Monday, October 29, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Please pardon all of my junk, but this post has more than two weeks worth of it! I found that aqua and pink bowl at the flea market last week, and I still haven't stopped drooling over it!
This Hendryx bird cage came from a garage sale, and I can't wait to get my birdies in there. Love those hairpin legs!
I'm a sucker for little red records for my little red record player.
I found a bunch of them, along with some green ones, at an estate sale. The graphics on them are SO cute!
Pretty glasses and an aqua syrup pitcher were found at The Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana.
A vintage Girl Scout cake decoration, perched on a metal flower frog. Were you a Girl Scout? If so, hold up your three fingers, and repeat after me: On my honor I will try, To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.  It's been about a million years since I was a Girl Scout, but I still remember the Girl Scout Promise!
Another picnic tin for the collection, found at the flea market.
My daughter Lizzy knew that this year I was desperately trying to stay away from Target and their always cute Halloween decorations, so she went in and surprised me with these plates! I love them, but they just make me want to go to Target to see what else they have!
Liz and her boyfriend were carving pumpkins, and I just had to share her Hello Kitty pumpkin that she carved!
I found a little vintage desk flag.....
And a humungous vintage flag! This thing is 5' x 9', cotton and has 48 stars. And it came from the Ickiest Estate Sale that I've ever been to. It was run by an elderly man and woman who fought with each other the whole time. Everything in the garage was just sitting willy-nilly on the ground and not priced and covered in dust. The house was SO dusty that I had to walk back out as soon as I walked in. As the man was walking me back to the shed that held other things for sale, he was ranting the whole time about wanting to leave so he could go to the store and get some chicken. All I did was poke my head inside, because at this point I was convinced that he very well might lock me in there, just so that he could go get some of that chicken.... 
The Fishes book had to be thoroughly wiped down, but it's a great addition to my Golden Nature Guides collection. I'm trying to replace the newer ones with the vintage variety.
This old candy box is huge. I was surprised to find it at this sale, amongst all of the dust and dirt, because it's in really great condition.
When I got home, I could hear something rustling inside the box, and when I opened it outside, there were all of these feathers in there. Nothing really crazy about that, I guess, but it still made me feel itchy and icky. You're probably wondering right now why I even went to this sale, let alone bought anything from it. I've been asking myself that same question, and when I come up with an answer, you'll be the first to know!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween II & Storage Wars

I thought I'd share a few more Halloween decorations, but really this post is more about thanking everyone who responded to my SOS about exceeding my photo quota. I have to tell you that when this happened I was scared. Scared BAD! I didn't know what the heck was going on, but after reading your comments, I went ahead and bought more storage. $2.49 a month doesn't seem like alot, but that's about $30 a year! Add that to the $25 I'm paying for a Pro Flickr account, and I ask you,  Where does the insanity end??? I haven't given up yet, and I'm still investigating ways to get around Picasa. When the pictures are coming from my desktop, why does Picasa need to even be involved? Ok, enough ranting, and THANK YOU to all that commented and e-mailed me. I really appreciate it!
I didn't decorate as much as usual, but I just had to make sure and put out these little figurines!
That record, Sounds To Make You Shiver, was a recent find, and according to some Flickr friends, I should listen to it and not just use it for decoration.
I think this is the last year that I will put any of my vintage blow molds outside. The sun really does a number on them, and they can be very expensive to replace!
I found these candoliers a couple of weeks ago, and knew I wanted to do something Halloweeny with one of them. Two of my crafty heroes, Laurie and Kim, made some amazing ones, and really inspired me.      

    Here's my version, all lit up. I forgot to take a daytime shot of it! I plan to do something Eastery with the other one, so I better put it with the Easter decorations right now, otherwise I'll never find it! Again, thanks for all of your help with the storage issue!   

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HELP!! I've Exceeded My Photo Upload Quota!!!

