Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That!

This is going to be an action-packed post! Lots of pictures!
I went to an estate sale this weekend, on the second day of the sale. I didn't go on the first day, because when I went to sign up, I would have been #72! Forget that! So I found this little pink dolly on the second day.

She was crying out for some Valentine lovin', so I prettyfied her a little!

I can never pass up a flag, especially if it's a 48 star one.

I got this little gal for 50 cents, and I think she'll look great amongst all of the Easter decorations.

I did a little crafting this weekend. I'd been seeing alot of little valentine girls on other blogs, so I thought I'd give them a try. Ok, so now I can say that I tried!

I also made this plaque, using one of my many skeleton keys. I think that I can safely say that I am ready to start crafting for Easter. When your daughter says "It's very valentiney in here", I think it's time to move on!
I received an award a couple of weeks ago from Joan at Anything Goes Here. I apologize Joan, for taking so long!

I am supposed to share 7 things about myself....

1. When there is nothing interesting in the house to snack on, I make a little bowl of Jiffy pie crust! MMM MMM GOOD!

2. Before I get off of the computer, I have to play a game of mahjong. Or solitaire. I have to.

3. I love British mysteries. My favorite author is Ruth Rendell. Another favorite is M.C. Beaton.

4. Whenever I go on a trip, I always have to bring some rocks home. On one such trip, to Michigan, we brought home so many rocks that the car broke. Shocks or something. Those rocks ended up costing us $800.

5. I love 80s hair metal bands!

But my guilty pleasure is Lionel Richie!

6. I secretly wish that I was a computer geek!

7. I like bugs! This is the first insect that I ever bought. It's a giant cicada. I wish I had more wall space, because I would buy alot more. I have a few bugs that I have framed myself. They were already dead though. I couldn't hurt a fly!

Now I need to pass on this award:

1. Blonde Episodes
2. Just A Little Southern Hospitality
3. Creative Breathing
4. Always Home
6. Once Upon A Fairyland
7. Makin' Projiks

Thank you so much Joan for this award! Please check out these blogs, and especially Joan's. She is the queen of antiquing, crafting, junking, blogging, you name it she can do it!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Umbrella Girls, Flower Face Girls, And More!

The subtitle to this post could also be: How I Went Shopping In My Attic!

I've been thinking about these little flower face girls for months now. I thought they were probably in the attic, but it's so cold up there that I didn't really feel like digging around up there. But I really needed something for VTT today, so I threw on my coat and headed up there.

What I found was a shoebox full of cuties that I had forgotten I had! They all used to be on display, but several years ago I got tired of them, so they all got packed away.

Imagine my surprise when I started unwrapping the kind of things that I've been looking at on Ebay and drooling over! These girls look like they could be twins, but only one of them has their umbrella.

This one has a tag that proclaims her a Flower of the Month Girl, Miss Carnation, January. She's got a copyright of 1956, and she is adorable!

I think this one is my favorite, and I can't believe that I could have forgotten her. She's got a bluebird in her hand, for Pete's sake!!

This one reminds me of Little Bo Peep. Such a big ruffly dress for a little girl! Pull your dress down, we don't want to see your petticoats!

Lovely. Simply lovely!

I do remember this one spending a little time on my daughter's dresser. Did I snatch this little ballerina from her, and claim her as my own? I honestly don't remember.

Finally, a little choir singer, sitting in a gold wire chair. Sure wish I had known about this one at Christmastime. Ah well, next year. Have you found anything lately, in the recesses of your cupboards, or up in your attic, that you completely forgot about? Please tell me you have!
Now head over to Coloradolady, where Suzanne is our hostess every week for Vintage Thingies Thursday!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Valentine Decor For Rednesday!

I thought today would be a good day to start busting out the Valentine decor in earnest!

I think this is the first vintage Valentine decoration that I ever bought. Love the little rhinestone in the center there!

I have a couple of these cones hanging around the house. They're filled with hearts from Dollar Tree. Do you remember these cones?

I bought them at Dollar Tree at Christmastime, and they are supposed to be trees, but I flipped them over and put a handle on them. Best dollar I ever spent!

