Friday, July 30, 2010

Sew Pink-Pink Saturday!

Today for Pink Saturday I thought I would share my two vintage sewing baskets. This one came from a garage sale last year, and it sits on a bookshelf in our bedroom. It holds miscellaneous junk.

This is another shelf on that same bookshelf.

This sewing basket came from Ebay, and I think I won it for $2. Again, no sewing supplies in this one either!

An old plastic flower in a jar.

This is an old Fannie May candy box.

I was told it was supposed to be used as a glove or handkerchief box after you ate the candy.

Sorry that it's looking more purpley than pink. It's very gloomy outside. But can you see where it says Fannie May there in the corner?

And there is a mirror inside. Do you suppose it was there so that you could watch yourself pop those chocolates in your mouth?

I'm using it to store my vintage hankie collection. Some of these were my Grandma's, and alot of them have pink in them!

And I had to share all of these goodies that I won from Jaqueline's giveaway! Lots of pink things in there, and I especially love the cupcake! Thanks Jackie!
If you have the time, please pay a visit to RUST & RUFFLES. Janis has the prettiest pictures in each and every post. Check out her post on July 20th. I'm sure you'll be just as dazzled as I was!
Now please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts Pink Saturday every week, and you will find a list of all the other Pinkies!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Paint Dilemma

Garage sales were a bust this past week, and I really didn't find anything worth showing. So I thought I'd share an ongoing dilemma I've been having.

I'll admit it. When it comes to decorating, I'm a real dummy. And choosing paint colors? Forget it! Here's my dilemma:

I want to paint this. Really bad. Have for a couple of years now. My family doesn't want me to. Let's just forget about that for now! Ever since I discovered Daisy Cottage, I've admired Kim's love of color. And when I last visited Common Ground, I saw Debra's painted pie safe, and new it was time. The question is, what color? By the way, this is in the dining room. Do I paint it white? Or a sagey green? Do I use satin or semi-gloss?

I want to paint this secretary hutch too. Again, what color? Pretty much anything goes in this room. I've got pastels and primary colors in here.

This bookcase is the only light-colored piece of furniture in here.

The dining room chairs are dark wood, but the table is always covered by a vintage tablecloth.

There's also this dark clock in there. The wall almost looks pink in this picture, but it's actually a cream color. Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated! I guess I'm having such a hard time because once I paint them, that's it. I WILL NOT strip them back to the wood if I don't like it. Please help!!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink Pottery=Pink Saturday!

Today for Pink Saturday, I really don't have alot to share. It's so incredibly hot and humid outside, so I'm basically laying around the house like a slug!
These pieces of pottery sit atop our secretary hutch. It's so hard to pass up a piece of pink pottery, isn't it? That anniversary clock sat on my Grandparents' mantel for many years. Practically the very first thing I would do when we would arrive for a visit is wind that clock. One year, I couldn't wind it, because my stupid boy cousins over-wound it. Boys should not be allowed to touch pretty things, don't you agree? When my Grandma gave it to me, I rode the 350 miles home with it sitting in my lap!

Alot of you have already seen my vintage pink clock. But seeing as how I love it so much, and I haven't shared it for Pink Saturday.....

Here it is again! Along with a veritable rainbow of pottery. I'm always changing things around on the mantel, but the radio always stays right there!

This is a Duchess of Albany clematis from my late father-in-law's garden. The flowers never seem to open any further than this, so I think that makes them even cuter. And I never knew a clematis to spread by seed like this one does, but it's always nice to get free plants!
Well that's it for me. Please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our hostess with the mostest. I'm going to go lay down by the air conditioning vent now!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Red Wish List For REDNESDAY!

Yay, it's REDNESDAY! The day we get to share our love of the color red. When you're done looking at my reds, please head over to Sue's at It's A Very Cherry World to say HI and see lots more reds!

I'm so happy that I finally found something red, so that I could join in again this week! I found these sweet plates with the decals and crochet around them at the little old lady garage sale I spoke of in a previous post. Aren't they cute?!
I also wanted to share some things that are on my Wish List. I have a folder in my computer where I save images of things that I would like to have some day. Here are a few of the red things on my list:

A Cath Kidston bag. I don't think I'm ever going to find something like this at a garage sale, am I? One of these days I'll just have to splurge!

