Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Crafts And Other Stuff

I found this card at an estate sale Friday, dated 1974!

I wanted to share a couple more decorations that I couldn't show for the Vintage Halloween Party. Here's my green cabinet, every square inch packed with Halloween stuff!

Isn't this teapot cute?! I won it from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage last year. I remember she had just started her blog then. Look at her now! And those old cabinet cards that I decorated came from the amazingly creative Jane at Mamie Jane's.

I'm obsessed with making these cones!

I traced these images from an old Martha Stewart magazine, and then painted them on little wooden plaques from Hobby Lobby.

If it's not easy, I can't and won't make it!

More Martha images.

My wee little Halloween tree, with a couple of crows huddled underneath.

A cute little banner, also from Janelle.

I even made hats for the crows.

And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "This girl has too much time on her hands, if she's making hats for the birds". And in my defense, all I can say is: At least I didn't make a hat for my parakeet. Now THAT would be crazy!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Vintage Halloween Blog Party!

Joan at Anything Goes Here is throwing another vintage holiday party! This time it's a Halloween party, so if you'd like to show everyone your vintage Halloween items, link up!
When I was a little girl, Halloween was right up there with Christmas for me. Both were such magical times!

I don't have alot of vintage Halloween things. At least not as many as some people who I am envious of! I'm definitely always on the lookout for more. I just got this little cutie last week. It's a Relpo planter.

It's a coven of honeycomb witches!

This is a picture from last year, but the display looks the same. I didn't feel like climbing under the dining room table to take this shot like my daughter did for me last year!

I'll just let you look through these pictures without blathering the whole time, unless I can't stop myself.

A paper mache black cat on a pumpkin.

My very first noisemaker!

Gurley candles and a Lefton October angel.

A ouija board from the 70s.

This wig is supposed to be for a Dutch Girl costume. Only 49 cents, way back when.

Glow in the dark Beistle ghosts!

Even Little Red Riding Hood likes to trick-or-treat. I hope she's not dumb enough to go to the wolf's house!

That's about it for me. So now what should we do? I know, let's ask the crystal ball!

I'm having a hard time seeing what it says. Can you read it?

Oh, I see! It says to visit Joan NOW! What a great idea, because I can't wait to see everyone else's vintage Halloween goodies!
Oh, and I'll be sharing my non-vintage decorations and some crafts on Saturday!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I only have two things to share for this REDnesday. And when you're done looking at them, please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts REDnesday every week.

I bought this quilt at the flea market on Sunday. I was immediately attracted to it, because it's RED!

It's a very pretty pattern, and I like it alot,.....

But I like the back even more!

Because the stars are made with polka dot fabric!

I thought this was the back of the quilt, but now I'm not so sure. The polka dot star side is pieced together, whereas the other side isn't. Which side do you think is the front?

My other red item came from our own hostess, Sue! She saw this at a book sale, and thought of me. Isn't she sweet?! I love this book, and it will fit in perfectly with all of my patriotic decorations. Would you believe this book is 110 years old? It's dated 1900! Thanks Sue!
So, how about heading over to Sue's now to say hello and see lots more reds?!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Weekend Finds

I'm afraid this week's episode of My Weekend Finds is a real yawn fest! There were only two garage sales, and it only took me 30 minutes to walk through the whole flea market.

These picnic baskets are going to provide some much-needed storage in the bedroom. I'd show you a picture of the mess I'm trying to organize, but I don't want to humiliate myself today! At $1 each, these baskets were a steal. The watering can was cheap too.

I found this birdcage and stand a few weeks ago, and forgot to share it. It was black, but I spraypainted it white, and then I put a couple crows inside and on top to scare the trick-or-treaters with. Hey, I have to keep getting up to answer the door and give them candy, so I might as well get some enjoyment out of it too! I found one other thing at the flea market, but I'll save that for REDnesday. So, did you find anything interesting over the weekend?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pink Saturday

If you're a gal of a certain age, like me, you remember Skinny Dip perfume! I loved this stuff, back in the 70s when I was a young, innocent girl. I was pretty excited to find this at the flea market a couple weeks ago, and although I didn't need it, I needed it!

Just a couple pieces of pottery sitting on the coffee table. The poor pink donkey has to pull a cartload of pens, remotes and reading glasses.

A tiny pink parakeet, and a girl and her pink poodle, both sitting on the bathroom shelves. Our home is so tiny, with very limited space. Every inch is valuable real estate, and yet I cover the shelves with "stuff". Do you do that too? Well, let's go visit Beverly over at How Sweet The Sound, to see how other "Pinkies" show off their pink treasures!