And finally, the big mirror over the fireplace with garland and a big wooden " Be Mine" that I painted and glittered. You'll probably have to click and enlarge to see this one properly, because as you all know, it's nearly impossible to get a good mirror shot without having General Hospital reflected in there. Or whatever it is that you watch at 2PM every day! Well, that's it for me for this REDnesday. Next week, more Valentine stuff! Now please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue plays hostess every week!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Silly Weekend Finds-What Was I Thinking?!

Every Saturday, after I go to the bank, I hit all of the thrift stores in that area. I get there early and then get back home before it gets crazy! I was hoping to find some vintage Valentine decorations, or even vintage Christmas stuff at Goodwill. I like that they have their Christmas stuff out year round.
So how is it that I came home with this? It's an old light-up poodle blow mold. What am I going to do with this?! It says 1965 on the bottom, and it was only 49 cents, and it is cute. I guess from here on out, it will be an Easter Poodle, because I am going to put it out there with my light-up Easter decorations!

And I also bought this tiara. Seriously? What in the world possessed me to buy a tiara? The only thing I can think of is that I have once again been influenced by other bloggers. And it was only 49 cents. Do you notice a trend here? Put anything in front of me, mark it 49 cents, and I'll buy it!

But it does look rather nice beside my BlingBling jar! Which is woefully empty. I hope to find lots of old rhinestone jewelry at garage sales this summer, and fill that sucker up! So, did you buy anything silly this past weekend???

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vintage Blue Canisters For VTT

Today I am sharing my old blue canisters. I was never able to afford a whole set of these, so I started collecting single, orphaned pieces. Some are marked Germany, Japan, and Czechoslovakia.

And I was drawn to the little spice jars too. I don't know what language "Zazvor" is. I tried using the online translator, typing in Polish, German, and Czech. None of them gave me a translation. Luckily, there is a tiny piece of paper taped to the bottom, that says "nutmeg", so I'm assuming that's what it means.

This little pepper jar didn't have a lid, so it gets to hold our pencils, and some of my vintage ruler collection. Yeah, I just realized today that I've been collecting rulers!
Please pop over to Coloradolady, where you can see more vintage thingies, and Suzanne is our fearless hostess!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's Rednesday!

I had planned on giving everyone a break from the Valentine decor, but I was too lazy to look for other reds, and this stuff was sitting right there, sooo...

I picked up this ceramic box at a thrift store last week. It's quickly become one of my favorite Valentine decorations, because I've had a little obsession with those paper doilies for as long as I can remember. How could someone have gotten rid of this?!

This plate was also a thrift store find, for $1.

And finally, this is the latest heart that I made. I can't stop making hearts out of felt. Help!!
Now please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess every week!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Valentine Projects!

I was a busy little beaver this weekend! I can't stop making Valentine decorations!

I made these three little "treat cups".

I used these peat pots that you can get in the gardening department. Just paint 'em, then embellish 'em!

This little shadowbox was made using the lid from the other heart shadowbox that I made. I love the pink bead garland, and I have a thing for picket fences, obviously!

And this tag is my rendition of Elizabeth's New Year tag. I made a few mistakes, but I guess it's ok for my second tag ever. Elizabeth is making a different tag for every month, and we can all "tag along"! So, were you crafty this weekend?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Look What Landed On My Doorstep!

I got a package delivered to my doorstep today! And when I opened the box....
These two little cuties were nestled in pink tissue paper! Aren't they adorable, with their little party hats? They were made by Laurie @ Magpie Ethel, and I got them from her Etsy shop. If you're not familiar with Laurie, you really should check out her blog! She's got alot of great collections, and she's a very talented crafter. All of her creations are made with vintage materials.

Not only were Tilly and Malcolm in the box (yes, I've named the birds), but Laurie also included a little goody bag, with that prize ribbon on it that she made, but also that big thank you card, which is handmade too, and her business card in that little waxpaper envelope, that she also embellished. All in all, she goes that extra mile when sending out her packages!

After posing for me, Tilly and Malcolm immediately flew over to our little Valentine tree, where they are now roosting. They are definitely ready for a party!

I'm told that there are a couple of these birdies left in Laurie's shop. She also has alot of other cute creations in there too. Thanks Laurie!
Please pardon the blurriness of some of the pictures. I dropped the camera just before, and I think it might be on it's last legs.....