Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vintage Avon for VTT

Welcome to Vintage Thingies Thursday, where our hostess is Suzanne at Coloradolady. Please pop over there when you're done looking at my things!

I think alot of us grew up with Avon products. It was always so exciting to get the new book to pour over, and I remember being over the moon when our Avon lady included lots of samples with our orders! I've been collecting Avon things for many years, but just things that I remember from my childhood. Mr. Old Glory won that ladybug perfume on Ebay for me. To this day I wonder where mine went, because I was not the type of girl to throw my treasures away!

A perfume kitty pin, and an old roll-on.

A honeysuckle scented demi stick, and a chocolate pomade that still smells chocolatey!

Some of those lipstick samples I was talking about. Didn't you love getting these with your order?

Two "Her Prettiness" rollettes, both honeysuckle scented. Honeysuckle was always a favorite for me, and it still is to this day!

My Grandma gave me this American Belle, full of Sonnet perfume, ages ago. It's one of my most prized possessions.

I remember my Mom having these bottles. She packed hers up a long time ago, so I got these at garage sales. Isn't that little purse cute?

And I'm pretty sure we've ALL had these bottles at one time, haven't we? I'm still on the lookout for some "Her Prettiness" talc, and then my Avon collection might be complete!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Total Mish Mosh For Rednesday!

I usually try to have a theme for Rednesday, but today we're in the kitchen, we're in the dining room and we're outside to see my reds. And for those of you that have said that they can't believe that I have more reds every week, no one is more surprised than me! Just a few short years ago, I didn't care much for the color red. But then I decided to decorate my kitchen with things from the 30s-50s, and that's when the red thing happened for me!

This rooster hung in my Grandparents' kitchen for as long as I can remember, and when they passed away I was so happy to be able to have it.

My friend Jacqueline sent me this teeny tiny hand-painted chair, for no reason! Check out those cherries, Sue!

Jacqueline also sent me that little red pixie, to go with my collection. He looks like the naughtiest one of the bunch!

And finally, we have an old ice cream maker. This thing has been every color of the rainbow, but it started out black. Once the chance of frost is past, around May 15th, it will have flowers spilling out of it. We're having a frost tonight, so I better go cover my pansies! Now, if you would like to see all kinds of red things, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess every week!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekend Finds And A Sad Day

There was only one garage sale this past weekend. The type where they should have just boxed it all up and donated it. You know the type? And it was too rainy for the flea market, so a-thrifting I went. I found these two little cottage-y prints.

And another little yellow pottery deer to keep the big one company.

Mimi Lucy

We had to put our little furry friend down this weekend. She was the sweetest kitty I could ever imagine. I feel blessed to have adopted her 10 years ago, because she brought nothing but joy to our lives.

She was a very patriotic kitty.

Mimi loved to be outdoors. I know cats can't read, especially cats that have gone to kitty heaven, but.....thank you Mimi for laying on my head when I had a migraine.

We "planted" her in the garden, along with some perennial pansies, and Autumn Joy sedum.

When we were digging the hole to bury her, we found this old bottle. Campana's Italian Balm. I knew that there was a dumping ground somewhere in the yard for this old house, and I guess we finally discovered it. We found a little treasure, while burying another one. Is it silly to say that I am brokenhearted?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Vintage Compacts for VTT!

Welcome to VTT, where we drag out our vintage things, dust them off (well, some of us do), and share them with the world! Suzanne is our hostess over at Coloradolady, so please stop by her blog and check out everyone's vintage treasures.

Last September I shared some of my vintage compact collection here. Today I'd like to share a few more. I had wanted to show them all in the shadowbox where I keep them, but I realized that the velvet inside the shadowbox was very dusty and had deteriorated alot. So please bear with me as I share alot of pictures. First up is this rather large pink and red one with the pretty cameo in the center. I'll just let the pictures do the talking for most of them, instead of blathering on about them!

This one opens up to reveal.....

a little comb and tube of lipstick too!

