I would like to wish you all a Bonne Annee, or Good Year! And do a quick little review of 2009. I started this blog back in April, and I wanted to quit after just one week! I was putting too much pressure on myself to post often. It was supposed to be fun. Well, it is now, because I just go at my own pace, and just be myself! I'll start off the review with a couple of my favorite finds.
I found these pink shrooms at an estate sale, put them down, then quickly ran back and got them. They're perfect for my "secret garden"!
I just love the colors and graphics on this vintage Chinese Checkers game that I found at an estate sale.
I have always loved Smokey the Bear, ever since I was little, but I never had anything of his until I found this scarf. I almost cried when I saw it, believe it or not! Still looking for the perfect frame.
I found this quilt at a barn sale, for $3.50! A perfect addition to my patriotic decorations.
This old pink radio is one of my favorite things, won on Ebay.
This old lunchbox was another one of my Ebay winnings.
I've always wanted one of these pretty wastebaskets. Now that I finally have one, I feel it's too pretty to put garbage in!
I enjoyed showing my little children's stove that I had when I was a little girl.
I also enjoyed sharing my little pink dollhouse.
One of my favorite projects was turning this $1.00 garage sale clock...
into this! So fun and easy.
Another project that I enjoyed doing was making a cushion and pillows for the bench by the back door. They were so pretty, until the squirrels ripped them all to shreds. They used the stuffing in their nests up in the trees. I guess it was their mating season, so hopefully I will remember when that was, so I can bring in the new ones I plan to make!
I'm so proud of myself, because this summer I walked through that arch and conquered my fear of the neighbors in back of us, who threatened me. I had let my secret garden get all weedy for a couple of years because I was too afraid to go back there. I guess I got tired of being afraid. I got alot accomplished, including that picket fence along the back of the garden, until I got a raging case of poison ivy!
I had a wonderful time on my Girls Gone Wild Weekend!
My daughter, mother, sister and niece went to the Czech Fest in Wisconsin. We only got in a little bit of trouble!

My baby turned 21! That officially makes me old. But I don't feel old!

All in all, it's been a great year. I wish all of you and your families a 2010 that is filled with lots of love, happiness and prosperity!

And I want to thank all of the wonderful people that I have met here in blogland. You have all taught me so much, and shared little peeks into your lives, and I've enjoyed every minute of it!