Sunday, October 30, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Let me start by wishing all of you ghouls and boys a Happy Halloween!

My first find is actually another Ebay win. What could be better than a vintage child's watering can with a cute doggie on it?

One that has a sweet kitty on the other side too!

This pair of reindeer came from a garage sale.

What could be better than this little blue clock bank from the flea market?

A red one to match!

The pink pottery piece also came from the flea market. The flea opens at 7AM, but it was still dark out, so I didn't see that pot until I went back to the very first row and walked it all over again!

Last but not least is a vintage lipstick holder with mirror (the thing with the blue rhinestones), and the old bottle of Tweedie Bubble Bath-Toiletries For Young Girls.
I was pretty excited to learn that the flea market will continue until Thanksgiving weekend. But will the weather hold out? One thing is for sure. I need to bring a flashlight next week!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Over the weekend we went to The Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana. It's an annual event for us, and there are always tons of garage sales along the way. We try to stop at as many as we can, but I really only needed to stop at one, because all of my finds came from just one sale!

This picnic basket is in rough shape, but it's perfect for the back porch.

The vintage clock was only $1, probably because it doesn't work, but I'll pull all of the workings out and make it battery-operated. Love that aqua color!

I couldn't resist that little shoe house planter, or the little red sewing machine.

I also found that sparkly little number there on the right. It goes so well with the other clocks in my collection!

This sweet watering can is a recent Ebay win, not a garage sale find. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda can't wait to pack up the Halloween decorations on top of the green cabinet, so that I can put the watering cans back up!

And I just wanted to share a couple of shots of the bridges we saw, and of our daughter Liz and her boyfriend Brandon, who made the trip with us.

They're so photogenic! So, did you find any treasures over the weekend, or perhaps take a road trip?

Thursday, October 20, 2011


You're invited!

To come see the Halloween decorations at Ye Olde GORY Cottage!

Let's start in the dining room.

These are the decorations on the big green cabinet.

And on one of the bookcases.

Now let's head into the living room, where I could have gotten a better shot of these kitties if not for The TV That's Too Big For The Space right next to them!

The BOO shelf!

Pumpkin World!

Ok, we're back in the dining room. I put off decorating the top of this bookcase as long as I could, because I still haven't found the missing Halloween Decorations box. There are some really cute figurines in that box, and I can't figure out where I put it!

Even the little cat girl is sad that I couldn't find that box, and frankly, Little Red Riding Hood looks devastated!

But hey, it's almost Halloween, so let's make some noise with vintage noisemakers!

Let's end this little tour by sitting a spell and having a cup of tea that I brewed especially for you. I won this teapot from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage a couple of years ago, and it's become one of my favorite things! I hope you enjoyed seeing my decorations, and next week I'll share some of the outdoor decor! And maybe by then I'll have found that missing box!


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Calling all red lovers! Do you remember when I found these toy phones at the flea market a couple of weeks ago?

After finding out that they were missing a vital component in order to make them work, I decided to separate them, and this one found a home amongst the quilts and picnic baskets. Still looking for a spot for the other one!

The wheelbarrow that Mr. Old Glory made me has definitely seen better days, and in fact it looks like some critter is using the wheel as a chew toy! I love decorating it for the seasons, and although the pumpkins are fake, because the squirrels would turn them into a buffet.......

I love collecting Osage Oranges that have fallen alongside the road and using them in my Fall decorations. They look like brains, don't they?!
The flowers in the windowbox are still hanging on, despite my forgetting to water and feed them as regularly as I did in the summer. Any day now, we'll get a hard frost and they'll turn to mush!
Well, that's my reds for this week. If you would like to see more reds, visit our hostess Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

I usually post my finds early in the morning, but Mr. Old Glory is sick and so is our college girl, so everything is bajiggety over here!

I was surprised that there were so many garage sales this past weekend. I'm really not looking forward to the end of garage sale season. Because that means that I have to turn to Ebay and antique stores to find my treasures, but I won't start that whole tirade right now! I found lots of holiday cheer at the sales, including that HUGE Gurley snowman.

I got two big turkeys.........

and some smaller ones too.

An old Made In Japan St. Patty's planter.......

and a drum for the patriotic decorations.

I've always wanted one of these Shawnee cats, and this one surprisingly came from our Goodwill. I rarely ever find anything good there, but I do try to stop in around the holidays, especially Christmas. It seems like the second week in December, people are decorating and going through their stuff and donating alot of it, and that's when I find vintage Christmas things there. Is your Goodwill any good?

And last, a couple of lantern picks and the saddest little tree I've ever seen. Truly, the Charlie Brown tree of it's time!
Last week I was trying to decorate for Halloween, but I'm missing a box! Where did I put it??? I've been trying to figure out what I may have been thinking when I put the box away, and honestly I have no clue. I can't decorate the bookcase without it! Have you ever packed anything away so good that you can't find it?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Once again, alot of my collecting categories saw some new additions.

The Toy/Game category: A set of Dialmaster phones, and a Lotto game from 1937. Supposedly, kids could call each other from one room to another with those phones. Or call Mom to bring them something to eat!

The Holiday category: Halloween die cuts, an owl that will get a transformation, an Easter egg from West Germany and a musical Lefton Irish lad and lassie.

I love the little red-roofed cottage on the egg!

The Vintage Kitchen category got this vintage Jewel Tea canister, and I think the We Can Do It lunchbox will go in the Patriotic collection.

Vintage swallows. These get added to the Birds On The Bathroom Wall category. I'll be painting these aqua!

More additions to the Patriotic category. I love that those flag holders have star cutouts in them, and they were made by the STAR company.

The Vintage Pottery category is quite proud to accept that little pink Pacific Pottery vase into their little club, and the Etched Mirror category gets that snazzy little 5x7 beauty!

And last but certainly not least, a little green vintage flashlight, hanging by the back door. This definitely falls into the Why Did I Buy It category. Seriously, I think my Grandpa might have had one like this. I just know that when I saw it, it felt very familiar to me, and I knew I had to get it. Has that ever happened to you? Honestly, I think that's how most of my collections started!