Tuesday, November 6, 2012

REDNESDAY~Election Day Edition!

Election Day always seems to make me even more patriotic than usual! Did you know that there are some countries, such as Australia, where it's mandatory that every citizen votes?!
Mr. Old Glory and I just got back from voting. It's tradition that we vote together on Election Day, but it was SO tempting to do early voting this year!
This is a sign that hangs in a window of our home.
I'll admit it, I'm that dork, who decorates for Election Day! My sister made this yo-yo table runner.
A vintage quilt, draped over Cupcake's chair, so pay no attention to any cat hair you might see!
I planted a bunch of these red lilies yesterday.......
and I bought them because of their name: AMERICA!
I found this vintage magnetic bobblehead couple at the flea market a few weeks ago, and I bought them because they remind me of the ones that I had on a birthday cake when I was little. They don't seem too taken with each other, and he looks downright shy, doesn't he?
Until he sweeps her right off her feet! I really wish I still had the ones from my birthday cake. I remember spending alot of time playing with them, seeing how close they had to get to each other  before they would kiss!~~~~~~~If you would like to see more reds, head over to Sue's at It's A Very Cherry World! HAPPY ELECTION DAY!


  1. All fun items! I love your yo-yo table runner:@)

  2. I voted this morning! You can decorate your home in Americania any time you want!

  3. Hello, looks great decorated with the Red, White And Blue.....love the quilt.....Blessings Francine.

  4. Mr. and I always go vote together right at 6am, to cross out each others vote!! I was off today, so I walked up and voted, they let me know Mr. had been there!
    That quilt is gorgeous, love it!

  5. Now that's a hoot! I leave my patriotic decor up from Memorial Day thru the end of July but never thought of pulliing it out for elections! Great idea!

  6. Oh how cute - and what a great idea to decorate for it! Have a blessed week. :)

  7. You are not a dork for decorating for election day. I think it is great!

    Susan and Bentley

  8. I believe in trying to make each day special and I think it's so fun that you decorate for election day, Carol!

    Love all your reds but my favorites are the bobble heads, so cute! Oh and this wife of a public school teacher and union member, loves your union member sign. :)

    Happy Rednesday!

  9. I usually vote alone because my husband is Canadian, but today my son tagged along so that he could receive extra credit for one of his school classes!! As for my booth, I call it a booth, but it is actually just a bookcase and probably not worthy of any photos!! I enjoyed all of your patriotic treasures today.

  10. Love this post, great that you decorate for Election Day. Especially love your kissin's couples. Had to wait until after work to vote, but the crowds foster that wonderful patriotic feeling!

  11. Such fun treasures!! Love the bobble head couple! Too cute! xo Heather

  12. I was very proud to VOTE today! It's something to never take for granted. Great show of patriotism to decorate on Election day!!
    I started making Red, White, and Blue yoyos for a table runner a couple months ago. I just wasn't how many I would need. I counted yours and there are 92! haha
    Thank you for the help!
    Erica :)

  13. I love that you decorate for Election Day! So happy to see in everybody's comments how many people voted. And now we can celebrate that it's all over. (Loving your window sign, but I bet you guessed that!)

  14. Cute patriotic stuff. Love the little bobble heads. Pretty quilt!

  15. I love that you decorate for Election Day! Too cute! I am so in love with your yo-yo table runner! I have recently started making yo-yo's. I'm still trying to build up a bunch so I can make a pillow cover out of them. :)

  16. Cute, cute, cute! I do love election day as well! I think it is cute that you are a dork! We live in a great God given country where voting is such a privilege and an honor. love all your reds!

  17. I am in love with your patriotic girl ceramic!

    Popped in from Rednesday.


  18. Love this post for Election Day!! Voting is so important no matter who wins. Cute little kissers!!

  19. I proudly wear my little "I Voted" sticker every two years. I never even checked to see if my state has early voting because I love going down to the local voting place and casting my vote on Election Day. It's also fun because I always know I won't be voting like everyone else as I'm definitely in the minority politically here. We decorate the antique shop for every single holiday so even though I don't "do" my house much anymore I can get my fix by going nuts at the shop! Always love stopping by your blog!!!

  20. I got my sticker! Those bobble heads are too cute! Have a lovely weekend! Elizabeth


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