This ballerina is one of my favorites, with her little jewelled tutu!

These two things were also displayed in the shadowbox with the compacts. Sorry about the glare! On the right is an oh-so-elegant cigarette holder, and the deer pin on the left, which my Dad gave me when I was a little girl. It's one of my most prized possessions. Want to see more vintage things? If so, head on over to Suzanne's right now!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Strawberry Days for REDnesday!

It's time to round up all of your red things and share them over at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this party every week!

I was lucky enough to win Elizabeth's Strawberry Days giveaway over at Creative Breathing. If you don't know who Elizabeth is yet, you really must check out her blog. She makes the cutest things, and she recently found the most amazing cabinet that you'll ever see!

The first part of my prize is this pegdoll and her scotty. Enlarge to see the attention to detail. Aren't they adorable?!

And the sweetest little chick, who looks like he is dancing on that box!

I hung this gorgeous little heart on our grandfather clock. I can't imagine having the patience to make those tiny strawberries!

This little card hangs on the cabinet that holds all of my vintage tablecloths. Thank you so much Elizabeth, for everything!

I even put this vintage tablecloth on the dining room table, just so that everything would coordinate!

And finally, these tins were found at a thrift store last week, a quarter each. That's it for me, so head over to Sue's now to see more great red treasures!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend Finds-Lotsa Pottery!

Things are finally starting to look up in the thrifting/antiquing world! I found two pieces of pink pottery to add to my pink and white collection on top of my secretary hutch. A lovely cornucopia vase, on the left. And the pink flower-shaped one in the gold holder. It's my new love. Miramar Pottery. They began operations in 1952, and ceased to exist in the late 70s. Every bit as gorgeous as McCoy Pottery.

I also found a scotty planter. He looks a little surprised to be pinned back there by that kitty!

I found this creamy matte white cornucopia vase at a thrift store. It was marked $8, which I thought was outrageous, and thankfully one of the workers thought so too. She repriced it at $2 if I promised not to brag about it in the store. I'm assuming it's ok to brag about it here though!

Here's an old pink chenille bedspread that I found at that same thrift store, for $2. I'm either going to make a cushion for this bench with it, even though the squirrels ripped apart the last one I made. Or I can play it completely safe and put it on my daughter's bed while she is away at college. Hmmmm. That's a puzzler.

And finally, I found a Flatsy doll at a church rummage sale! I remember having one of these dolls when I was a little girl. Did you? She was naked when I chose her, but the lady who sold her to me let me take the clothes off of another one, which had only one shoe. The lady is a dealer in dolls, and will be at my local flea market this summer. She had all kinds of dolls from my childhood. I smell trouble.....
So what kind of treasures did YOU find this weekend?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vintage Pixies For VTT!

It's Vintage Thingies time over at Coloradolady, where Suzanne is the hostess! Please visit her blog, and all of the other participants in VTT if you like looking at all kinds of great vintage things. I haven't done VTT for months, because I'm gone all day on Thursdays, and I felt guilty about not getting to visit the other bloggers until Friday. But I'm going to make this work, because I miss VTT so much!

First up is my small pixie collection, all Made In Japan. That one on the left looks like he is going to start some pixie trouble, doesn't he? He looks very suspicious to me!

This pink cutie is my latest addition. I never knew there were pink pixies until I found him. Up until now I thought all pixies were green or brown. I've been drawn to everything pink lately, so I'm sure he'll be getting a pink buddy real soon!

Another small collection, this one consisting of shell girls. I've had the yellow one forever, and she is very grubby, but I can't seem to get her clean. I'm thinking that these were probably souvenirs at one time. Maybe from Florida? I should probably Google it!

This little gal is tiny, only about 2" tall. She's got a little shephard's crook, so maybe she is supposed to be Little Bo Peep. I'm not sure, but I do know that I hope to add to both collections this garage sale/estate sale/flea market season!
Happy VTT!