Monday, October 29, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Please pardon all of my junk, but this post has more than two weeks worth of it! I found that aqua and pink bowl at the flea market last week, and I still haven't stopped drooling over it!
This Hendryx bird cage came from a garage sale, and I can't wait to get my birdies in there. Love those hairpin legs!
I'm a sucker for little red records for my little red record player.
I found a bunch of them, along with some green ones, at an estate sale. The graphics on them are SO cute!
Pretty glasses and an aqua syrup pitcher were found at The Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana.
A vintage Girl Scout cake decoration, perched on a metal flower frog. Were you a Girl Scout? If so, hold up your three fingers, and repeat after me: On my honor I will try, To serve God and my country, To help people at all times, And to live by the Girl Scout Law.  It's been about a million years since I was a Girl Scout, but I still remember the Girl Scout Promise!
Another picnic tin for the collection, found at the flea market.
My daughter Lizzy knew that this year I was desperately trying to stay away from Target and their always cute Halloween decorations, so she went in and surprised me with these plates! I love them, but they just make me want to go to Target to see what else they have!
Liz and her boyfriend were carving pumpkins, and I just had to share her Hello Kitty pumpkin that she carved!
I found a little vintage desk flag.....
And a humungous vintage flag! This thing is 5' x 9', cotton and has 48 stars. And it came from the Ickiest Estate Sale that I've ever been to. It was run by an elderly man and woman who fought with each other the whole time. Everything in the garage was just sitting willy-nilly on the ground and not priced and covered in dust. The house was SO dusty that I had to walk back out as soon as I walked in. As the man was walking me back to the shed that held other things for sale, he was ranting the whole time about wanting to leave so he could go to the store and get some chicken. All I did was poke my head inside, because at this point I was convinced that he very well might lock me in there, just so that he could go get some of that chicken.... 
The Fishes book had to be thoroughly wiped down, but it's a great addition to my Golden Nature Guides collection. I'm trying to replace the newer ones with the vintage variety.
This old candy box is huge. I was surprised to find it at this sale, amongst all of the dust and dirt, because it's in really great condition.
When I got home, I could hear something rustling inside the box, and when I opened it outside, there were all of these feathers in there. Nothing really crazy about that, I guess, but it still made me feel itchy and icky. You're probably wondering right now why I even went to this sale, let alone bought anything from it. I've been asking myself that same question, and when I come up with an answer, you'll be the first to know!


    LOVING of them!
    Don't you sometimes wonder WHAT we are thinking NOT letting someone know where we are going, so that at least they can find our bodies when we don't come home at night?!!
    Reminds me of an estate sale I went to a couple of weeks ago 8-)
    YOU got MUCH better rewards for your TRAMA though...

  2. I adore that pink and aqua bowl! And those Golden books - we had that series and when I see one, it always takes me back to pouring over the pretty pictures. Great finds!

  3. Wow..the desk flag is stunning. I love the Valentine box minus the content. I have my three fingers up just for you....Make new friends but keep the old...Well done Miss Carol...smiles...Renee

  4. The pink bowl is really different with the stand. I am creeped out just hearing about your garage sale...glad you made it out to show us what you got!

  5. Hi Carol! Love your finds, especially the metal picnic basket! Some really great stuff, despite having to put up with Mr. & Mrs. Creepy Guy. The sacrifices we junkers make just to find vintage! Lol. When I read about the Covered Bridge Festival many memories came flooding into my head. When I was growing up in Indiana, my parents used to take us to the festival. Lots of good memories on those drives!

    Thanks for sharing your treasures!


  6. You found some really fun things-Love that huge flag! Cute cake topper and your new bowl is very pretty-enjoy:@)

  7. Great finds! I hit a fantastic sale this weekend too.. I blogged about it today.



  8. Well of course I love every single thing that you found but the photo that really caught my eye was the girl scout on top of the metal flower frog. You should display her like that always! She looks so sassy:-)

    And I would definitely stay away from Target. At least until Thursday when they put everything at 50% off. It is all super cute!


  9. Wow, you found some amazing stuff!! Your pink & aqua bowl is my favorite! I love the girls scout. So sweet!
    I have yet to visit Target's awesome Halloween goodies. I think I'll hit it up on Thursday for their after Halloween sale! :)

  10. We hit those sales that give us the heebie jeebies, because you never know what you will find..thrill of the hunt!
    great birdcage!

  11. Looks like you had good luck at the sales, even if you had to deal with the dust etc! Sometimes I think that's the best part!!


  12. You definitely scored well. Scary house = fabulous stuff. Love the Hello Kitty pumpkin too.

    Halloween hugs!

  13. Great Finds, my nose got itchy just reading your post LOL Have a great Halloween~

  14. Oh icky sales like that make me want to shower and wash my clothes!! BUT you did find some cool things these last few weeks. Love the Golden Nature Guides...I think I have one but love your collection!
    xo, Linda

  15. You found some good stuff! Love the red records and those pretty glasses. I bought some of those glasses once and ran them through the dishwasher and all the paint washed off them! They were just plain when I took them out. Same thing happens with those old aluminum cups, the color will wash out of them in the dishwasher! I would not have cared for the old man and woman fighting but love your collection of goodies! :-)

  16. Carol you found so many fun things. You must have great areas in IL. to go junking....or else you go junking often. I don't know that I would have stayed at the grimey sale...but I've done it before!!

  17. Carol, sometimes you have to do some dirty work to find those treasures. Looks like you did that at that estate sale. Great finds though. Love the kiddie records and the nature books are great. I've never seen a tall and skinny birdcage like that. Cute!

  18. what great finds!!! Dusty or not you did gooooood.

  19. Your junk is so much fun for us! E Happy Halloween!

  20. Now you have me itching!!!
    You did find some great things. I love that desk flag. I haven't seen one of those for...ever!

    I didn't get to find anything this weekend but I did find something special on Ebay that i will have to share soon!!

  21. Such sweet finds!! Love the pink and aqua bowl, and the record player! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

  22. Lovely finds love the pink and aaqua bowl and the birdcage that is gorgeous. dee x

  23. Honey, we've all been to sales like that. Glad you survived and rescued a few beauties!

  24. I got some of those black and orange harlequin plates from Target but now I'm sad I didn't find the striped ones! Because what I NEED is more Halloween plates, right? LOL

  25. Awesome finds. I've been to your blog before, but don't think I've ever commented. Love that birdcage. My mother had one very similar to that. And it's my opinion that you can never have enough picnic tins - the more the merrier.

  26. Good morning!

    I hope you received my little autumn letter and the article on the Sear's homes. Charming and of course, thought of you.

    I never tire out of your weekend finds. Now you have me looking for little red and green records. If you have it, I have to have it! Smile!

    I was reading about Picassa and Carol all I did was go into my account and delete pics I didn't want anymore and it made more room. I've done this twice and never bought room. Just letting you know.

    My children lost their grandma last night (my former mailman husband now I'm married to the grocery man) so that was a difficult day. My daughter who just married has some tough stuff in front of her too her husband is only 29 and in Dec faces open heart surgery. Boo hoo!

    Happy weekend coming up! Thinking of you.


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