Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Really? I haven't posted since JULY??? Well, I hope to rectify that with this post! I've been keeping a list of all of my junky finds, so a fresh MY WEEKEND FINDS is just around the corner. I had a great summer and fall, getting a ton of work done in the gardens, and in fact with this mild winter we're having, I'm still able to go out there and whack away at the English ivy I'm trying to get rid of. And it only took me a week to get that shot of Cupcake Sprinkles dressed as Mrs. Claws Claus. Sadly, I could not get her to wear the wire-rimmed glasses that would have looked so perfect and completed the transformation. Oh well, there's always another holiday to dress her up for, and frankly, until I get some grandbabies, I'm dressing up the cat!
So from our house to yours, I wish each and everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a junk-filled  NEW YEAR!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
This week's episode finds our heroine (that's me!) scoring lots of great junk when she really should be working on her own garage sale. At least I can't feel too guilty about buying that aqua clock radio, because the one that was sitting there went straight into the garage sale. I'm trying to be better about getting rid of one thing every time I bring in something new!
I finally found a matching set of glasses that I really like for my carrier. They look so much better than the mismatched ones that I had in there.
Why yes, as a matter of fact I am trying to collect every picnic tin ever made! I think out of all the ones I own, this one really says summer to me. I believe it's because the plaid pattern matches the old aluminum woven lawn chairs that my grandparents owned.
The jury is still out on that flower-shaped clock in the bathroom. I like it. The rest of the family hasn't said a word about it, and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing........
A vintage plaster fawn, which will be coming inside for the winter but for now is living on the back porch.
The deer planter on the right was a 50 cent garage sale purchase.
This old cement........pigeon?......was an estate sale find, and she now roosts by the entrance to The Secret Garden.
Mr. Old Glory finally let me get a dog! Ok, as much as I would love the real thing, I was very excited to find this Mobley squeaky dog. It's just like the one I had when I was little, and it was only 25 cents at a garage sale. AND, it won't poop in my garden!
These Easter Bunny blow molds are super skinny, 3' tall and all white except for their eyes and mouths. They're so weird looking. So I had to have them!
Love their big buckteeth!~~~~~~So, the projected date of our garage sale is August 8th, and I'm telling you right now that I won't enjoy it at all.  Do you know why? Just think of all of the sales that I'm going to miss!!!!!

Monday, July 7, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Ok, so I lied. I said that I would be back later last week to share some patriotic decorations, and I didn't do it. Now that the 4th is over and done with, I thought I would share just one decoration, and you may think it's silly but that's ok with me. I bought one of those solar hula girls that you can get at Dollar Tree, the aqua one in fact....... 
And made her a patriotic decoration for my van! I painted her outfit red, added a little bit of glitter but not too much, because I didn't want to weigh her down and make her unable to dance. Then I  gave her a flag to wave! I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "This girl has too much time on her hands". The truth is pretty simple: If they don't sell it, I have to make it! Dollar Tree makes a solar thingie for every holiday, so why not the 4th of July? An Uncle Sam would be ideal, but I wasn't about to make a beard and hat for her. C'mon Dollar Tree!
It was a great day at the flea market today. All of these vintage beach toys for very little $$$.
I've wanted to add one of these Fisher Price chick basket cart pull toys to my Easter decorations for awhile now. I bought it from the same seller that I got the beach toys from. He's new to selling at the flea, and I can't wait to see what he'll bring next week!
Vintage Dennison St. Patrick's Day die cuts. The more I look at that leprechaun, the more creeped out I get by him!
Loved the cottagey green color of this birdhouse. I took a chance and didn't buy it right away, but was very pleased to see it still sitting there when I went back to check on it. And I was able to haggle a lower price! I don't know about you, but a big pet peeve of mine is when a seller absolutely refuses to haggle. That's the whole point of a flea market since the beginning of time!
Vintage aqua pottery isn't real common around here, so when I see it I get excited and when it's cheap it's coming home with me!