I know a few bloggers have experienced this, and I hope you can help me. I've been trying for a few days to do a post with pictures, but when I try to upload one, it says that I've exceeded my photo upload quota. I've deleted a bunch of pictures on Picasa, and I still can't upload. It seems my only option is to buy more storage space. Am I the only one that didn't know when I started blogging that this was going to be an issue, and that essentially I will have to pay to blog from now on? If anyone has run into this situation, can you please walk me through it? I'm going through blog withdrawal!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Finally. FINALLY I have some reds to share for REDNESDAY! When you're done looking at my reds, be sure to head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts Rednesday every week.
Over the weekend I found this vintage Santa on a swing. I'm no expert, but I think those might be pink mercury glass picks in his head!
I've finally had enough of the flowers around the lamp post engulfing the red bike, so I moved it over here. The red begonias in the bike basket are still going strong. I know I should probably toss them, instead of waiting until it's frigid out there, but I just can't do it! 
This picnic basket is looking a bit orange in the shot, but trust me that it's red! I love to collect those Osage Oranges that drop along the road. They look like green brains! Have you heard that placing them around the house keeps spiders away? I don't know if it's true, but I do it anyway!
I'm finally sharing all of the goodies that I received from Martha's giveaway at Seaside Simplicity. She really did her homework, because she included lots of the things that I love, like vintage radios and Red White & Blue!
This afghan is my favorite thing in the giveaway box. Do you know that I've always wanted to learn to crochet, just so that I could make a patriotic afghan?!! This is going to save me so much time, and you just can't underestimate the fact that there won't be any unladylike swearing that would have occurred when I would undoubtedly have dropped a stitch, or whatever it's called when you mess up while crocheting. Yes Martha, Mr. Old Glory thanks you, and I thank you too!~~~~Want more reds? If so, head over to Sue's!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
When I saw this, I thought it was your run of the mill trick or treat bucket....
But thanks to a Flickr friend, I suspected that when I turned it around, this is what I would see. I LOVE the designs on there! This bucket is vintage, from the 60s, so the next time you see one, it's worth taking a look at the back! Sadly, it's my only find of the week, but Don't Go Away! It's the perfect intro to more Halloween decorations!
Here's the front of our house.
I'm completely batty over that orange and black bunting! I ordered it months ago, and about once a week I would pull it out and have a peek at it! The striped bunting was made from my favorite outdoor fabric: a vinyl tablecloth.
I painted the signs several years ago, but I try to do things a little bit differently each year, so those two cats in the windowbox got little party hats!
Decorations on the green cabinet.
I found this little figurine a few weeks ago, and I knew right away that I wanted to transform her....
Into a little witch!
I've been trying for weeks to get a good shot of Cupcake in her little witch hat. In the end, the best shot ended up being one of the first ones I took, because she DOES NOT like that hat!
Cupcake, getting a little frisky with the decorations! Well, I hope you all did better in the junking department than me and my one little find. But sometimes it's quality over quantity, and I'm very happy with my bucket. TRICK OR TREAT!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
The garage saling season has just about ground to a halt. Lately the pickings are so bad that sometimes we do a drive-by, not even bothering to get out of the car. That is until I saw this aqua case sitting on a table at a sale. We were almost past the driveway when I yelled for my friend Nancy to STOP!!! I was pretty sure it was something that I had been waiting all summer to find.
And I was right. Inside that case was a vintage aqua typewriter! It looks scrumptious next to the pink radio, doesn't it? I can't wait to do a little Halloween vignette around it, so stay tuned! 
I found a few additions to my holiday collections, like this Easter die cut and fantastically tacky plastic decoration. Just what my collection needed: A bunny playing a banjo!
Another Lefton candy cane girl and some little bottle brush trees.
Finally. FINALLY I found a Gurley witch candle!
Some Beistle honeycomb Thanksgiving decorations, found in a bag at the thrift store. The girl pilgrim was missing, and I can only imagine that she must be busy somewhere, rattling some pans and whipping up a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner!
I also found a bunch of vintage magazines, and this one is my favorite, because that illustration on the cover pretty much sums up how I feel about housework! So, what kind of treasures did you find last week?