Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Please make sure to drop in over at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this RED party every week. You'll find a long list of other RED lovers there!

I know I've shown this breadbox in many other pictures, but I've never shared it for REDnesday. I love the little green flowerpots on it!

It sits on top of my green cabinet, and I think it fits right in with my picnic basket collection.

And here we have some old flour sifters. And although I don't like to cook, I have used these a time or two when I was baking a cake. Don't things taste better when you use vintage kitchen tools? I think so too!
Well that's it for me and my REDS. Now head over to Sue's to see lots more!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Weekend Finds

It was a strange thrifting weekend. Every single thing I bought was holiday related!

Christmas was represented by a vintage Santa mug, an old bottlebrush tree and a Relpo Santa creamer or small pitcher.

Thanksgiving made an appearance through these two old postcards.

I don't why I bought these two pins. I don't wear pins, but I guess I needed to keep the holiday theme going. The spider on the left may be missing a couple legs, but he will get you with those fangs. And do you see the one in the web? He definitely sees you too. I found things for the 4th of July and Easter too, but they're still in the van, or my "storage on wheels" as I like to call it. Oh shoot, Mr. Old Glory wasn't supposed to know about that, but I forgot he reads this. Busted!

This last "find" isn't mine, but Mr. OG's. Do you like our newest statue? Petunia Possum was found inside the grill cover when Mr. OG went to put it back on the grill. I haven't moved so fast in years. I ran and jumped onto the bench by the back door, and Ms. P just looked at us and bared her teeth. The wildlife is definitely gettin' bolder, and I'm gettin' older. That jump onto the bench left me a little sore later that day!
So, did you find anything this weekend? And did it move when you found it?!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vintage Christmas And Some Cherries For REDNESDAY!

Today for REDnesday I'm sharing a couple things that I found at garage sales and the flea market a few weeks ago, put them away and promptly forgot about them!
I'd been hoping to find a vintage NOEL candleholder set for a few years now. This set came from the flea market. Speaking of the flea market, it got rained out last week, and sadly it will only be open for a few more weeks, weather permitting. A sad sign that summer is surely over!

This old table runner is folded in half. When unfolded, it's about 6' long. I hemmed and hawed about getting it, because really I have way too many vintage linens, just sitting neatly folded in a cupboard. That's not a very good excuse, is it? My friend put it in my hand, pushed me towards the cashier, and now it's mine. I'm so glad my friend is extremely bossy!

These two cherry towels also came from a garage sale. Again, thanks to pushy friend. Well, they were only a quarter each. It didn't take too much pushing....

If you would like to see lots of wonderful RED things, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue throws a RED party every week!

Friday, September 17, 2010


For this Pink Saturday, I have an old box of greeting cards to share. I found these at the flea market last week, and the gal selling them had about twenty boxes, but I behaved myself and only bought one. She promised me that this Sunday she would be bringing vintage Christmas stuff. I can't wait!

There are several different varieties of these sweet pixies to choose from. A card wishing you HELLO.....

Floating on lily pads, with get well wishes....

Flying around the world, sending you good wishes.

This one was also in the box, and although there are no pixies on it, that flower cart is pretty darn cute! Anyone interested in using these images in their crafting, please help yourself!
If you would like to see more pinks, please stop over at How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our hostess!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


It's REDNESDAY over at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess every week! I only have two flea market finds to share this week.

First up is this bread box. I didn't find it very exciting when I saw it, especially since the lid was laying on the ground, upside down.

But when I picked up the lid and saw that there were polka dots on it, I knew I had to have it! And it was only 50 cents, so it would have been stupid not to take it home with me. It's a little beat up, but it works just great as a catchall.

And last up is this old bank, which will be a perfect addition to my patriotic decorations. Oh, and I guess the vintage tablecloth underneath qualifies as a REDnesday entry too!
If you would like to see more reds, please head over to Sue's right now!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Bluebird Of Happiness!

Thanks for stopping by to see my finds this week!

Anyone that loves bluebirds like these knows how outrageously expensive they are on Ebay. Some people have even gotten into fights to get them. Imagine my surprise when I found these for $1 at a garage sale, run by a little old lady who was offering rum balls to all her customers. I still can't believe my sister actually put something from a stranger in her mouth!

And speaking of my sister, she found this ridiculously cute watering can for me at a garage sale last week. Those bluebirds make me happy, but this thing makes me delirious!

Last, just in time for Halloween, we have a vintage Lefton October angel. And an old bird figurine. I may have only found a few things, but each one made me really happy. I've been waiting all summer for that really good sale. You know the one, where you need your friend to help carry it all because you found so much stuff that your arms are overflowing. But I learned that I don't need to come home from the flea market with my big over-sized shopping bag full to be content. It's about quality, not quantity. I wish every week was like that! So, did you find some little treasure that made you happy?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


In remembrance of those that we lost nine years ago today, their families, and our troops all over the world.

Please visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, for more Pink Saturday participants.

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Weekend Finds and A Dirty Little Secret

I was wondering why there were so few garage sales this past weekend, until I remembered that it was Labor Day weekend. People were trying to squeeze the last bits of fun out of summer!

So I had to rely on the old standbys, thrift stores and the flea market. This picnic basket came from a thrift store. Sure it's pretty beat up, but beggars and basket collectors cannot be choosers! Anyone know how to get baked on tape residue off of this, without taking the paint off too?

I found some holiday stuff too, like these Halloween decorations.

And this little leprechaun is perfect for St. Pat's Day. In all my years I've never seen these before, and now this is my second one this year! One of the coolest things about this one is that it says "Made In Japan" in Irish on the bottom.

A Goodwill find, this old Lefton piece is so cute, but man are those kids grubby! This is going to need a good scrubbing.

This birdcage was my only garage sale find. It's a great start for prettifying the top of that armoire.

This is what the other end of it looks like. A dusty catch-all for stuff that I don't want to put in the attic or basement. It was my dirty little secret. Until now! I love that armoire, but I didn't think you were ever going to get to see it until I cleaned that mess up. Now you know. Please tell me that you have a place in your house that is never going to be seen on your blog too. I can't be the only one! I'll share an AFTER photo soon. So, did you find anything good this weekend?

Friday, September 3, 2010

TIME For Pink Saturday!

Do you remember this vintage clock that I found at the flea market for $2.00? Well, when I plugged it in, it sounded like a plane was about to land in the kitchen. Just what I was afraid of. So I had to take it apart, get out my Dremel and cut down lots of plastic protuberances (yes, it's a word!), and put in a battery operated clock kit from Michaels.

And now it's finally up on the kitchen wall! Which led to washing of that wall, so that I could take this picture. Which now means that I need to wash all of the other walls in the kitchen, because the clean one stands out like a sore thumb! I don't know if you can tell, but the little spice jars above it are also pink.

These are my winnings from Heidi's giveaway over at Gold Country Girls. A pretty pink embroidered pillowcase, a dresser scarf, hankies, and hand painted china.

Also two vintage postcards, one in a pretty frame, and the other one made into a greeting card. And a great old dress pattern. Oh, if only I had a waist that tiny! Thank you Heidi for all of these pretties!
If you would like to see lots more pinks, visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, where she plays hostess every week for her Pink Saturday party!