two weeks, and I haven't felt like being on the computer. Or cleaning the house! Thankfully it looks like she will get out of the hospital on Tuesday and head to rehab to get stronger before she goes home. Hey, what the heck happened to Blogger while I was gone?! I hope I'm doing this right. Frankly, I'm afraid to click the Publish button!
Ok, so maybe I didn't feel like cleaning the house, but I did find time to go junking. I think it's important to do the things you enjoy while a loved one is sick. Keeps your mind off of things. I found this tray a couple weeks ago at an antique store.
Here it is hanging above the watering can collection, and it's my new favorite thing!
I found more vintage gardening tools and seed packets too.
And this tiny pottery bud vase.
I'm crazy for blue pottery these days, so when I unearthed this McCoy pot outside at an estate sale, I played it cool and asked how much for the filthy dirty flower pot. The guy was no dummy, flipped it over and saw that it was McCoy, but he still gave me a fair price. The bunny cake decorations were free and will be used for an Easter craft project I have in mind.
What's not to love about a red, white and blue vintage tablecloth? Ok, it has a couple of holes, but I don't mind.
I don't even mind the stains on this Florida tablecloth.
The scenes on this tablecloth are fun, like this gal golfing while her friend sits way too close. She's going to take a golf ball to the forehead for sure!
Surf's Up!
These Goldilocks s&p shakers came from a really great garage sale, where I found several things that I'll share on REDnesday. 
I found these vintage greeting cards at an antique store a few weeks ago. They were only 10 cents each, so I went a little nuts. I think I bought like 30 of them. And I won't ever do anything with them. I just like to look at them!
New cards just can't compare to these beauties.
So that's my finds for the past few weeks. I'm hoping to get back in the swing of things now, and perhaps even clean my house. It's amazing how mentally exhausted you become when you're worrying about someone you love. My Mom may be 87 years old, but she's one tough old broad!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

In The Garden, On The Porch And A Winner

Things are beginning to slow down a bit in the gardens, and we've even had frost warnings, but everything seems to be doing just fine!
I love the foliage of this variety of Heuchera, or what is commonly known as Coral Bells. When the flowers arrive, they're very insignificant, but the foliage looks gorgeous all Summer and through Fall. Definitely want to buy more of this!
I'm pretty happy about the tulips that I planted around the red bike last Fall, and will probably add more this Fall.
I'm so shocked and disappointed to see that the Lily of the Valley that I thought I had gotten rid of has come back with a vengeance and is growing willy nilly amongst everything in this garden.
Euphorbia. Stunning when it's in bloom, but definitely very boring when it's not.
I don't know why, but I could not get a good shot of the Virginia Bluebells. That's a shame, because they were gorgeous and this shot doesn't begin to do them justice.
I love violets, but hate how they spread, so I'm trying to contain them in pots this year. I'll let you know how that goes, and how far they spit their seeds!
The rhododendrons only have a few blooms on them this year, as usual. I don't think they get enough sun where I have them.
Azalea buds, ready to POP! Ok, now let's head over to the back porch for a minute.
I buy these lights, which are meant to go in a little girl's bedroom, whenever I see them.
I've got the butterflies sitting on the arm of the bench......
And the pink flower hangs on the wall outside the back door.
They provide a nice little glow at night!
And the pink flower looks groovy!
My giveaway is officially CLOSED, and the Random Number Generator picked #65, which is Ann @ A Sentimental Life. Thank you to everyone that entered, and congrats to Ann!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It's REDnesday time! After you're done looking at my reds, be sure to head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this party every week.
Remember the quilt that our Sue shared a few weeks ago, and offered to whoever wanted it? Well, I was lucky enough to be the first to ask for it, so I got it! It's the bottom quilt on the left, and it's full of reds.
The fabric with the watering cans on it is my favorite!
When I was antiquing last week, I found a bunch of Peter Pan storybook records, really cheap. I loved storybook records when I was little, and I hope to eventually find The Gingerbread Man, my favorite.
You see, I needed these records for my little old record player! And if you're wondering whether I actually listen to records on this vintage player, the answer is YES!
I found these vintage kitchen towels a few weeks ago at an estate sale. I think the one on the right, with the red morning glories, is my all-time favorite.
And they both went into the old shopping basket full o' towels.
I've been rearranging the shelves on this cabinet thingie that Mr. Old Glory made for me that's sitting on the back porch. He also made that replica of our house on the top shelf.
And finally, if you haven't yet entered my giveaway, and would like to, please click HERE. It's open until midnight, April 11th.
Now head over to Sue's to see more reds!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I had a great day, and received some very nice presents that I'd like to share.
I'm cuckoo for this picnic basket! So pretty and Springy and that yellow is just yummy, isn't it?
I've got it sitting on top of another basket, next to the couch. They both hold lots of magazines.
My wonderful sister gave me these gorgeous pieces of pottery that she found at an estate sale while she was in Texas.
Another picnic basket. It's not in the best shape, so I gave it a couple of coats of clear spraypaint to seal it, and it's now sitting on the front porch under that old bread box. Sparrows have been going in and out of that birdhouse all week, and all I can think is: They better not poop on my basket!!!
I found this little vintage birdcage at an antique store. It's the smallest cage I've ever seen.
I set it next to a regular sized cage, just so you can see how small it is. What was it used for? I hate to think of a bird living out it's life in that teeny cage. Maybe it was used to bring the bird to the vet? Does anyone know how it was used?
Thanks to Leslie over at Brookhollow Lane, I've decided that I need to start collecting Rand McNally Elf books that I remember from my childhood!
Well, that's it for my finds. Remember, there's still time to enter my giveaway, if you're interested. Just click HERE. So, did you find any goodies over the weekend?


I'm so ashamed. With the beautiful weather we've been having these last few weeks, I've been spending lots of time working in the gardens, and I did hardly any Easter decorating! I know, it's shocking, isn't it?I managed to make this bunting about a month ago and put it up right away.
A close-up, with egg-shaped paper lanterns.
These bunnies are only out because they were a recent find and never got packed away!
Oh, but I did take the time to decorate the cat. Easter Blessings from Cupcake, the Easter Kitty!