I bought these vintage parakeet s&p shakers and added clips to them. If I could just stop buying old bird cages, I wouldn't need birds to put in them.....
I found this plant hanger and pot all in a tangle on the ground at a garage sale. Although the plastic pot looks ok, I knew I wanted a vintage piece of pottery in there.
Much better, but I'll keep my eye out for something aqua!
I bought this old green metal magazine holder while on vacation, from a couple who have a huge garage sale every weekend, chock full of vintage stuff. I spotted it the day we got into town, but passed on it because it was a little pricey. Needless to say, I thought about it all week and had to wait until they opened again a week later. I'm not entirely sure that I even want to use it as a magazine holder. I just knew that I wanted it!~~~~~~I'm sure you all had a great 4th of July weekend, but did you make time to go junking?!  

Monday, June 30, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~I've been hard at work in the gardens, but I've put down my hoe and taken off my gardening gloves long enough to share some of my recent finds! 
Sam, my favorite uncle! I can get away with saying that because sadly I no longer have any living uncles. They're both banks, and were only $1 each. And although I know that the lid on that picnic tin is supposed to match the rest of the tin, it's a red, white and blue picnic tin for Pete's sake. Had to have it!
It's extremely hard for me to walk past a vintage etched mirror without buying it, and since this one was only $2, it seemed OK to bring it home. As you know, we live in a very small house, so wall space is limited. I bought the mirror having no clue where it was going to go, and in the end it landed up there above the bookcase picnic tin holder.
I think this might be the tiniest watering can I've ever seen. It's the size of a can of tomato paste, and I'm batty over it!
A concrete gnome nestling among the wheelbarrow full of hostas that need to be planted.
I want to give this purple martin house a whitewashing, and then a coat of varnish. Hopefully the bees won't take it over like they did the last one I had!
A child's shovel, broom and pink hoe, along with a pair of red garden shears and an old red dust pan.
That rusty pole to the right used to hold a gas lamp, but now it's got a vintage planter hanging on it.
I know these owl lights are meant to be summer patio decor, but they are SO going to be part of the Halloween decorations over here!
And speaking of Halloween, I found not one but two Relpo light up JOLs and that blow mold, with it's original sticker. I've got alot of that type of blow mold and should have passed it up, but that sticker really did it for me!
And last is an old Christmas bell decoration with awesome tacky flowers and an aqua Holiday thermos. I'd been hoping to find one for awhile, and it will be part of the winter/Christmas decorations on the porch. ~~~~~~~~~~~I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I plan to do alot of bloggy catching up this week, but now I need to go back outside and play in the dirt. I'll be back in a few days to share some patriotic decorations and wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
It's that time of year when the blog gets even more neglected than usual. It's gardening season! Mr. Old Glory and I have been working hard in the gardens. We (and when I say "we" I mean mostly HE) demolished one of the gardens, because it's becoming impossible for me to take care of it all. My problem is that I never met a plant I didn't like, and when you add in tons of freebies, it's downright overwhelming and not fun anymore. To all of you beginner gardeners: Keep It Small!!!  
Have you EVER seen a sweeter little watering can than this one? Me either! I saw it on Etsy, added it to my Favorites and minutes later I bought it. I've never seen one like it before and knew I better buy it or have it forever haunt me as "The One That Got Away"!
Here's the back. Loooove that wheelbarrow full of posies!
A gorgeous lady head vase, with a bouquet of fantastically tacky plastic flowers blooming out of her head. Only $5 at the flea market. Normally I haggle on everything at the flea, but this time I was dumbfounded and just handed the seller a fiver and walked quickly away!
A pink lucite clock to add to my collection. Very hard to get good shots in the bedroom where the rest of the collection is, because of all the trees. Nice and sunny in the dining room!
A vintage Imperial camera, fished out of a $1 box at the flea. The Playtime water colors paint box is a find from several months ago. It was covered in paint on the outside and I don't even want to say how much time I spent, using just my fingernails, getting that paint off!
