Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Decking The Halls--REDnesday!

Amid all the boxes and bubble wrap, the halls are getting decked slowly but surely! An old Relpo Santa pitcher and vintage trays sit on the kitchen counter.

Santa and his packages S&P shakers rest beside the stove.

The Girls Of Christmas! I still need to shimmy up to the attic to get some old ornaments that go in the jars, and then I can call this area DONE!

I love the expression on the face of the girl in the middle. Either she's appalled at the amount she spent while shopping, or she's troubled by the girl in the cloche!

I love this runner that's underneath them, and I'm so glad my friend bossed me into buying it this summer!

NOEL candleholders from the flea market, along with some old Little Golden Books. As I continue to unpack everything, I realize that I need just one more thing to make my collection complete. A bigger house! I can't possibly have it all out to enjoy, so I guess I'll just have to start decorating my car!
Want to see more red things? Then head over to It's A Very Cherry World right now!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

In Between All That Turkey.....

After one wedding and three Thanksgiving dinners this past weekend, I was more than ready to sit around like a slug and do some crafting!
Do not try this shadowbox at home, unless you have hours and hours to kill, painting it inside and out, glitterizing it, sanding some of the glitter off, accidentally gluing it shut, and then prying it back open again in order to decorate the inside. Other than all that, I think I like it and it was well worth it!

My December tag. I haven't made one since April!

She's from an old Christmas card, and she represents my love of feeding the squirrels. I mean birds!

And when I saw this Santa on a vintage card, I knew I had to make a tag with him too.

It doesn't get much better than a patriotic Santa! So what did you do in between eating turkey sandwiches, turkey tacos, turkey pot pie, turkey a la king, turkey tetrazzini, turkey soup and slices of pumpkin pie???

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Christmas Decorating Around The Cottage--REDNESDAY!

This time of the year, Red = Christmas! I started decorating about a week ago, and I'm almost positive that I'll be done by December 31st! So for the next few REDnesdays, I'll be sharing my progress.
My Santa mug collection, on the kitchen windowsill. It's official: no more room for Santa mugs on the windowsill! It's very liberating to know that a collection is complete, and you cannot and should not buy any more.

Little vintage bottlebrush wreaths, hanging from every knob on the kitchen cabinets.

One of my vintage aprons, with an elf peeking out of the pocket. I got lucky finding this apron, because I was smart and packed it away with all of the Christmas decorations. Finding the rest will unfortunately require tearing apart the cabinet holding all of the vintage linens. Darn! When will I learn?

I picked up this tablecloth at a thrift store, and this one I will cut up, to make kitchen curtains and a tree skirt.

I'm not done decorating the green cabinet yet. It will probably have nothing but vintage light-up stuff on it, but in the meantime I almost can't stand how great RED things look on that green cabinet! Ok, so that's how far I've gotten, and I've got a long way to go. As I unpack each box, all I can think is: I've got to pack all of this stuff up again in a month. Either I have way too much stuff, or I must be getting old, and I refuse to admit I have too much stuff!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this fun party every week!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


It's True Confessions time. I must confess that I'm a Vintage Christmas-aholic! It's all I had eyes for this past weekend. And that's all I found too, so I decided to save it all for Rednesday instead of doing my normal Weekend Finds post. The magazine above is from the flea market several weeks ago.

I went to an extremely overpriced antique show, and there was only one booth that was very reasonable. I've been coveting those old Empire noel candle lights for an eternity, and finally found them at my price. I think I'll replace the lights with those clip-on ones from the dollar store though, because old lights give me the willies. And I can never pass up a great old Santa tin!

A couple more Santa mugs to sit on the kitchen windowsill. I think I've picked up several of these since last Christmas, so it might be time to assess the Santa mug collection, and see if it needs to move to a larger venue than the windowsill!

Another vintage tablecloth, which might have a second life as kitchen curtains. I've decided that I don't have nearly enough cute tablecloths, so I'm announcing right here that I will not be passing up a single cheaply priced vintage tablecloth ever again! Plus, I'm secretly hoping that my daughter might one day decide that she does in fact like vintage things!

And last is a cute little Made In Japan angel. One more thing that I feel I don't have nearly enough of! It seems a shame to pack all of this away, when I'll just have to unpack it the day after Thanksgiving. Might as well start decorating now! Have you started yet?
If you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess every week!

Friday, November 12, 2010


The other day I decided to straighten out the cupboards that hold all of our bath towels. I hadn't done it in quite a while, and let me just say that it's amazing what you forget you had in your own home!
I forgot all about this old Avon Miss Lollipop perfume bottle.

