Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In The Kitchen For REDnesday!

Big thanks to Sue at It's A Very Cherry World for hosting REDnesday, and also for creating such cute graphics each and every week!

I was sure I wasn't going to be able to join in this week. I couldn't think of a single red thing to share. But then I looked up and noticed how badly I needed to dust, and I saw a few more things. Like the old egg carton, and the cake carrier. Sorry, I didn't dust before I took the pictures. I'll do that later!

I have no idea what was originally in this jar, but it says on the rim "When empty use this table jar for sugar, jams, jellies, honey, pickles". So I followed orders, and put sugar cubes in it! I love the little glass knob.

I thought this jar was appropriate for Easter. I've had it a very long time, but it didn't have a lid when I got it, so for now it has one that isn't the right size. I've been carrying the measurements around with me for years, hoping for a better fit. One of these days I know I'll find one!

Let's pop outside for this last red. It's an old sprinkler, and it says "It Gets The Corners" on it. It gets the corners all right, and usually me and everything else in it's path! I can't wait 'til it's time to use it again!! The gardens are going crazy with new life, and although it takes alot of work, it's so rewarding. If you're a gardener, you know what I mean! I hope this week brings you all beautiful weather to play outside in!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Vintage Easter Blog Hop!!

Welcome to the Vintage Easter Blog Hop!!
Joan at Anything Goes Here is our hostess, so please visit her to get a list of lots of other bloggers joining in to share their vintage Easter decorations.

I don't have alot of vintage Easter stuff. Most of it I got just recently. Like these hot pink bunnies with the big buck teeth!

This little cutie is an old Relpo planter.

A little Morton Pottery bunny planter.

A plastic swan or duck. Love the old "tacky" plastic stuff!

A Lefton Easter egg, with a little girl inside! What's she doing in there??

Another Lefton egg, with something more normal in it. A duck. With a hat on!

An old Fannie May candy box.

I think this bunny is my favorite decoration. A lovely combination of plastic and felt! Do you like old plastic decorations, or do you think they are an abomination?

Plastic basket, plastic eggs, plastic hen. Perfect!

A little tin picnic basket. Ok, I've changed my mind, this is my favorite!

A bunch of old Easter picks.

This sugar egg was always in my mother-in law's dining room, from the first day I met her, and I always loved it. I'm so happy that I was able to have it after she passed away, because I think of her every time I look at it.

A peek at the bunny inside.

A package of Gurley candles that I still can't decide whether to take out of the package or not.
And this is a shot of the bookcase that holds most of the decorations. I've tried to behave myself and keep most of it in one place instead of scattered all throughout the house. That way, it all gets put away after Easter, and I don't find things months later that I forgot to put away! Now please head over to Joan's to see more vintage Easter decor!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

Please remember to head over to It's A Very Cherry World after you look at my reds. Sue is our hostess, and you will find a list of lots of other blogs to visit to see more reds!
Well, we're back in the kitchen this week. I thought I had exhausted all of my options in here, but I've since spotted a few more reds. Like the little plastic basket that holds some of my vintage towels. And the old aluminum foil/paper towel/ wax paper holder. I love the red gingham bow on there! At first everyone (except me) hated this thing when I hung it up, but I guess it shows that you can get used to anything if you have to deal with it long enough!

This is an old breadbox that I use to hold some of my craft paints so that I don't have to run downstairs all the time. There are more craft supplies in the yellow breadbox too.
And finally, when Sandy over at 521 Lake Street showed some plates that she had gotten at Target, I had to run right over there and get some for myself! Once again Target has the cutest things, and those cherries are for you Sue!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend Finds or How I Lost Things In My Own House!

Antiquing this weekend was a dud. So was thrifting. I can't wait 'til garage sale season starts!! I did find this pretty tin, which looks rather lovely with the Easter decorations.

Two vintage Easter decorations. The bunny is a music box. Can't figure out what tune it's playing though!

And some Gurley candles, still in the package. I can't decide whether to take them out or leave them in there. I guess it all depends on whether I am going to keep them or sell them.

