Amid all the boxes and bubble wrap, the halls are getting decked slowly but surely! An old Relpo Santa pitcher and vintage trays sit on the kitchen counter.
Santa and his packages S&P shakers rest beside the stove.
The Girls Of Christmas! I still need to shimmy up to the attic to get some old ornaments that go in the jars, and then I can call this area DONE!
I love the expression on the face of the girl in the middle. Either she's appalled at the amount she spent while shopping, or she's troubled by the girl in the cloche!
I love this runner that's underneath them, and I'm so glad my friend bossed me into buying it this summer!
NOEL candleholders from the flea market, along with some old Little Golden Books. As I continue to unpack everything, I realize that I need just one more thing to make my collection complete. A bigger house! I can't possibly have it all out to enjoy, so I guess I'll just have to start decorating my car!
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