Tuesday, May 25, 2010

More Flea Market Finds For REDnesday

I'm linking to REDnesday over at It's A Very Cherry World, so please stop by and say HI to Sue, our hostess every week!

Today for REDnesday, I'd like to share more of my flea market finds. This quilt isn't old, so it's perfect sitting out on the porch swing. Note to squirrels: Touch it at your own risk! I'm contemplating painting the swing. Chippy, crackly white. Anyone want to talk me into it or out of it?!

I took a pass on this breadbox when I first saw it. The lady selling it said if it was still there when I was done walking the flea market, she would be willing to come down in price. Of course it was all I could think about as I continued to shop. Would it still be there? I certainly didn't need another breadbox in the kitchen. But I did need one on the porch! Needless to say, it was still there, and it was only $3.00.

The little flour sifter with the red tulips on it was only 50 cents.

As soon as I saw this flag at Michaels about two months ago, I've been so anxious to put it in the garden. I love the saying, and I love Mary Engelbreit! So......do you have any red things you'd like to share? I'd love to see them, so link up with Sue!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Flea Market Finds

I was really excited to hit the flea market again this weekend, but a little nervous too, after what will from now on be called The Bluebird Incident. I was worried that the crazy lady would recognize me, and rehash the whole thing, so I decided to go in disguise:
If she was there, I'm quite sure she didn't recognize me. I need to make a mental note to trim my eyebrows!

My first purchase was this pottery piece, which I'm sure is McCoy, but it has no markings on it.

It inspired the green and yellow thing going on here on this old plant stand I got last week at a garage sale.

I've seen a few Happy Birthday figurines on Ebay, so I was thrilled to find this musical Lefton one!

I was able to haggle the price of this little turquoise transistor radio down to $2. Do you haggle when you go to the flea market? I think you're expected to, so I didn't pay the asking price for any of these things!

This old quilt was only $3, and although it's not in the greatest condition...

I just love the flower baskets on it. And for $3 I can put it on the porch swing and not feel too bad if the squirrels attack it!

I live in Illinois, which is known as The Land of Lincoln. I've always wanted a Lincoln bust, and now I have one! He'll be part of my 4th of July decor, but he will also take up permanent residence somewhere in the house.

And finally, we have the cutest little thermos I've ever seen! Although I have no idea where I'll put it, it was only a quarter, and too cute to leave behind. So there you have it. No fights this time, and the worst thing I can say is that is was too hot and sticky already at 7AM. It's going to be a long summer!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Vintage Tablecloth And More For REDnesday!

Come one, come all to Sue's over at It's A Very Cherry World, where we RED LOVERS go to see all kinds of great RED treasures!

I've always wanted a vintage red, white and blue tablecloth for our dining room table. This huge tablecloth came from the citywide garage sales last week, and all it cost me was $1.00! Thank you Mr. Old Glory for being a clothesline for this shot!

This little barometer was also $1.00. I don't remember what the position these two are in means, but if it's supposed to mean that it's a gloomy, cloudy day, then they're right!

I didn't notice until I was uploading this picture that the poor gal up on the balcony is missing an arm. And seems to be trapped up there too, because there is no door. Now that I really look at this thing, it's kind of weird! What's she doing up there?!

I was lucky enough to win a $25 Walmart giftcard from Judi's giveaway over at The Vintage Hope Chest. I wasn't expecting anything else, but she also included these beautiful crocheted doilies, and the little flag too. Judi thought these things would be perfect for Old Glory Cottage, and she was so right. Thank you Judi!

And finally, I made this wreath for our front door, just in time for Memorial Day. This just makes me so anxious to start decorating for the 4th of July, my favorite holiday. Is it too soon to start?!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Trouble At The Flea Market!!!

I got in a fight at the flea market! Over these little bluebirds. As I was walking up to a table, I saw a lady pick these up, and then put them down. I've wanted a pair of these for a long time. So I just stood there, bided my time, and watched her pick them up again. I willed her to set them down and walk away. When she set them down, she said "No, they're too chipped." So I picked them up right away, and asked how much they were. All of a sudden, the lady starts yelling that she was going to get them! I said that I had seen her put them down and say they were too chipped. She yells real loud, "Ok, take them! Don't have a heart attack!" I yelled back, "I WILL take them!". So I did. So why do I feel so quilty?!? The worst part is that if I had gotten to that table 5 minutes sooner, I could have gotten the pitcher she bought that matches them, for $4. You can't touch them on Ebay for less that $30!!

I also got the old kitty planter and Lefton St. Patty's girl at the flea too. Then I got out of there quick before I ran into that crazy lady again! I was afraid she might have brought her big sons with her, and they would dangle me upside down by my feet, until the bluebirds fell out of my shopping bag!

Our town had citywide garage sales going on Friday and Saturday, so I must have gone to about 50 sales. The first day was definitely the better of the two. I got that lovely old chippy plant stand for $2.

And this plant stand for $3. I've been drooling over these at several antique stores, and I'm so glad I didn't pay their $30-$50 prices.