I completely forgot about this old cosmetic pad dispenser.

These are cosmetic pads, in case you didn't know what I was talking about. You know, from back in the day when women used cold cream to take their makeup off. Unfortunately I couldn't find any square pads, which are supposed to go in there. And I'm a soap and water kind of girl, so I've never actually used this thing, but I sure do like it and I'm glad I found it again!

This quilt wasn't found in my towel cabinet, but on my porch, left by the mailman. I won Kelee Katillac's giveaway! I can't give you a link to her blog, because it's currently under construction. I was so surprised to find that there wasn't one but two quilts in the box.

And this one definitely has lots of pink in it! It needs some TLC, but if I fold it very creatively, it looks terrific!
If you love the color pink, you'll want to visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. She hosts Pink Saturday every week!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lots of Pottery!---My Weekend Finds

I was surprised by an unadvertised estate sale Saturday morning, on my way to dropping off a coffee cake to my Mother. I do this every Saturday for her, and once I saw the sign saying that there would be antiques and collectibles at the sale, I couldn't drop that coffee cake off fast enough!

The woman running the sale was selling her Grandmother's things. There was a big table just full of old pottery! She said she was sure it was all McCoy, but if it doesn't say it on the bottom, I have no clue if it is or not. The big vase is definitely McCoy.

These pots of course are too.

She said that her Grandmother was Dutch, hence the "wooden shoes" and Dutch maids.

Another shoe and an old kitchen towel.

I've been waiting all summer to find some vintage ornaments! I was able to bring all of this home for $2.

I really love the floral ones alot.

But my favorite just might be this pinecone, because hiding underneath it was this spun cotton headed snowman. I think I need to pick up all of the ornaments and see if there are any other hidden treasures! The gal running the sale said that she is having it again next Saturday, and that this week she might be going into the attic to see what's up there. I strongly suggested that she do that, and I almost offered to help! I found something else there too, something really amazing for my sister's birthday, and I wish I could give you all a peek at it. But my sister sometimes pops in here, so I won't. Mary, suffice it to say that when you see this thing, you will fall flat on your face!

And just for fun, I picked up this jar of "fireflies" at Goodwill. I've always wanted one, because it reminds me of some great times as a little girl. I won't tell you what some of the little boys did with lightning bugs after they'd catch them, because it's gross! So, did you find anything exciting over the weekend?

Friday, November 5, 2010


For this week's Pink Saturday, I'd like to share some vintage pottery. This gorgeous piece came from Goodwill. I was so glad no one was standing near it, otherwise they might have been knocked over in my eagerness to grab it! My Goodwill store is fast becoming one of my favorite places to shop. In the past I would walk in and right back out, empty-handed. And they keep their Christmas stuff out year-round. I Love That!!

The McCoy pot on the right is a recent flea market find. The seller asked me if I knew anything about it. McCoy Pottery. I always play dumb in situations like this. I said "McWho?" I think I get better deals when I do this, instead of saying I'm a collector. Do you ever play dumb to try to get a better deal?

Another Goodwill find from a couple weeks ago. I just saw this same thing at an antique store yesterday, 10x what I paid for it. Again, I love Goodwill! This kitty and her ball of yarn are holding my paint brushes on the kitchen table until I put them away. But why bother, when Christmas crafting season is upon us?!
If you would like to see more pink things, head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts this pink-loving party every week!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Sue at It's A Very Cherry World is hosting another REDnesday. Please visit her when you're done looking at my reds!

So how about a little vintage Christmas? I found this Josef Originals napkin holder at an estate sale. Thanks to the people that ran this sale, I've started a list of estate sale companies to avoid! There was no list on the door like they said there would be, they arrived 15 minutes before the sale started, and nothing was priced. Thanks for letting me rant!

Another kneehugger to add to the collection. He's smiling and he has his eyes closed. Dreaming of sugarplums perhaps?

My very first Christmas Gurley candle! I also got a lamppost, but it's not red so you don't get to see it! I know the noisemaker with the crazy conga line isn't Christmas, but I think it's perfect for New Years Eve.

And last is my sticker that we always get after voting! I hope everyone got the chance to get out and vote today. Now head over to Sue's to see more reds!

Don't Forget....

Just think, after today there will be no more mud-slinging ads to watch on TV. And we won't have to jump up to answer the phone every few minutes, only to find out that it's just another one of those annoying robo calls. I can't wait 'til this day is over!!!