I have a little crafting area in the basement. I don't craft down there though, because I would rather sit upstairs by a window, than in a dark basement. For a while I've just been piling my craft supplies on the table and on the floor, but lately I've been seeing other bloggers' craft rooms, so I decided to tackle mine. I didn't take a "before" shot, and it's not ready for an "after" shot, but I found several things that I forgot I had. Like this old wastebasket. Isn't it pretty? It now resides in the bathroom, where I can see it and enjoy it! I will never let that clutter happen again. Never.

And I found these two old flowerpots. I've been looking for the one on the right for a few years now. They were packed away when Mr. Old Glory peeled up the ugly pink carpeting in the living room, and revealed the lovely wood floors. I was so sure that it was in the garage. I let out a little squeal when I found it again!
So you see, sometimes it's a good thing when your husband watches an episode of Hoarders and decides to spend his vacation decluttering!

Friday, March 19, 2010

It Must Be Spring

It must be Spring, because all of the fashion-minded kitties were wearing their little summery frocks yesterday! Mimi Lucy can't decide if she likes her pink one....

or her green one the best. But today it's only going to be 38, with a chance of snow.

So she should probably stick with her pink hoodie!

And the crocuses have pushed through all of the dead leaves.

And are exploding with color! I hope they don't get covered with snow!
Happy Spring!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

REDS Inside and Out for REDnesday!

Today we're looking at reds inside the house, and we're going to venture out into the garden for more reds! And as always, when you're done looking here, please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where the awesome Sue hosts this fun party every week!

First up is a little old Lefton apple plate, hanging from a keyholder that my sister made for me.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting around at my Mom's house, when I decided to snoop a bit in her buffet cabinet. I always loved looking in this cabinet when I was little, because it held all of the old Gurley pilgrim candles, and my little snow globe collection, which Santa added to each year. I found this old tablecloth, which I remember from childhood, and my Mom says she made that in the 50s! I didn't even have to beg to get it, and hopefully she'll let me have the pear one next time!

My red watering can, all ready and waiting to get planted with pansies and hung on the lamppost.

My little red wagon, also ready for some pots of flowers!

And finally, an old red pump and cream can. I got the pump out of my grandparents' barn in Wisconsin, and brought it here. It says Sears Roebuck on it, and our house is a Sears Roebuck house, so it was meant to come here! I can't wait to rake out all of the leaves in the garden, but I probably won't do that for another month, because it's supposed to snow this weekend, and most likely a couple more times before summer!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Pink Buck-Toothed Bunny and Other Finds

Did the title of this post grab your attention? I thought it would! I was searching Ebay for vintage bunnies, and these came up with one minute left in the auction. As soon as I saw the picture, I knew I had to have them, so I read the description as fast as I could, and placed my bid, and I won! I love the bright pink color, and the polka-dot bow.

But will you get a load of those teeth?!! Someone needs to go to the bunny orthodontist, and get some bunny braces!

I found more 11/$1 cards at my favorite antique store. Please feel free to use these images.

I hope I don't horrify anyone when I say this, but I think I am going to use these old cards in future crafts, instead of scanning and printing out the images. Ink cartridges are just way too expensive and I can't justify the expense.

Unless.....can I take these to Kinkos and have them printed out on cardstock, for a reasonable price?

I hope so, because it really would be a shame to cut these up.

That is an actual piece of stone from Blarney Castle, in Ireland.

Certified, on the back of the card, in 1938.

This one looks like it got wet at some point, but how cute is that with the fuzzy flowers and that pink birdhouse?!

And I found these beauties in my mailbox! I won them from Holly at Banner Haus, and I got to pick whatever I wanted from her Etsy shop. They remind me of little violets, and this picture just doesn't do them justice. If you need some images for your blog, Holly has new ones every single day, at Banner Haus. Thank you Holly!

I should have shown this valentine from Elizabeth weeks ago, but I kept forgetting! It hangs on the lamp in the living room, and it probably always will! Thank you Elizabeth!

And last but certainly not least, a little package arrived in the mail from Jacqueline at Once Upon A Fairyland. I can't wait to plant those seeds, and then save the cute package they came in! It's always fun to visit Jacqueline, and I know that had we been friends when we were little girls, I would have always been knocking on her door, asking if she could come out and play!
I hope you found some treasures this weekend too!