I was lucky enough to receive a couple of red gifts for Christmas this year!
My sister is the Stitching Queen! She made me this sampler, and created the pattern herself.
Could it BE any more perfect for me?!
That sampler would have been gift enough, but then she also made me this quilt!
Here it is, opened up half of the way.
And it's chock full of wonderful vintage fabrics. Check out those strawberries!
There are several beautiful red, white and blue fabrics in this quilt too. I couldn't possibly pick a favorite!
The little boats and trains are awfully cute too! And as if that weren't enough, she also made me a second quilt, but I'll save that for another time! Mary, thank you again, and you are amazing!
Well, that's it for me. I think I'll relax with a good book, and some milk and cookies. Who's the author of the book? Me! It's actually a journal that I received from our wonderful hostess, Sue. Thank you, sweet friend!

And if I don't "see" you all again before New Years Eve, I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in the year 2011!
If you would like to see more reds, head over to Sue's, at It's A Very Cherry World!