Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~~~The finding of junk has been pretty slow going. So slow that what you are about to see is 2 weeks worth of junk. 
Ever since seeing a vintage green plastic bird cage on a Flickr friend's photostream, I've yearned for one of my own. Unfortunately they can be very expensive. I think I must have won this beauty on Ebay literally minutes after the seller listed it, because it was a Buy It Now deal, and the price was amazing! I'm crazy about this thing, but it boggles my mind to think that it survived all of these years, being that it's hard plastic. How did it not get dropped, and shatter into a thousand pieces?!? 
While we're up on that bookshelf, let's look at the new girl on the block! It's the girl in the middle, flashing the bling on her finger! I found her at the flea market, and Mr. Old Glory said that as soon as he saw her on the seller's table, he knew he was in trouble!
The little shabby blue can on the left is the newest addition to the watering can collection.
And while we're up there admiring the watering cans, you might as well take a look at the birdie for the bird cage that sits up there. I think I said in my last My Weekend Finds post that as long as I'm collecting bird cages, I might as well have some birds in there too. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?!
I found this picnic tin at the flea market too, and it's almost identical to the one under those little watering cans, but it's alot bigger. I spotted it soon after arriving and asked  Mr. Old Glory to carry it the rest of the way. That's the sign of a real man, one who is willing to carry a picnic basket while walking the flea market! 
I know I've mentioned Mr. O.G. alot in this post, and this pink pre-lit tree is the perfect example of why I think he's just the greatest. I brought it home from a garage sale and I told him that I was going to use it in my Easter decorations. The man just said "Oh! That's nice!". No questions asked, no giving me a look like I'm crazy. You gotta love a guy like that, but I bet alot of you junkers have very tolerant husbands too! Later this week, I'll share some junk of the garden variety. So, did you find any good junk that your hubby had to carry home for you?! 


  1. Love head vases! Amazing birdcage too. Yes, my hubby carried home a large, wooden dollhouse last year.

  2. My husband never says a word when I bring home stuff. Even when it's my 100th piece of pottery or 50th vintage canister. He does tell me he is amazed that I can always find places to put stuff!

    I am in love with that watering can. How in the heck do you manage to find so many of them? In my neck of the woods, they are SUPER expensive. You are one lucky gal!


  3. You really picked up some amazing stuff! We have a vintage birdcage in our bedroom with several vintage plastic birds in them, though smaller than the one in your picture I suspect. They do not make any noise at all. Good birds! (Rob)

  4. Love the new watering can! ♥

  5. It's very hard to find any kind of vintage goodness here in Arizona, so my hubby rarely has to carry anything for me. I usually find it all on Ebay and it's shipped to me.....;o) That birdcage is amazing, and I agree with you on the miracle of it's condition.


  6. I think you may have just influenced me to start collecting bird cages, I love your newest edition. Plus, I can use them for storage, oh I mean displays, right? :) My husband is hit or miss when I bring home goodies, but it doesn't stop me!

    Great finds!

  7. Love that first bird cage...it really is awesome. I love your watering can collection and always enjoy seeing anew addition. Right now i'm trying to figure out a way to display all my pottery planters. And yes you do have a good hubby for sure!!


  8. Definitely love a hubby that doesn't question estate sale or garage sale treasures. Another great haul!

    I'm continually amazed and green with envy over the finds that you display on top of your green hutch. I want a watering can collection so bad!

  9. The bird cage is absolutely wonderful! I think the plastic makes it very unusual...so glad you got it!! I amazed at how many cute little watering cans you find. The ones I find are just too expensive (at least for me). You have a super collection!!

  10. Your very fortunate that you hubby is so kind... I don't have a hubby no more lol..but he thought I was nuts ... now my children think I'm nuts. lol . but I just tell everyone I don't drink smoke or party or anything else... so this is my thing... Im happy with it and they don't have to live with it all I do.. Happy huntings with love Janice I love all the wonderful things you found by the way..the birdcage is to die for and love the lady head and watering can..

  11. WOW! I have never seen a plastic bird cage....that is so cool!!!!!

  12. you have a great blog ^ ^
    you want to follow each other?
    follow me and let me know with a comment
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  13. Oh, my goodness! Your hubby is awesome!! I usually think that junking and going with my husband are like mixing oil and water, lol! See, when I get home it either stays in the back of the van until I find a new hiding place, or it goes into my other stuff like it areas, and I hope it blends in enough that he doesn't notice!! But he does, and actually never complains! (much, haha) You really found some nice things this week! I found some great vintage hankies that I am excited about!!

  14. Morning, you do find the neatest goodies you...love the sweet tin lunch box....Blessings Francine.

  15. Besides great finds, this is a great post! My Mr. Retro is like your Mr. OC, enablers, lol. Especially when they carry treasures all through the flea market!

    Love the bird cage, and great new watering can, and..well everything! :) Pam

  16. You added very cute treasures to your collections! I especially love the head vase :)

  17. I love your watering cans. I've never actually seen any while out junking.

  18. No goodies for me..just admiring your picnic basket and of course the watering can.....can you see my envy?

  19. I have the same plastic birdcage that I found at Farm Chicks a couple of years ago and can vouch for its awesomeness..you SCORED!'

  20. Stumbled across your blog and am in LOVE with all your finds! I love vintage junk, but have never known how to display it all.

  21. I absolutely love all of it! I really want to find a picnic tin. I have one that my husband gave me for my birthday and paid dearly for. I would love to thrift or yard sale one!

  22. I love the picnic basket and the little watering can! And my daughter would approve of that pink tree. She had a pink tree in her college dorm room while she was going to college. :-)


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