Gosh, does anybody else get a headache after trying to upload their pictures,
in the right order? For the fifth time?! I hate how you have to upload them in backwards order of the way you want them shown. Can't they make it easier?
Anyway, I goofed off ALL day Sunday! Did silly little things that weren't important, but had been driving me crazy, painted anything that stood still, and I had FUN! Do you remember this garage sale chair? It sure is cute, but I wanted to plant it. So I took the seat off, and that little back cushion,

and I found an old enamel basin in the shed, and I planted it! I wish I had waited 'til my neighbors went somewhere in their car to take this picture! Not attractive at all. Do you feel weird taking pictures of things in your yard? I do.

I bought this birdcage a couple weeks ago, and knew that I wanted it sitting on this table, somewhere in the garden, but the table is all rusty, so...

I spraypainted both! I hope you can tell that I painted the cage pink. I just threw a pack of flowers in there to see how they would look. How much do you want to bet that pack stays in there like that, and I don't put them in a pot? I'm a lazy gardener!

Next, this cabinet is so hard to open.

There is a key in each lock, and if I'm not careful the key will turn and lock the door and it's very hard to unlock it.

So I got some knobs from Hobby Lobby, half off, my drill and metal bit to drill through the locks, and

I like this so much better! Now if only I can talk my family into letting me paint this cabinet! I would love to paint it Wedgwood Green, or a pale yellow, or even chippy white. So far it's a no go. Is there something in your house that you want to change, but your family has talked you out of it?

I got this old pot at an estate sale, and I wasn't crazy about the color, so

I painted it! I was trying to make it look like a concrete pot. I saw some beautiful antique ones last week, but the cheapest was $40. It's ok, but definitely an improvement.

I see that I have messed up on the order of pictures here. Oh well, you will see the after before the before! I have a very tiny house, so I use this bin to hold my buckets for mopping the floors, and it also holds seasonal items from the porch. I added ball feet to raise it off the porch.

Well, here's the before shot. I got this bin for $2 a couple years ago.

Another before shot. This is what it looked like sitting on my porch for a couple years. I decided it needed a change.

And finally, the start of another collection. Just what I need! I had two cloches already, but I found another one today, so it's official. I have a cloche collection!

I was able to trap a fairy in this big one, made in Czechoslovakia.

And another one in the cloche I got today.

And I caught two in this one! This cloche was my first, and I was told that it is English. I don't understand what that green part is on it, but I like it anyway! Now if only I can find something really neat to make a chalkboard out of! I feel like I am the only person in the free world who hasn't made one! So that was my Sunday. I got nothing done that I was supposed to. My husband had to go to work today with mismatched socks, because I didn't do his laundry. I am bad. But I had fun.