An old laundry cart, found at an estate sale. I don't know why I bought it. Our "laundry room" is in the basement, and believe me, this won't make it any cuter. I guess it falls into the category of something that I've always wanted. Not crazy about the yellow and black liner, but I know that I can always make a prettier one someday. 
But wait! It doesn't necessarily have to be relegated to the dreary basement. It can hold plants!
OR, it can hold vintage linens, like that daffodils in a flower cart tablecloth which I recently found. Yes, the jury is still out on where the old laundry cart will end up.... 
Last up is a Napco parakeet plate, hanging on the jadeite green secretary hutch. So that's it for my finds. A pretty meager assortment for sure. I can't decide if the junking is that bad, or if I'm getting pickier. I think it might be the latter. I caught myself several times at the flea market almost picking something up, but then saying to myself: "You don't want that. The old you, the one who bought everything because she saw it on another blog wants it, but YOU are trying to lead a simpler, less cluttered life. Walk away, just walk away!". Sometimes you really need to listen to that little voice inside your head in order to be happy!~~~~~Has that little voice inside your head recently talked YOU in or out of some junk? Do tell! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Poor Cupcake. I didn't decorate at all inside for Easter, but I did take the time to decorate the cat! She looks embarrassed and angry, doesn't she? That's a lethal combination when there's claws involved! Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter!  

Monday, April 14, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of MY WEEKEND FINDS, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~Well, hello there! It feels so good to be rejoining blogland after a long winter's nap. After a few projects around the house and getting used to a new computer ( I hate Windows 8), I'm ready to dive back in and share some junk! I've gone to at least one estate sale every week, usually coming home empty handed.  Garage sale season officially started on Friday, so that's pretty exciting. Oh, and the weather has finally cooperated so that we could go to the flea market on Sunday. Endless rows of junk, how I've missed you!!! 

They may be a little beat up and kinda rusty, but I loooove that big blue picnic tin, and the watering can collection welcomed a new arrival. Crazy about those pansies!
QUESTION: Have you ever seen something at the flea market that you wanted so badly, knew was valuable, and was terrified to ask the price? I have tried several times to win this old Our Country print on Ebay, only to be waaay outbid each time. So when I spotted it at the flea, I whispered under my breath Oh My God, got really scared, regained my composure and asked what the price was. It ended up being about 1/10 of the usual Ebay price! Isn't she beautiful? Even after she was mine, I think I drove Mr. Old Glory nuts because I still couldn't stop saying Oh My God!!! 
This old plastic aqua bread box came from an estate sale. Guess what I keep in there........ 
I learned how to crochet over the winter and I made a bunch of dish cloths!!! I watched a You Tube video and it was a piece of cake. This dummy CAN crochet! Next winter I hope to learn how to crochet a scarf. I'm sure there's a video for that too!
This witch blow mold came from an estate sale, and the seller kept cracking jokes about his ex-wife, so when I paid for it, I had to ask if VIRGINIA was his ex-wife's name. Hahaha! At first I was going to try to scrub off the name, but now I love it and I think it adds to her charm! 
About a week later I found more vintage Halloween blow molds. That huge pumpkin has a flat back, a first for me. I think it will be frightfully awesome hanging on the house!
An old red can that I can picture some pink flowers growing in, and a pair of old Bobby Orr skates to add to the outdoor Christmas/winter decorations.
A pair of old Christmas cellophane candle wreaths.
And a teeny tiny parakeet for the bird cage on the right. Gotta have birds if I'm gonna collect cages!~~~~~~~I don't know about you, but I'm positively brimming with excitement! SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!! I've got so many plans for the gardens, some demolished and some improved upon. And I'm getting ready for another garage sale, getting rid of lots of unwanted junk. And going to sales and buying more junk. Because that's what we do! Can't wait to see what everyone has been up to. I've missed you all so much!