A beautiful red enamel table. Have you ever seen Sue's? It's gorgeous! My grandparents had one, and my Mom has it now. It's sitting under a pile of junk. I think it would look much better over here!

I have the plates on top, which are my favorites, but I want the other two also. They are from C.S. Post.

A Napco Little Miss Muffet. Check out her face. I think this is the part where " along came a spider and sat down beside her"!

A Napco Little Red Riding Hood. She needs to open her eyes, because the wolf if right behind her!!!

A vintage Noel candleholder set.

A vintage Christmas Card List box.

I would love to wear these gorgeous polka dot shoes! But it's so hard for me to walk in high-heel shoes, so.....

These are more my speed! I always wear big clunky rubber boots when I'm working in the garden after it rains. I love these. I want them! So, do you have a wish list? Tell me what's on it, because I'd love to know!

Garden Whites-White Wednesday

Welcome to White Wednesday! I'd like to share more whites from around the garden. When you're done looking, please head over to Faded Charm to see lots more whites!
I found this tall plant stand at a garage sale last week.

It's now painted white, and I love it, but......where in the heck am I going to put this thing?! I know I'll eventually figure out the perfect spot. I'm just glad that I didn't let not knowing where I was going to put it stop me from buying it. I hate when I do that! Do you ever do that?

This plant holder was also from a garage sale last week.

I love it painted white, but I wish I had left it that amazing green! I can't wait 'til the white starts chipping off and I can see that green peeking through.....

A cement bunny hiding in the ivy.

And some phlox with the palest pink centers. The gardens are looking so lovely right now, but we really need some rain. It's been at least two weeks since we had any. I think I need to go out there and do a rain dance!
Now go see some more whites over at Faded Charm, and say hello to Kathleen, our hostess!

Monday, July 19, 2010

My Weekend Finds

My garage saling buddy Nancy and I went to a subdivision sale this past weekend. We must have gone to about 30 sales, but it was the very last one where I got all of my goodies this week!

Aren't little old lady sales the best? I had been hoping to find a cheap lounger for the back porch, to read a book or take a nap. I was thrilled to find this old one, with yards and yards of vintage barkcloth covering the cushion. I can't decide whether to leave it green or paint it white.

I love this old metal plant holder. It's almost as tall as me! Which isn't saying much. It'll get painted white, probably before the day is done.

I've always wanted one of these pretty metal shelves. Unfortunately, my daughter likes it too. And wants to paint it black. She's moving into her first apartment, and has "shopped" our attic for things she can use too. I'm thinking I need to hide my finds until she's all moved in!

Love this old plant holder too. Can't decide whether to paint it or leave it. I kinda like the original green color. I guess I don't have to paint everything that comes my way, do I?

A teeny tiny vase.

Something to replace those dead flowers on the patio table!

I think this old plant holder might be my favorite find this week. It'll hang in the dining room, but first guess what I have to do. I have to decide what color to paint the clay pot that will go in there!

Rest assured, Mary will not be getting painted! I had hoped to find one this summer, and there she was, waiting for me at the little old lady sale. So, what did you find this weekend?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Garage Sale Pinks!

Today I'm sharing things that I got at garage sales for Pink Saturday!
This old pottery scotty dog was very cheap and very brown when I found him. Two coats of spraypaint later, and he's fit to come inside and live! Question: Should I paint some eyes on the poor guy, or leave him be?

I love this old vase! It's got a real gritty surface to it, almost like sand, and I think those starbursts are so 50s fabulous!

I found this metal candle holder at a garage sale last year. It was black, but I knew right away that it would be pretty in pink! I added a little pottery bird to perch inside it. So that's my new thing. Finding metal stuff and spray painting it either pink or white. Either Candy Pink or Heirloom White by Rustoleum. If there are any Rustoleum execs out there, I am available to be your spokesperson!
If you would like to see lots more of the color PINK, head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is our hostess every week! Please pop in to say hello, because she puts alot of work into making this party so much fun for all of us!
I would also like you to pay a visit to Anne at Anne Fannie's Green Acres. I love how this gal decorates her garden!