Tuesday, March 29, 2011

REDNESDAY-Cherries and Ladybugs!

I saw these cherry plates at the thrift over a week ago, but passed them by, thinking that I had nowhere to display them, and no room in the cupboards so that we could actually eat off of them. I'm sure you know where this story is going. Suffice it to say that I couldn't stop thinking about them, and when they were still there a week later, I took it as a sign that they should come home with me. I only wish that there had been a full set of them!

I found this cute ladybug quilt at an estate sale, and I can't decide whether to leave it as a quilt for the porch swing in front, or make a cushion for this bench and one for the porch swing. I love having cushions and pillows on them in the summer, but after what the squirrels did to them, I'm not so sure I want to put the time and the effort into making something cute, and then crying like a big baby when they get destroyed!

And last we have a bunny made from a vintage hankie and a rhinestone-encrusted pin. You don't see too many red bunnies, so I grabbed her!
I normally wait for Sue, our REDnesday hostess, to put her post up before I publish mine, but I recently have become caregiver to my Mom, so I've had to really start budgeting my time. I don't know how you ladies with full time jobs do it all!
Please drop by It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue will have a list of other red lovers for you to visit!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

B is for Bunny......

And E is for Easter! I spent a ridiculous amount of time decorating and crafting for Easter on Thursday, so I thought I'd share some of the results.
My favorite bunnies, which are on the bookcase, below.

I'm not done with it yet, and by the time I'm satisfied with it, most likely it will be time to pack it all away.

My favorite Easter decoration is this little picnic basket. It says on the bottom that it was Made In England in 1952. I bet there were some tasty cookies in there when it was new.

Two Made In Japan bunny girls.

The April angel on the left is mine from when I was a little girl.

The following things are on the green cabinet, like this Inarco bunny planter.

A spectacularly tacky combination of flocking and plastic on the bunny to the right.

A Relpo planter.

Doesn't the bunny pulling the cart look angry?

And here is the green cabinet all decked out. It probably looks silly to not pack away all of the red stuff, but that's just too much work to do for each holiday! I'm still fiddling with the birdcage, and if you enlarge, you should be able to see a bunch of chenille chicks perching inside, with the Mama observing them from above.
I think there's pink in every photo in this post, so I'm going to go ahead and link this to Pink Saturday over at How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly is the hostess!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

Since I don't have a single new red thing to share, I guess it's time to start re-sharing some things from Rednesdays past. Hey, the stuff needed dusting anyway....

Mr. Old Glory gave me this cake carrier a couple of Christmases ago, and it's still a favorite. It's only for decoration though, because it's a bit too rusty to hold a real live cake in it.

An old Blue Magic Krispy Kan cracker tin. Have you ever seen one of these before? Back in the day, you would take that glass knob off the lid, heat it in the oven, replace the knob, and it would absorb any moisture and keep your crackers fresh and crisp. I love the cracker flowers!

I found this little jar at a St. Vincent DePaul thrift store, minus a lid. A worker was boxing up alot of the glassware, getting ready to throw it all away, so I felt it only right to rescue the jar. That was many years ago, and I'm still looking for a lid that fits!
I might as well continue to take pictures as I dust, just in case I don't find any new reds to share for next week! If you would like to see more reds, visit our hostess Sue at It's A Very Cherry World, and all of the other red-loving bloggers that have linked up!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Spring!

It may be the first day of Spring, and yet there's a chance of snow here this week! But I know that any day now I will be able to start playing in the dirt again, and that makes me happy. So although we're having thunderstorms here, I hope your first day of Spring is full of sunshine!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This old clock has lived quite a life! It originally hung in the kitchen when I was a little girl, then in my bedroom as a teenager, then in my nephew's retro bedroom, and now it's made it's way to my kitchen!

When I saw this plate at a thrift store last week, I got really excited. I'd seen one just like it a few weeks ago on Shirl's blog, and I fell in love with it. Shirl's son Bob is in the Army and recently came home for a visit. Thank goodness for people like Bob, who are keeping our country safe!

I also found this little book bank, that was made in Japan, at a thrift store for a quarter. You wouldn't be able to save very many pennies in it, but as it says, a penny saved is a penny earned!
If you've just got to see more reds, then you should head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess, and visit all of the other blogs showing off their reds!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Weekend Finds, Easter Wreath and More!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

My weekend finds consist of these vintage pixie girls that found their way from Ebay to my home! They were made in Japan, many years ago, and I've been thinking over the last few days about how alot of my favorite "stuff" was made in Japan.

As long as you're here, I thought I'd also show you some of my St. Patrick's Day decorations. I don't have alot, but I have enough!

I also slapped together this Easter wreath. I decided to use only the things that I already had, instead of buying anything and adding to the "already bursting at the seams" craft area!

It looked kinda greyish in that last photo, so I took another shot of it against the green background.

Oh, and I hate my new glue gun. Look at all of that wasted glue! And glue isn't cheap anymore, like it used to be. The dollar store used to sell it, but now I have to wait until there's a coupon at Hobby Lobby. Because I am thrifty. I have a physical aversion to paying full price for anything! Ok, so now that you know how cheap I am and how much I hate my glue gun, let me ask you this: Did you find anything interesting over the weekend? And do you like your glue gun?!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Rednesday-Linens and A Baby Quilt

I had to dig pretty deep to come up with a Rednesday entry today, but I eventually found a few things to share!

I've had this baby quilt for many years, and it has sweet little farm scenes hand embroidered on it.

A barn and windmill. That barn could use a brand new coat of red thread!

A little boy playing the banjo, serenading......

the little girl sitting on the fence. She looks enthralled, doesn't she? She wouldn't be the first girl who had her head turned by a musician!

The old apple tree, with a couple of chicks eating their feed.

I've tried several times to get the stains out of this quilt, but I guess it's going to require a good long soak. I've heard Biz works, some swear by Oxy Clean. What works for you?

A couple of old kitchen towels.

An old piece of fabric with a picnic theme.

I want that old thermos!

This pattern is so un-PC, with the pack of cigs sitting there as part of the dessert!
That's all for me this fine REDnesday. If you'd like to see more reds, visit our hostess Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

It's weekends like this past one that keep me going back to all of the thrift stores, rummage sales, and antique stores, especially after the long drought of this winter. This pair of MIJ (Made In Japan) s&p shakers were only $1 for the pair.

I picked up and put down this vintage vinyl case three times. It's so mod, isn't it?

It looked so Springy, that I finally decided to get it, along with all of the stuff inside too.

Lots of wacky tacky plastic flowers.

Look at the ears on this old Easter Bunny. They're just as long, if not longer, than his whole body!

I love the floral fabric that was used on the inside of his ears.

An old biscuit jar, missing it's lid and handle, is now a flowerpot to a plant struggling to stay alive.

I've always loved the covers of old Harlequin Romance books. If I was actually going to read these books, I would have a hard time deciding which to read first: The Monkey Puzzle, or Cobweb Morning!

A couple of old cake decorations, just waiting to do The Hand Jive on your cake. What in the world am I going to do with these?

And last is a big old bookcase from a church rummage sale, that was only $5. Still lots of room on there for more quilts and picnic baskets! I just wish I could decide whether to paint it or not. My first instinct was to paint it a creamy white, and put some old floral wallpaper on the back part. Now I'm not so sure....... So, did you find anything interesting this weekend?