All of these clocks set me back $3! The blue one and black one are perfect matches to a collection I have.

I'm pretty giddy over the Pyrex, which was 10 cents each! The big Corelle bowl was 50 cents, and that groovy plastic bowl was free, because it was half off on the second day, and they didn't want to charge me half of a quarter!

This little birdcage was $1, and I spray painted it pink as soon as I got home.

Love the little heart on the door. I want to plant some flowers in there and hang it on a shepard hook in the garden. Very cottagey!

This big etched mirror was only $5. I love these, and this one has a paper label that says it was made in 1946.

This huge one came from the same garage sale, also $5. I couldn't believe my luck at finding two etched mirrors. This one belonged to the owner's Grandmother.

It will hang where this small one is hanging right now. As I was leaving the sale, I told the gal that her Grandmirror's mother would have a happy home with all of my other etched mirrors! I was so excited by these mirrors that I got a little tongue-tied!

And last but not least, a little pink planter and pink Home Sweet Home plate. All in all, a good week of junking. But I don't know if I'll go back to the flea next Sunday. Unless I go in disguise! But let it be known that I WILL fight for my finds!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My First Flea Market Finds - VTT

You never know what you'll see from one week to the next for VTT! Head over to Coloradolady, where Suzanne hosts this party every week!

Today I want to share with you some of the first things I ever bought at a flea market, back in the late 70s and early 80s! Everything you see in this picture was bought when I was in my late teens or early 20s. It's rather surprising to think that the things that I liked back then I still like today!

Like this lady head vase. I used to have a large collection, but I sold most of them on Ebay, keeping only the unsellable ones.

I remember buying this perfume bottle, and filling it with Jean Nate!

I remember buying this little jewelry box, Made In Japan. It still holds some of my necklaces from my teens!

I clearly remember buying this atomizer, and filling it with Avon's Hawaiian White Ginger.

Someone made a candle out of that tiny lady head vase, pouring wax into her head. Can you imagine? I remember buying that etched tray too. It's one of my favorite things, but a real bear to clean. How is it that I remember buying all of this stuff, but can't remember what happened last week?!

And I especially remember buying this tri-fold beveled mirror. It was $5, which was alot for me to spend at the time. I was with a friend who also wanted it. But I saw it first. So I got it. That's the rules when you go to the flea market. That, and no crying when someone else grabs a treasure before you do!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

REDnesday-Home Sweet Home!

Yes, it's that time again! Time to drag all of your RED stuff out of your cabinets and drawers and share them with the world! Sue is our hostess over at It's A Very Cherry World, where you'll find a list of lots of other RED lovers!

This plant stake is one of my favorite little things. I got it at a dollar store in Wisconsin. It looks very Mary Engelbreit-ish, doesn't it? But it doesn't say ME anywhere on it, and I can't imagine anything of hers ending up in a dollar store, can you? This little thing really speaks to me, because I love my home!

I received two lovely red mandevillas for Mother's Day. I need to put some bamboo sticks in there so that they can start climbing.

I used to get hibiscuses every year, but I decided I wanted something a little different. It sure is a beautiful plant, and I hope it's a good climber.

Next we have some red china plates, all made in England, and a very old red beaded purse. I don't know why red plates are so hard to come by around here, and if I do see any, they're really expensive. I had hopes of doing a nice big collage of them on the wall there, but this is as far as I got!

I don't think there's anything red in this picture, but I just wanted to say that I'm so excited that our daughter is home from college for the summer! And if you think that's alot of stuff, thankfully the other half has been unpacked and put away. I couldn't even see out the living room windows for a few days! Welcome home Lizzy!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Prettifying The Porch

I got up real early Sunday morning, all ready to go to the flea market, but it was only 34 degrees, so I didn't go. That's three weeks in a row now that my flea plans have been foiled by the weather! Oh well, I still had lots of fun on Mother's Day. I played outside all day! I figured it was time to start prettifying the porches. First I started by dragging this birdcage out of the shed.

I planted a vinca vine and some pink impatiens in there, and all of the little fairies are standing guard to keep the squirrels out!

I put a tablecloth on the patio table, along with the umbrella. I also planted up a bunch of those baskets that you see in the background.

And planted lobelia in a tortilla warmer! A friend of a friend made this planter using one of those plastic tortilla warmers you can buy at the dollar store. She just cut a hole in the part that sticks up, and the umbrella pole slides right through it!

I also slapped together some little pillows for the bench. I'm hoping the squirrels won't rip these apart like they did the ones I made last year.

Another basket that I made, using one of my favorite flowers, Torenia.

The watering cans are back out on the bench that Mr. Old Glory made.

Lotsa pansies in the little windowbox, and a ladybug watering can on the shelf by the back door. Ok, so all of that was on the back porch. I'm not done yet, but soon I need to set my sights on the front porch too.

One last thing. I had to show all of the pansies on my $5 plantstand! I love this thing, even though certain members of my family call it "the bleachers"!